17.1 Payroll Dates
The payroll period for all staff members budgeted on a monthly or annual basis shall be from the first to the last day of the month inclusive. Salary checks are distributed on the first workday of the following month. Days not included as workdays are Saturday and Sunday, plus any day recognized as a federal holiday.
With the exception of the academic year pay plan as described in III-17.6, there are no salary checks issued in advance of the scheduled period of service.
Persons employed on an hourly basis are paid on a biweekly payroll. Hours to be paid are reported via Employee Self Service, due in the Payroll Department by 8:00 a.m. on the Tuesday following the close of the biweekly pay period. Departments that submit this information electronically transmit the data to Payroll according to a predetermined schedule. Checks are issued on the following Tuesday. If Tuesday is a recognized federal holiday, checks will be issued on the first workday following Tuesday.
Please check the following web link to determine if a day is recognized as a federal holiday: www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/snow-dismissal-procedures/federal-holidays/.
All recommendations for placing an individual on the payroll, including hourly vouchers, special vouchers and any adjustment in the regular payroll, must be in the Payroll Department by the close of business on the fifth working day before the end of the month. Inasmuch as recommendations for appointments or changes in status may require considerable time for processing before they can be reported to Information Management--Human Resources (IMHR), such recommendations must necessarily be originated by the departmental executive officer well in advance of the deadline.
In case of the death of a regular staff member, the payment of final salary includes one full month following the date of death, in addition to salary for accumulated vacation. For faculty appointed on an academic year basis this payment upon death is one ninth of their academic pay regardless of pay basis selected.