Chapter 8 – Approval, Collection, and Disbursement of Optional Student Fees and Optional Academic Student Fees
8.1 Definitions
- "Mandatory student fee" is an obligation imposed upon a student of the University by Regent and University action.
- "Optional student fee" is an obligation imposed upon a student of the University at their own voluntary request as defined herein.
The two kinds of fees defined above shall be independent of each other in every way. The collection and disbursement of one kind shall not necessarily imply the collection and disbursement of the other kind, and, where they are both collected and disbursed, they shall not be commingled.
8.2 Eligibility for Optional Student Fee Collection and Disbursement
An organization, in order to be eligible to invoke the optional student fee collection and disbursement process by the University as defined herein, must:
- be a student organization formally recognized as such by the University; and
- be educational in nature or have an educational purpose; and
- be politically nonpartisan, nonprofit, and controlled by the student membership or student representatives thereof through a set of known and fair internal governance procedures; and
- if it is an affiliate or sub-unit of some other organization not a recognized student organization formally recognized as such by the University, be fairly represented in the policy-making organ of that other organization of which it is an affiliate or sub-unit, and, provided that said other organization must itself be in conformance with the requirements of subsections b and c of this section.
8.3 Certification to Solicit for Optional Student Fee
An organization in conformity with V-8.2 shall, subject to the requirements of V-8.5a and b, be certified as authorized to solicit individual obligations by members of the student body for an optional student fee, and The University of Iowa Student Government (hereinafter, the UISG) shall certify that fact to the University, for each such organization meeting either of the two following criteria:
- a two-thirds affirmative vote of the UISG has been achieved on the issue of authorization for that organization at a duly convened meeting of the UISG; or
- petitions are received by the UISG, conferring authorization upon the named organization, provided the petitions bear valid signatures of students in twice the number as voted in the most recent all-University election, or thirty-five percent of the student body, whichever is larger, and provided the organization is eligible under V-8.2.
8.4 Retention of Authorization to Solicit
An organization which has been certified as authorized to solicit under V-8.3 and V-8.5b shall retain such authorization until:
- Authorization obtained under the provisions of V-8.3a is terminated by a two-thirds vote (of those senators present and voting) at a duly convened meeting of the UISG, or
- Authorization obtained under the provisions of V-8.3b is terminated by the failure of the organization to receive an obligation of optional student fees from the number as voted in the most recent all-University election or fifteen percent of the student body, whichever is larger.
8.5 Procedures and Conditions of Solicitation
An organization authorized to solicit under the provisions of V-8.3 and not having such authorization terminated under the provisions of V-8.4, may solicit funds under the following conditions and by the following procedures:
- the total amount of all optional student fees solicited shall not exceed $30 per student per tuition term, and no one organization may solicit for more than $2 of those $30; and
- where more than one organization is authorized to solicit, the organizations shall be judged eligible to participate in the order in which they become currently authorized, until the $30 total limit is reached, and for purposes of deciding precedence the date of the vote shall be controlling for authorizations achieved in accordance with V-8.3a; and the date of receipt by the UISG of sufficient valid petitions shall be controlling for authorizations achieved in accordance with V-8.3b herein; the UISG shall be the judge of disputes as to precedence arising under this provision, and the Senate shall certify to the University which organizations are eligible to participate in what dollar amounts; and
- the University shall include one or more obligation instruments (for example, a computer card or equivalent form) indicating thereon the name of any organizations certified to it by the UISG as eligible for participation in accordance with V-8.3a and V-8.5b, together with the dollar value of the solicited optional student fee for each such organization, place for the student's authorizing signature, and instructions that if assessment of any optional fee is desired in a subsequent University bill the card should be completed, signed, and returned; the said instrument(s) to be enclosed, in regular materials delivered to all students, such as the registration packet or the first mailed University term bill, in accordance with, for authorizations by petition, the method called for by the petition; at the option of each certified organization educational information may be stated on said instrument or included with said instrument, and
- each student who incurs an obligation to pay the optional student fee attached to a particular organization in the instrument and under the procedure of subsection c of this section, shall have the amount of that fee billed to their account in regular fashion, and
- each student billed under subsection d of this section shall be released from their obligation within a fifteen-day period following the final day for payment without penalty, upon application in writing to the University Billing Office, and
- each student billed under subsection d of this section, and who pays on the obligation, shall have the payment refunded on the basis of mistaken payment provided they apply to the University Billing Office for such refund within fifteen days following the final day for payment without penalty.
8.6 Additional Regulations
An organization receiving optional student fees under the provisions of V-8.5 shall be equally bound:
- to reimburse the University for all administrative costs incurred by the University in the collection and disbursement of the fees; and
- to maintain complete and accurate accounting books and records, which shall be available for public inspection; and
- to use such optional student fees for the benefit of the student community of the University; and
- to receive all such student fees from the appropriate University account by a single disbursement through that account; and
- to provide for regular, annual auditing and to file such audits with the University; and
- to meet any other guidelines promulgated by the University or the Board of Regents in regard to this regulation.