17.6 Computation of Salary for Academic-Year Faculty

(Regents 4/13/43; amended 8/99; 3/02)

Faculty members appointed on an academic-year basis are paid on a twelve-payment basis. The twelve payments will be paid in twelve equal installments beginning with a payment on August 1 and ending with a payment on the following July 1 of each fiscal year.

Newly appointed academic-year faculty members will not be paid on August 1 the first year. Instead, they will receive a payment on September 1 for two-twelfths of their salary, with the ten remaining installments paid monthly ending on July 1.

Partial academic year payments are calculated using the total number of academic-year working days as the denominator with the numerator being the actual number of academic days worked. This fraction is applied to the academic rate of pay to determine the earnings.