2.8(23) Presidential Committee on Athletics Charter

(Regents 2/10/82; amended 9/93; 4/25/95; 9/97; 9/00; 12/03; 5/04; 6/04; 5/07; 6/09)
  1. General. The Presidential Committee on Athletics (PCA) is the advisory committee for the university President and the Director of Athletics on policies governing the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics consistent with the rules of the Big Ten Conference and the National Collegiate Athletics Association and consistent with the policies of the university, the Board of Regents, and the State of Iowa. In addition to its duty to advise and recommend policies to the university President and Athletics Director, the Committee periodically apprises the faculty, staff, and student constituency organizations of the status of athletics at the university and nationally.
  2. Membership. Seventeen voting members appointed by the university President. Additional liaisons with Presidential approval.
    1. Two-thirds of the PCA consists of faculty members who are eligible for election to or are currently serving in the university Faculty Senate (11 members). Seven faculty members shall have a demonstrated record of undergraduate teaching and their primary appointment in one of the undergraduate colleges (Business, Education, Engineering, Liberal Arts and Sciences, or Nursing). Four faculty members shall have their primary appointment in the Graduate College or professional schools. Nominations for faculty appointments are submitted to the university President by a committee of the Faculty Senate.
    2. Two members are alumni, not members of the university faculty or staff. Alumni nominations are submitted to the President via the President of the UI Center for Advancement in consultation with collegiate deans and other units on campus.
    3. Two members are staff via nominees generated by Staff Council.
    4. Two members are students. One student nominated from the Iowa Student Athletic Advisory Committee (ISAAC) and the second one nominated by the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG.
    5. Liaisons to the committee typically include designated representatives from the Office of the President, including the Office of Civil Rights Compliance, the Office of the Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations, the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, the Office of the Vice President for Student Life, and the Athletics Department. These representatives are appointed by the President to facilitate and participate in the work of the committee.
    6. Committee is chaired by a faculty member; chair selection is made by the university President.
  3. Faculty Athletics Representative. The Faculty Athletics Representative must hold the tenured rank of professor or associate professor in the university. They are selected by the President after consultation with the President of the Faculty Senate. The Representative serves at the pleasure of the President. They need not be a member of the PCA at the time of their appointment, but the appointment makes them a member with full voting power even though this action increases the membership of the PCA beyond the usual maximum until the next vacancy. The selection of a new Faculty Athletics Representative does not of itself diminish the term of their predecessor as a member of the PCA.
  4. Officers. The officers of the PCA are a Chair (faculty, appointed by the President after consultation with the President of the Faculty Senate; the Chair serves at the pleasure of the President of the university) and a Vice Chair. The Vice Chair is elected by vote of PCA members either at the last PCA meeting of the spring semester or the first PCA meeting of the fall semester. A recording secretary will be provided by the Department of Athletics.
  5. Terms of Members. Members of the PCA are appointed for a 5-year term except for student members whose terms shall be 1 year. No person who has served for 5 years is eligible, upon completion of their term, for further service until they have been off the PCA for at least 6 months. The President of the university may waive the provisions of the foregoing sentence in the case of the Chair of the PCA, or of the Faculty Athletics Representative. The term of any person selected to fill a vacancy expires on the date which would have been applicable to the person whom they succeeded. For continuity and depth of experience within the committee, efforts should be made to stagger terms of appointments.
  6. Removal. Because intercollegiate athletics is a subject in which there is great public interest and calls for members of unusual ability, discretion, and judgment, the President, upon request of one-fifth of the members (3) of the PCA and for reasons which seem adequate, may remove a member from the PCA and cause the vacancy thus created to be filled. The PCA, by three-fourths vote of its members (13), may remove a member and declare the seat vacant.