22.4 Funeral Leave
Funeral leave can be used for funeral attendance, travel related to the death, or bereavement time. Funeral leave shall normally be used during the seven-calendar day period immediately following the death.
Funeral leave involving the employee's family consists of two parts:
- A maximum of three days (24 hours based on full-time employment, pro-rated for part-time) for each occurrence of death in the employee's immediate family1 may be charged to accrued sick leave. If accrued sick leave is not available, the employee may take the days as vacation or as leave without pay.
- Two additional days (16 hours based on full-time employment, pro-rated for part-time) for each occurrence of death involving the employee's spouse/domestic partner, parents, children, and the corresponding relatives of the employee's spouse/domestic partner and other persons who have acted consistently in the role of parent or child may be charged to vacation if they are contiguous with the initial three days described in paragraph a above. If accrued vacation is not available, the employee may take the days as leave without pay.
It is the employee's responsibility to inform their supervisor at the earliest possible time about the number of days required for funeral leave.
Recognizing the wide variety of family configurations that exist, the University strongly encourages departments and units to be flexible in granting additional time off beyond the funeral benefit described above to be supportive of employees who are experiencing a significant personal loss.
Leaves for funerals of those other than the members of an employee's immediate family may be taken with the approval of the employing department. If make-up time cannot be arranged in accordance with University policy, the employing department may agree to charge the lost time to vacation or treat the lost time as leave without pay.
For use of sick leave for serving as a pall bearer at a funeral for a person other than a member of the employee's immediate family, see III-22.3.
1. "Immediate Family" is defined as and limited to the employee's spouse/domestic partner, children, grandchildren, foster children, stepchildren, legal wards, parents, grandparents, foster parents, stepparents, brothers, foster brothers, stepbrothers, sons-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters, foster sisters, stepsisters, daughters-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, first cousins, corresponding relatives of the employee's spouse/domestic partner, and other persons who are members of the employee's household (see III-22.1b).