2.8 Advisory Bodies
The policy making of the University is assisted by advisory committees and councils which have been convened by the President to provide counsel and advice in a variety of areas.
2.8(1) The University Faculty Senate and the University Faculty Council
(The following is a reproduction of the Constitution of the Faculty Senate and the Council, adopted by the General Faculty 3/10/67; approved by the President of the university and by the State Board of Regents 4/14/67, and as amended by vote of the faculty, and approval by the President and by the Board of Regents 11/14/69.) (Amended, Regents 6/26/75; 6/15/78; 4/18/84; 2/21/90; 9/93; 11/97; 2/98; 4/99; 7/00; 3/24/10)
- General. The Faculty Senate and the Faculty Council of the University of Iowa are elected bodies through which the faculty expresses its concern for the welfare of the university, develops and disseminates ideas for university improvement, and contributes to the formation of general university policy.
- Definitions.
- The "University Faculty Senate" is the representative and deliberative organization of the faculty of the University of Iowa.
- The "University Faculty Council" is the administrative agency of the university Senate.
- For the purposes of this constitution: "Faculty who hold tenured appointments" are all those faculty who have been awarded or appointed with tenure as tenure is defined in the university of Iowa Operations Manual (see III-10). "Faculty who hold nontenured appointments" are all those faculty who hold the rank of professor, associate professor, or assistant professor and who hold neither tenure nor a clinical appointment. "Faculty who hold salaried clinical appointments" are all those faculty who do not have tenure and who have been appointed to salaried clinical faculty positions as those positions are defined in the University of Iowa Operations Manual. "Probationary salaried clinical faculty" are those salaried clinical faculty who are in their initial appointment and who have not undergone the full-scale, departmental-collegiate review provided for under III-10.8c(1) of the Operations Manual.
- The University Faculty Senate.
- Powers and Duties:
- The Senate may discuss and take a position on any subject of university concern.
- The Senate may formulate and recommend policies to the President of the university on all subjects of university concern.
- The Senate appoints the members of the faculty who serve on general university committees and the members of the Faculty Judicial Commission. If it is possible to do so the Senate should appoint at least one of its own members to each university committee.
- The Senate receives and reviews the reports from all general university committees.
- Through the Committee on the Selection of Central Academic Officials, the Senate consults with the Board of Regents regarding the selection of the President of the university and with the President regarding the selection of other central academic officials. Participation by members of the Committee on the Selection of Central Academic Officials in the selection of the President and other central academic officials shall be determined by the Board of Regents in the selection of the President and by the President in the selection of other central academic officials after consultation with the president of the Faculty Senate and the Chairperson of the Committee on the Selection of Central Academic Officials, with a goal of insuring substantial participation by members of the Committee on the Selection of Central Academic Officials in the selection process, consistent with other committee obligations of the members and the exigencies of the particular search. Participation by faculty who are not members of the Committee on the Selection of Central Academic Officials shall be determined by the Board of Regents in the selection of the president and by the president in the selection of other central academic officials after consultation with the president of the Faculty Senate and the Chairperson of the Committee on Committees.
- The Senate may call meetings of the faculty.
- The Senate is the judge of its own membership.
- The Senate may adopt bylaws for declaring vacant the seat of any member of the Senate or Council who fails to attend meetings of the Senate or Council.
- Composition. The Senate consists of at least one representative from each college except the Graduate College and additional representatives based on the number of faculty members in each college eligible to vote under I-2.8(1)e of this Constitution. The number of such additional representatives is determined as follows: the number of voting faculty members in the entire faculty is divided by sixty; the quotient, rounded to the nearest whole number, is then divided into the number of voting faculty members in each college and the result, rounded to the nearest whole number, is each college's quota of additional representatives.
Besides the representatives elected as specified above, who may (except as otherwise provided in this paragraph) hold either tenured, non-tenured, or salaried clinical appointments to the faculty, the Senate also includes eight representatives who at the time of their election must hold non-tenured appointments or probationary salaried clinical faculty appointments. Of these eight non-tenured or probationary representatives, three are elected from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, two from the College of Medicine, and three at-large from the remaining colleges. No more than 20 percent of the senators from any college, or one senator, whichever is greater, may be clinical track faculty of that college. - Terms. A member of the Senate is elected for a three-year term and may be re-elected to a second term of three years. Following one or more years of absence from the Senate, a faculty member becomes eligible once more to serve two consecutive terms. A first term may be automatically extended by election to the Council as specified in I-2.8(1)d(3) below. In such a case a member of the Senate may be re-elected only to an abbreviated term, the length of which is the unexpired portion of the second three years of eligibility. Either a first term or a second consecutive term may be automatically extended by election as an officer of the Senate as specified in paragraph (5) below.
- Eligibility. Members of the faculty who are eligible to vote for members of the Senate are also eligible for election with the following exceptions: 1) those who are completing the second of two consecutive terms in the Senate, and 2) those deans, directors, and central administrative officers whose duties are judged by the Committee on Elections to be primarily administrative.
- Officers. The officers of the Senate are a president, a vice president, and a secretary. Any newly elected, continuing, or departing member of the Senate, or any person who has served at least three years in the Senate at any time, shall be eligible to be elected as an officer. Any person elected as an officer of the Senate shall automatically be a member of both the Senate and the Faculty Council. Terms are for one year and begin with the adjournment of the organizational meeting. The vice president and the secretary shall be elected by a majority of those present and voting at the organizational meeting. The president shall be the person whose term as vice president is just ending. No one may hold two offices simultaneously or serve consecutive terms in the same office. If the president's service in the Senate would otherwise end at the conclusion of their term as president, it shall be automatically extended for one year.
If the office of president becomes vacant, the vice president shall become president for the remainder of that term and remain president for the following term. If the office of vice president becomes vacant, it may remain vacant until the end of the term, in which case the Senate shall elect a president as well as a vice president and secretary at its organization meeting. Alternatively, at any time during a vacancy in the office of the vice president, the Faculty Council may call an election to fill the vice presidency, and a vice president shall then be elected at the next regularly-scheduled Senate meeting, provided that at least 10 days notice of the election has been given to the Senate membership. If the office of president becomes vacant when the office of vice president is also vacant, the secretary shall convene a special meeting of the Senate with at least 10 days notice (unless the organization meeting is sooner) at which a president shall be elected to serve the remainder of the term. That person shall be eligible for election as president for the following term. If the office of secretary becomes vacant, the president shall appoint an acting secretary for the remainder of the term. In the event that any vacancy in any Senate office occurs in a manner not contemplated by these rules, the Faculty Council may call an election to fill the vacant office. The election may be held at a special meeting of the Senate called for that purpose, or at a regularly-scheduled Senate meeting, provided that at least 10 days notice of the election has been given to the Senate membership. - Procedures.
- Regular Meetings. The Senate meets in regular session four times each year, not less than twice each semester. Other meetings may be called by the president or by the President of the university. The president shall call a meeting of the Senate at the request of ten percent of the Senate membership or a majority of the Council. Any member of the faculty may address to the Council a request for a meeting of the Senate.
- The presiding officer of the Senate is the president. In the absence of the president, the presiding officer is the vice president and if both are absent the secretary serves as presiding officer.
- The Council provides agendas for meetings of the Senate. These agendas may be amended from the floor.
- In meetings of the Senate the right of the floor is limited to: 1) members of the Senate, 2) the President of the university or a personal representative designated by the President of the university, 3) the Dean of Faculties of the university, 4) the Dean of the Graduate College, 5) members of committees reporting to the Senate, and 6) other persons granted the floor by the Senate.
- The meetings of the Senate shall be open. Executive sessions may, however, be held by majority vote of the Senate. In executive sessions attendance is limited to 1) members of the Senate, 2) the President of the university or a personal representative designated by the President of the university, 3) the Dean of Faculties of the university, 4) the Dean of the Graduate College, and 5) other persons approved by majority vote of the Senate. Some portion of each regular meeting must be open. A report of each executive session must be made in the next open meeting. Written reports of open meetings are distributed to all members of the faculty.
- A quorum of the Senate consists of more than one-half of its members.
- The existence of the Senate shall not preclude other means of communication between the President of the university and the faculty.
- Committees.
- The Senate may establish such general or special committees as its business may require.
- The committees of the Senate are named by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate.
- Powers and Duties:
- The University Faculty Council.
- Powers and Duties.
- The Council represents the Senate when the Senate is not in session.
- The Council operates under procedures set forth by the Senate, undertakes all tasks assigned to it by the Senate, and reports on its activities to the Senate.
- The Council is available for consultation with the Board of Regents, the President of the university, or any official designated by either.
- The Council is responsible for and maintains the records of Senate proceedings and all reports and communications received from university and Senate Committees.
- The Council is responsible for publishing and distributing to the faculty reports of all sessions of the Senate and of the Council.
- The Council may organize itself, subject to this Constitution and Senate directives, in any manner appropriate to the accomplishment of its duties.
- Composition. The Council is composed of members of the Senate elected by the faculty to serve on the Council, together with the officers of the Senate, if they are not otherwise members of the Council. The regularly elected members shall include at least one member from each college represented in the Senate. Colleges whose faculty membership exceeds one-twelfth of the total number of faculty are entitled to one additional Council member, those whose faculty exceeds two-twelfths of the total faculty are entitled to two additional members, and so on.
- Terms. A member who is elected to the Council during a first term in the Senate, or at the beginning of a second term, serves on the Council for a three-year term. Election to the Council during the second or third year of a first Senate term automatically extends membership in the Senate by one or two years, as the case may be. Council members may be elected during a second term in the Senate and serve for the remainder of their second Senate terms. Upon expiration of a three-year term, a faculty member is not eligible to be elected to the Council again until a full year has passed following the end of that term. Officers of the Senate who are not otherwise members of the Council serve on the Council during their terms as officers of the Senate. But the president of the Senate is also invited to serve on the Council during the year after their term as president. While serving on the Council the past president has the right to vote and all other rights of a member of the Council.
- Eligibility. Members of the Senate are eligible for election to the Council except during the year which follows a three-year term on the Council.
- Officers. The president, vice president, and secretary of the Senate are respectively the president, vice president, and secretary of the Council. No one may serve two consecutive years in any of these offices but may hold different offices in successive years.
- Meetings. Meetings of the Council shall be open. Executive sessions may, however, be held by majority vote of the Council. In executive sessions attendance is limited to 1) members of the Council, 2) the President of the university or a personal representative designated by the President of the university, 3) the Dean of the Faculties of the university, 4) the Dean of the Graduate College, and 5) other persons approved by majority vote of the Council. Some portion of each regular meeting must be open. A report of each executive session must be made in the next open meeting. Written reports of open meetings are distributed to all members of the faculty.
- Powers and Duties.
- Elections.
- General Rules. Elections are held annually under the supervision of the Senate Committee on Elections. Tenured, nontenured, and salaried clinical faculty who hold the rank of professor, associate professor, and assistant professor are considered members of the faculty and eligible to vote. Faculty members not attached to a represented college are assigned to the most appropriate of the represented colleges for electoral purposes. Faculty members holding emeritus status are not eligible to vote. The Committee on Elections may also recommend that persons engaged in teaching or research under other titles be permitted to vote. The Committee on Elections presents to the Senate a list of persons eligible to vote in each college, a list of positions to be filled, and a list of persons eligible to vote but not to be elected to certain offices. These lists become official upon approval by the Senate. In all elections, all votes have the same weight.
Four elections are held each year: 1) nominations for the Senate, 2) the Senate election, 3) the Council election, and 4) the election of officers of the Senate.
A college which wishes to apportion its representatives to the Senate or the Council among subdivisions of the college must present a plan for this purpose to the Senate for approval. When such a plan is approved, the appropriate decisions regarding eligibility for election are made by the Committee on Elections. - Nominations for the Senate. On the nominating ballot, a faculty member may make one nomination for each vacant position in the Senate for which the faculty member is eligible to vote. Twice as many nominees are chosen as there are vacancies. A faculty member who receives sufficient votes to be nominated becomes a nominee upon being notified and consenting to run. One who may be nominated for either an at-large vacancy or a collegiate vacancy may choose to run for either but not both. When a faculty member decides not to run, the person receiving the next largest number of votes is invited to be a candidate. Cases of ties are decided by lot by the Committee on Elections.
- Senate Elections. The Senate ballot for each college contains twice as many names as there are vacant positions. Each eligible voter may vote for as many names as there are positions to be filled. A voter may vote for fewer than this number but may not cast more than one vote for one person.
- Council Election. In some cases, election to the Council is automatic, e.g., the case of a college with two representatives in the Senate of whom one is currently serving on the Council. When a college has more than enough eligible members of the Senate to fill vacant positions on the Council, the Committee on Elections sends to the college a ballot containing all the eligible names. Each voter may vote for as many persons as there are positions to be filled. A voter may vote for fewer than this number but may not cast more than one vote for one person.
The Committee on Elections reports the results of the voting to the Senate. When the report is approved, the candidates with the highest number of votes are declared elected. - Elections of Officers of the Senate. As soon as possible after the last regular meeting in the spring semester, the newly elected and continuing members of the Senate hold an organizational meeting in which they elect a vice president and a secretary for the coming year. They also elect a president if the past year's vice president is unable to succeed to the presidency.
- Vacancies.
- Vacancies arising between elections. Vacancies on both the Senate and the Council which arise between annual elections are filled by the Senate from eligible members of the constituency affected for a term expiring June 30 following the next annual election.
- Vacancies in prospect at the time of elections. If a vacancy for one year or more on the Senate or Council is in prospect at the time of the annual election, the vacancy is filled by regular election procedures. If a vacancy for less than one year is in prospect, it is filled by the Senate from eligible members of the constituency affected.
- Eligibility for reelection. Service in a vacancy which extends over more than eighteen months' time is considered equivalent to a full term in determining eligibility for reelection.
- Leave of Absence. Any member of the Senate or the Council who is on leave or who anticipates being on leave from the university may request a leave of absence from the Senate or the Council. The seat of the absent member shall be filled for the period of the absence in the manner prescribed for filling other vacancies.
- General Rules. Elections are held annually under the supervision of the Senate Committee on Elections. Tenured, nontenured, and salaried clinical faculty who hold the rank of professor, associate professor, and assistant professor are considered members of the faculty and eligible to vote. Faculty members not attached to a represented college are assigned to the most appropriate of the represented colleges for electoral purposes. Faculty members holding emeritus status are not eligible to vote. The Committee on Elections may also recommend that persons engaged in teaching or research under other titles be permitted to vote. The Committee on Elections presents to the Senate a list of persons eligible to vote in each college, a list of positions to be filled, and a list of persons eligible to vote but not to be elected to certain offices. These lists become official upon approval by the Senate. In all elections, all votes have the same weight.
- Amendments. Amendments to this constitution may be initiated by 1) persons having the right of the floor in the Senate, or 2) petition to the Senate by at least ten faculty members.
An amendment becomes effective when approved by 1) a majority of those voting in the Senate, 2) a majority of those voting in a faculty referendum, 3) the President of the university, and 4) the Board of Regents, provided, however, that in the case of any amendment to I-2.8(1)c(2) — regarding the limitation on representation of clinical track faculty to twenty percent of the representatives from any college — the required vote of the Senate shall be a three-fifths affirmative vote of those voting. - Bylaws. The Senate may by majority vote establish bylaws, not inconsistent with this constitution, governing the conduct of the business of the Senate and of the Council and such other matters as may be within its competence. Any member of the Senate may propose additions, amendments, or deletions to the bylaws by submitting a written text of the proposal to the secretary of the Senate at least 14 days before the meeting at which it is to be considered. The secretary of the Senate shall circulate the same to all members of the Senate prior to the meeting.
2.8(2) The Association of Emeritus Faculty and Emeritus Faculty Council
- Name and Membership.
- The Emeritus Faculty Council, referred to below as "Council," is the eighteen member executive committee of the Association of Emeritus Faculty of the University of Iowa, referred to below as "Association," and is elected by members of the Association. The Council shall conduct the business of the Association between the Association's annual meetings.
- Membership in the Association includes all persons who, before they retired, were eligible to vote in the election of members of the University of Iowa Faculty Senate.
(The 1998 Constitution of the Faculty Senate defines those eligible to vote as including all traditional tenured and tenure-track faculty members plus the following non-traditional faculty members:
"Tenured, non-tenured, and salaried clinical faculty who hold the rank of professor, associate professor, and assistant professor are considered members of the faculty and eligible to vote. Faculty members not attached to a represented college are assigned to the most appropriate of the represented colleges for electoral purposes.")
- Goals.
- The goals of the Association and Council are to provide advice and assistance to its current and prospective members on matters of mutual concern, and to the university in carrying out its various missions. In seeking to achieve these goals, the Association and Council shall:
- Establish and maintain contact with current and prospective emeritus faculty; and
- Consult on a regular basis with current Faculty Senate officers and appropriate university officials and offices.
- In addition, the Association, at its annual or special meetings, and the Council, between such meetings, may consult with any individuals or groups and make recommendations to its members and/or to the university on any matters they deem appropriate.
- The goals of the Association and Council are to provide advice and assistance to its current and prospective members on matters of mutual concern, and to the university in carrying out its various missions. In seeking to achieve these goals, the Association and Council shall:
- Meetings of the Association.
- The Association shall meet annually. Other meetings shall be called by the President of the Council to consider one or more specific issues if requested to do so by:
- A majority of the Council.
- Twenty members of the Association.
- The presiding officer of the Association meetings is the President of the Council. In the absence of the President, the Vice President will preside, and if both are absent, the Secretary will presid(e). If none of the officers are present, the Association will designate the presiding officer from among the remaining members of the Council by majority vote.
- The Council will provide the tentative agenda for all meetings of the Association subject to the approval of the Association. The agenda may be amended from the floor of the Association meeting.
- A quorum of the Association shall be 36 members.
- Meetings of the Association shall be open unless a majority votes to meet in executive session. Some portion of each meeting must be open. A report of each executive session shall be made in the next open meeting.
- The Association shall meet annually. Other meetings shall be called by the President of the Council to consider one or more specific issues if requested to do so by:
- Composition and Functioning of the Council.
- To assure representation across the university, membership on the Council will include at least one representative from each college (nine members) except the Graduate College, and, to assure that the Council membership also reflects, at least roughly, the difference in the number of retirees from different colleges, the three colleges with the largest number of retirees will provide the remaining nine members as follows: the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences five additional members; the College of Medicine three additional members; and the College of Education one additional member. Voting for the members representing each college will be restricted to eligible Association members from those colleges. The Executive Vice President and Provost or their designee shall serve ex-officio as liaison to the Council from the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.
- Elections of Council members shall take place prior to July 1 each year, with the first election occurring in the year 2000. Each year six Council members shall be elected to serve three-year terms starting on July 1 of the year of their election. Members of the Council are eligible for election for no more than two successive three-year terms. Following one or more years of absence from the Council, a former Council member becomes eligible once more to serve two consecutive terms.
(The terms of office of members of the initial Council are staggered, so that six persons were appointed to a one-year term, six to a two-year term, and six to a three-year term. The terms of those now on the Council will be deemed to commence on July 1, 1999, and Council members with one-year only appointments may serve one additional three-year term.) - Officers.
- The Council will elect its own officers. The officers of the Council are President, Vice President who shall be President Elect, and Secretary. Terms are for one year commencing July 1, 1999.
- If the President Elect's (Vice President's) term on the Council would otherwise end at the time they are to take office, the term shall be extended automatically for one year. No one may hold two offices simultaneously or serve consecutive terms in the same office.
- If the Office of President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall become President for the remainder of that term and remain President for the following term. If the office of Vice President becomes vacant, it may remain vacant until the end of the term, in which case the Council will elect a President as well as a Vice President and Secretary at the time scheduled for the next election of officers. At the Council's option, a Vice President may be designated before the regular election.
- The Council President may establish such general or special committees as the Association's business may require, and such committees may include both Council members and members of the Association who are not on the Council.
- Meetings of the Council shall be open unless a majority of Council members vote to meet in executive session. Some portion of each meeting must be open. A report of each executive session shall be made in the next open meeting. A majority of the Council will constitute a quorum.
- Powers and Duties of the Council.
- The Powers and Duties of the Council are:
- To represent the Association and act as its executive committee between meetings of the Association's members. The Council will organize itself in any manner appropriate for the accomplishment of its duties.
- To report on its activities to Association members at the annual meeting of the Association, and, to the extent feasible, by correspondence between annual meetings.
- To consult with and counsel members and prospective members of the Association, the officers of the Faculty Senate, the Executive Vice President and Provost, and other appropriate university officials on matters of mutual concern.
- To maintain the records of its own proceedings, Association proceedings, and all reports and communications received from Association and Council committees and maintain a liaison with the University of Iowa Retirees Association.
- The Powers and Duties of the Council are:
- Elections to the Council — The Process.
- Election to the Council will be supervised by a Committee on Elections appointed by the President with the approval of the Council.
- Nominations for Council membership.
- The Committee on Elections will solicit nominations for election to the Council from members of the Association. On the nominating ballot, Association members may make one nomination for each vacant position on the Council, whether from their own college or another.
- The names of the two eligible members who receive the highest number of nominations for each vacancy will appear on the ballot if they consent to run. If one or both decline to run, the name(s) of the eligible member(s) with the next highest number of nominations who consent to run will appear on the ballot.
- The election ballot normally shall contain twice as many eligible nominees as there are vacancies. If only one of those nominated for a vacant position consents to serve, the Committee on Elections will try to identify another eligible member willing to serve, and if it succeeds, both names will appear on the ballot. If not, one name will appear.
- If no member from a college is willing to serve, that college will not have a representative on the Council until the next election unless the sitting Council member from that college is willing to continue serving for an additional year. The two consecutive three-year term limitation will not bar such service.
- The Committee on Elections will prepare and distribute ballots to members. After counting the ballots, the Committee will certify the results to the membership.
- Vacancy.
- If a vacancy for one year or more on the Council is in prospect at the time of the annual election, the vacancy will be filled by regular election procedures. If a vacancy for less than one year is in prospect, it will be filled by the Council (from eligible members of the constituency affected).
- Service in a vacancy that extends for more than eighteen months is considered equivalent to a full term in determining eligibility for reelection.
- Amendments. Amendments to the bylaws may be initiated by the Council or at the annual meeting of the Association on motion of any member. The Association will be asked to approve a proposed change by paper ballot distributed to all members, with a change requiring a majority vote of those voting.
- Parliamentary Authority. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the Council and the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Council and Association may adopt.
2.8(3) University Staff Council
Effective July 24 and December 20, 2024, this policy has been revised. For individual changes, see the redlined version.
- Name [Article I]. The name of this organization shall be the University Staff Council of the University of Iowa. Herein referred to as the "Council" or "UISC."
- Mission and goals [Article II].
- Mission. The Council supports the university mission. In pursuing that mission, the Council seeks to advance such endeavors through visibly active staff participation/involvement both campus-wide and community-wide in a spirit of unity and open communication with other shared governance organizations on campus.
- The goals of the Council are to:
- Advocate on behalf of represented staff;
- Advise the university Administration on policies;
- Inform the university community of the activities of the Council;
- Promote university relations within the community of Iowa City and the state of Iowa;
- Collaborate with shared governance organizations on campus, notably the Faculty Senate, Student Government and organizational shared governance groups;
- Promote staff learning through professional development and awards; and
- Promote communication and shared governance among staff, central administration, Faculty Senate, and Student Government.
- Organization [Article III].
- The Council represents regular employees of the university who are classified as Professional and Scientific or Merit staff and who are not represented by an exclusive bargaining agent. Membership on the Council is based upon representation from job functions and organizational units. The Council will be comprised of 60 members:1 39 representing Job Function/combined Job Function Categories, herein referred to as Job Function Categories, and 21 representing Organizational Unit/combined Organizational Unit Categories, herein referred to as Organizational Unit Categories.
- Council representation will be reevaluated every 3 election cycles beginning in the 2018–19 Council year.
- Approximately one-third of Council seats shall be elected each operational year. Organizational representation is on a fixed schedule of election; job function representation is on a static, revolving three-year cycle of election. Vacancies and multiple-year officer positions do not affect election cycles. Refer to paragraphs k and o (articles XI and XV) and to Table 1 at https://staff-council.uiowa.edu/about/staff-council-bylaws.
- Official Publication [Article IV]. Council information will be available on the Council website and provided to the Office of Strategic Communication for publication.
- Operational year [Article V]. The operational year of the Council shall be from June 1 to the following May 31.
- Council Nominees [Article VI].
- Those eligible for nomination shall be regular employees of the university, either full time or part time, who are classified as professional and scientific or merit staff and who are not represented by an exclusive bargaining agent.
- All eligible staff members may run for election or appointment to officially recognized shared governance bodies. Council nominees should discuss their intent to be on Council with supervisor(s) to ensure that time away from work can be allowed. Supervisors are encouraged to provide reasonable flexibility so that elected staff members may participate in Council business during regular work hours. Four hours per month typically should be expected to conduct Council activities, such as monthly meetings and committee assignments. Refer to paragraph i (article IX) for councilor duties.Elected Council members must provide their supervisors as much advance notice as possible of Council meetings and activities that occur during their regular work hours.
- Nominations to the Council membership [Article VII].
- A standing committee shall be appointed, according to paragraph f, which will oversee nominations to the Council. This committee shall be known as the Elections Committee.
- The call for nominations shall be as follows:
- Three months before the next operational year begins, the Council shall advertise upcoming nominations for Job Function councilors. Nominations for vacancies in a Job Function Category shall be sent to the Elections Committee of the Council no later than 2 months before the operational year begins.
- Nominations for vacancies in an Organizational Unit Category shall be determined by its organizational unit Category shared governance process no later than 1 month before the next operational year begins.
- Employees who are represented by the Council may seek election to the Council, as long as the term limits are not exceeded. Refer to paragraph i (article IX).
- Elections to the Council Membership [Article VIII].
- The Council elections shall be as follows:
- The names of all eligible Job Function nominees shall be placed on the ballot. Ballots shall be prepared and approved by the Elections Committee. Nominations may not close before the first day of the second month before the next operational year begins. Ballots will be electronically distributed to all employees in the Job Function Category no later than the fifth working day of the second month before the next operational year begins. The deadline for election of councilors will be 2 weeks after the distribution date.
- The names of all eligible Organizational Unit nominees and voting procedures shall be determined by the Organizational Unit Categories shared governance processes. Councilors must be elected, not appointed to represent the Organizational Unit Category. The Vice President/President Elect will serve as an advisor to each Organizational Unit. See paragraph k(2)(f).
- Election results will be verified and reported as follows:
- Following the Job Function Categories election, results will be approved and certified by the Elections Committee. In case of a tie, the winner shall be chosen by random draw administered by the Elections Committee. Results of the election shall be formalized by notification to the Council Secretary for permanent Council file no later than 2 weeks before the operational year begins.
- Following the Organizational Unit Category elections, results will be approved by their respective Organizational Unit Category Shared Governance Committee and communicated to the Elections Committee. The Elections Committee will give Organizational Unit representative results to the Council Secretary for permanent Council file no later than two weeks before the operational year begins.
- A Councilor may not represent both Job Function and Organizational Unit. In the event the same person is elected to represent a Job Function Category and an Organizational Unit Category, the Elections Committee will determine placement and the representative vacancy shall be filled in accordance with paragraph o.
- Any candidate listed on the official ballots for annual election may ask for an audit of the election within 7 days of the date of mailing of the election summary. Said audit request must be presented in writing to the chair of the Council Elections Committee or the chair of the Organizational Unit Category Shared Governance Committee, whichever applies. An authorized audit of election ballots shall be performed by an impartial third party.
- All newly elected councilors will begin at the start of the operational year.
- In the event that a councilor changes positions within the university to another represented Category, the councilor may continue to serve on the Council until the end of the operational year, with the approval of the Organizational Unit Category Shared Governance Committee or the Elections Committee. In the event of a vacancy, refer to paragraph o.
- In the event that a member of the Council changes positions within the university to a category not represented by the Council or terminates employment, the member's term ends immediately. In the event of a vacancy, refer to paragraph o.
- The Council elections shall be as follows:
- Membership [Article IX].
- Term of membership:
- Councilors shall serve no more than 2 consecutive elected 3-year terms.
- Councilor terms shall be 3 years unless a vacated term is being completed, or if the Budget Officer, Vice President/President Elect, or President is in the last year of their Council term, in which case this councilor's term is extended in order to fulfill the duties of Budget Officer, President, and/or Past President.
- Reelection can be sought after a 1-year leave.
- Duties of membership:
- Regularly attend meetings and participate in discussions.
- Solicit information/opinions from constituents and share with Council.
- Disseminate Council information to constituents.
- Accept at least one Council committee assignment.
- Term of membership:
- Officers [Article X].
- The officers of the Council shall be a President, Vice President/President Elect, Past President, Secretary, and Budget Officer.
- Nominations for the officers of Council shall be open beginning at the meeting 2 months prior to the start of the operational year continuing through 7 calendar days prior to the meeting one month prior to the start of the operational year. An individual may be nominated for multiple officer positions; in the event of election, their name will be struck from successive ballots. A nominee may also withdraw their name at any time prior to a given election. Officers shall be elected by the Council at the meeting 1 month prior to the start of the operational year.
In the event of a tied vote during the election of an officer, the Council shall conduct a second vote amongst the tied individuals. In the event that a tie continues in the second vote, the position shall be filled at random from the pool of tied individuals. The method of random selection shall be at the discretion of the Elections Committee. - All officers of the Council shall assume their duties at the beginning of the operational year.
- Duties of Officers [Article XI]. The duties of the officers are those implied by their respective titles and as specified in these bylaws.
- The President shall:
- Preside at all meetings of the Council and Executive Committee.
- Convene the Executive Committee to appoint Council members to all ad hoc, external, or standing committees. These appointments are subject to the acceptance of the members so appointed.
- Appoint committee chairs.
- Submit appointments or recommendations for representation on university committees in consultation, as necessary, with the Committee on Committees.
- Prepare an agenda for each meeting over which the President presides.
- Prepare the Annual Report for the President of the university for presentation at the Council meeting at the first meeting whereby new councilors are asked to attend.
- Appoint a President pro tem in the event of the absence of the President and Vice President/President Elect.
- Submit Council recommendations to appropriate university officials.
- Serve on the Faculty Staff Budget Committee as ex-officio member.
- Hire and supervise support staff.
- Serve as past-president the following year.
- Serve on the UI Shared Governance Council.
- Serve on Mary Jo Small Awards Committee.
- Perform such duties as may arise pertaining to the office of President.
- Term: 1 year.
- The Vice President/President Elect shall:
- Perform the duties of the President in the absence of the officer.
- Perform such duties as the President shall designate.
- Assume the office of President the following year or as outlined in paragraph j(3) (article X.3).
- Serve on the Faculty Staff Budget Committee as ex-officio member.
- Serve on the UI Shared Governance Council.
- Serve as an advisor to each Organizational Unit regarding the selection of a Council representative through a shared governance process.
- Term: 1 year.
- The Secretary shall:
- Be responsible for minutes of the Council and all Executive Committee meetings.
- Be responsible for the Council meeting attendance roster.
- Conduct correspondence, as necessary.
- Serve on the UI Shared Governance Council.
- Serve on the Faculty Staff Budget Committee as ex-officio member.
- Serve on Mary Jo Small Awards Committee.
- Term: 1 year.
- The Past President shall:
- Serve on the Faculty Staff Budget Committee as ex-officio member.
- Appoint a staff designee from the Faculty Staff Budget Committee to serve as Staff Co-Chair.
- Serve on the UI Shared Governance Council as an ex-officio member.
- Participate on the Awards Selection Committee for the Staff Council sponsored awards.
- Term: 1 Year.
- The Budget Officer shall:
- Prepare an annual office budget for approval by the Executive Committee.
- Prepare an annual overview of Staff Council budgetary information.
- Serve on the UI Shared Governance Council.
- Serve on the Faculty Staff Budget Committee as ex-officio member.
- Term: 2 years.
- The President shall:
- Executive Committee [Article XII].
- Voting members shall include the President, Vice President/President Elect, Past President, Secretary, Budget Officer and four other members elected at the last meeting of the operational year.
- The Executive Committee is charged to formulate goals and direction for Council activities and advises and assists the officers of the Council in carrying out the responsibilities of their office.
- The Executive Committee reviews all proposed amendments to Staff Council bylaws. The review shall be conducted according to the Policies and Procedures Manual. Approved proposed amendments to the bylaws then proceed according to paragraph s (article XIX).
- Nominations for at-large Executive Committee positions shall be open beginning at the meeting 2 months prior to the start of the operational year continuing through 7 calendar days prior to the meeting 1 month prior to the start of the operational year. An individual may be nominated for multiple officer positions in addition to an at-large Executive Committee position. In the event of election to an officer position, their name will be struck from the at-large Executive Committee ballot. A nominee may also withdraw their name at any time prior to the at-large Executive Committee election. The at-large Executive Committee members shall be elected by the Council at the meeting 1 month prior to the start of the operational year.
In the event of a tied vote during the election of an at-large Executive Committee position, the Council shall conduct a second vote amongst the tied individuals. In the event that a tie continues in the second vote, the position shall be filled at random from the pool of tied individuals. The method of random selection shall be at the discretion of the Elections Committee. - The term of office for elected, at-large, Executive Committee members shall be one year. At-large members elected to the Executive Committee for 2 consecutive years, must remain off the Executive Committee for one year. This does not apply to Officers of the Council.
- Minutes from all Executive Committee meetings will be distributed to the Councilors.
- Executive Committee meetings are called and chaired by the Council President not less frequently than every 2 months.
- Vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be filled as stated in paragraph o (article XV).
- Meetings [Article XIII].
- Meetings shall be held monthly. Regularly scheduled Council meetings may be cancelled or rescheduled at the discretion of the Staff Council President.
- The meetings of the Council shall be open to the public. Executive sessions may be held by majority vote of the Council. In executive sessions, attendance is limited to members of the Council, the President of the university or a designee, the senior executive from Finance and Operations, the senior executives from Human Resources, and other persons approved by a majority vote of the Council. Some portion of each regular meeting must be open. A report of each executive session must be made in the next open meeting.
- Special meetings may be called by the President.
- The Council office should be notified of all absences from meetings.
- Council members missing more than 3 of the regularly scheduled meetings during the year may be sent a letter reminding them of their obligations to represent their constituents on the Council. Council members missing 5 or more of the regularly scheduled meetings during the year shall be subject to replacement upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall notify the President of a Council member missing three meetings, and shall notify the Executive Committee of a Council member missing 5 meetings.
- Minutes taken at Staff Council meetings will be sent to the members of the Council in draft form no later than 8 business days post-meeting.
- Quorum/Voting [Article XIV].
- In order to transact business that requires a vote, a quorum of simple majority of the Council members must be present.
- To carry a motion, affirmative votes must be cast by one more than one half of those voting except as stipulated in paragraph s.
- All voting in meetings of the body of the whole will be done by voice, by hand, by paper ballot, or by electronic ballot. If the vote is an election, it must be performed by secret ballot.
- Vacancies [Article XV].
- In the event of a Job Function Category representative or Executive Committee member vacancy during the year, the Elections Committee will use the current term's election results from which to select the next member by order of votes received. If nominees are not available from the immediately preceding ballot, the Elections Committee will solicit nominations from the floor at the first available Council meeting and forward 2 names to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will then be responsible to complete final selection of a new member to serve the remainder of the vacant term. If a vacancy occurs within 4 months of the beginning of the next operational year, the Elections Committee will fill the vacancy using the upcoming election results and begin with the new operational year term.
- In the event of an Organizational Unit Category representative vacancy during the year, the Organizational Unit Category's shared governance process will determine selection of the new representative and communicate according to paragraph h (article VIII).
- If the office of President becomes vacant within the first 6 months of the operational year, a President shall be appointed by the Executive Committee to serve the remainder of the term. If the office of President becomes vacant within the last 6 months of the operational year, the Vice President/President Elect shall become President for the remainder of that term as well as the following year.
- If the office of Vice President/President Elect becomes vacant, a replacement shall be elected by the councilors. If the vacancy was caused by the previous occupant becoming President in the last six months of the operational year, the replacement Vice President shall not assume the office of President the following year.
- If the Office of Secretary or Budget Officer becomes vacant, the President shall appoint a Secretary or Budget Officer from Council membership for the remainder of the term.
- If the office of the Past President becomes vacant, the President may appoint a Past President from current or previous councilors to serve for the remainder of the term. The appointed Past President shall have completed at least 1 full term as President prior to the appointment.
- Staff Council committees [Article XVI]. Council members are expected to actively serve on at least one ad hoc committee, standing committee, external committee, or the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall appoint Council and non-Council staff members to the standing committees. The Staff Council President shall designate a chairperson for each standing committee. A committee chair may recommend non-Council, ex-officio, or advisory members be appointed to their committee; the Executive Committee has authority to do so. At the discretion of the committee chair, committee members may be removed from the committee for non-attendance.
- Committee Chair shall:
- Maintain a committee calendar providing guidance as to the timing of occurrences such as special deadlines, when planning for annual events should begin, and other notable dates.
- Maintain records such as previous meeting minutes (if kept), a history of the committee charges, the annual year-end committee report, and other documents important to committee function.
- Document and maintain policy and procedure information. This should contain information not only of what is done, but how it is being accomplished.
- Maintain a list of commonly used contacts.
- File a year-end committee report with the Staff Council President or designee.
- Provide an electronic copy of all above materials to the Staff Council Office Manager at the end of the Staff Council year.
- The standing committees and their respective charge(s) shall be:
- Access, Opportunity, and Diversity (AOD) Committee:
- Purpose: To promote access, diversity awareness, and opportunities for engagement among constituents on campus, in alignment with the University of Iowa’s core values.
- Scope of Concern:
- Develop and encourage staff participation in programs that promote access, increase diversity awareness, and create opportunities for engagement.
- Actively engage with various diversity groups on campus and in the community, supporting their goals and collaborating on events and programs that foster a sense of belonging and mutual support.
- Disseminate information to Council and staff on diversity programs and current activities, seeking Council’s support to promote these initiatives.
- Request annual updates from the Division of Access, Opportunity and Diversity on progress made in increasing access, opportunities, and diversity among staff, and report findings to Staff Council annually.
- Membership: No special requirements.
- Awards Committee.
- Purpose: To recognize and reward staff for exemplary service to the university and/or to the community.
- Scope of Concern:
- Administer and manage awards that recognize staff contributions, including:
- David J. Skorton Staff Excellence Award for Public Service
- UI Outstanding Staff Award
- Board of Regents Staff Excellence Award
- Richard E. Gibson Award for Merit Staff
- Welcoming and Respectful Workplace Staff Award
- Call for nominations for the awards in the fall of each year.
- Review submissions in terms of requirements.
- Convene a Selections Committee to evaluate and determine the awards for nominated staff, to include Council Past President and Council Awards Committee chair(s).
- Submit winner information to the Office of the President for recognition at Institutional Awards Ceremony.
- Notify nominators, recipients, and other nominees.
- Notify Council, Office of the President, university organizations, Office of Strategic Communication, and other appropriate media.
- Report activities to the Council.
- Administer and manage awards that recognize staff contributions, including:
- Membership: 3–4 councilors.
- Bylaws Committee:
- Purpose: To review and make recommendations regarding bylaws and associated policies and procedures.
- Scope of Concern:
- Serve as a resource for the Executive Committee and Staff Council committees and constituent groups regarding potential changes to the bylaws.
- Review proposed bylaws amendments to determine whether they are consistent with current bylaws:
- If, after Executive Committee review and approval, the Bylaws Committee finds the proposed amendment consistent with current bylaws, the Bylaws Committee will bring the proposal to the Staff Council at the next regular meeting.
- If the proposed amendment is inconsistent with current bylaws, the Bylaws Committee will recommend language that makes the proposal consistent with current bylaws and will transmit that proposal back to the Executive Committee for review.
- After the last meeting of the Staff Council operational year, compile and transmit all updates to the Bylaws to the Executive Committee, who will forward them to the editor of the University of Iowa Operations Manual for publication.
- Review Staff Council policies and procedures to ensure they are consistent with the Staff Council bylaws and to advise the Executive Committee.
- Act as parliamentary advisory in order to maintain productive Council meetings.
- Assist shared governance or other university groups with creating or amending their bylaws as requested.
- Membership:
- Members: No restriction on the number of members.
- Open to: Current Council members. If available a non-Council member may be included to act as an expert or advisor on bylaws.
- Term: 1 year.
- Committee on Committees:
- Purpose: To solicit and recommend the best qualified candidates to represent staff on the University of Iowa charter, non-charter committees, and other standing committees. To find and recommend replacements for the various committees as unscheduled openings occur. Candidates' eligibility for each university committee is governed by I-2.8(6) with charter and non-charter committee policies.
- Scope of Concern:
- Act as liaison with staff members serving on university charter committees and non-chartered committees.
- Report charter and non-charter committee issues of interest to the Council.
- Provide Council view to charter and non-charter committee members as needed.
- Membership: There is no requirement or term for membership on this committee.
- Communications Committee:
- Purpose: To facilitate the communication of up-to-date information relevant to councilors, represented staff, and others interested in the activities of the StaffCouncil.
- Scope of Concern:
- Work closely with the Executive Committee and other Council committees to communicate with all Council audiences.
- Maintain a digital presence for Staff Council.
- Maintain resources related to councilor communications.
- Explore and support communication tools.
- Membership:
- Membership is open to all councilors. The size of the committee is at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
- The chair must be a member of the Council.
- Membership must include at least 1 member of the Executive Committee.
- Individuals not on Staff Council may be appointed to the committee by the committee chair, requiring approval by the Council president. Non-Council members should have relevant committee expertise.
- Term: 1 year.
- Community Outreach Committee:
- Purpose: To foster a relationship with campus and the surrounding community by promoting volunteerism among Staff Councilors.
- Scope of Concern:
- Collaborate with Staff Council members to identify volunteer opportunities across campus and in the surrounding community.
- Organize volunteer opportunities for Staff Council participation.
- Encourage Staff Council members to document and submit their university and Council-related volunteer efforts to the Community Outreach Committee and provide a procedure to do so.
- Membership:
- Members: The committee consists of a minimum of 3 Staff Council members.
- Open to: Current Staff Council members.
- Term: 1 year.
- Education Committee:
- Purpose: To explore options for further educational opportunities and to make recommendations to the Council for making such opportunities available to staff. To inform staff of the existence and function of the Council. To educate and provide resources to incoming and current staff council members regarding the responsibilities, operations, and functions of Staff Council.
- Scope of Concern:
- Organize and present Council information to new staff members through the mentorship and orientation programs.
- Provide education to the University Community about the function of Staff Council.
- Membership:
- Members: The committee consists of a minimum of 4 Council members.
- Open to: Current Council members.
- Term: 1 year.
- Elections Committee:
- Purpose: To solicit candidates for vacant seats on the Council, Council office of President, Vice President/President Elect, Secretary, and Budget Officer, and Executive Committee. To carry out elections in accordance with the Council bylaws.
- Scope of Concern: Refer to paragraphs c, f, g, h, j, l, n, and o (articles III, VI, VII, VIII, X, XII, XIV, and XV).
- Membership:
- Members: 3–5 Council members.
- Open to: Current Council members not seeking reelection governed by the Elections Committee.
- Term: 1 year.
- Health Care Committee:
- Purpose: To facilitate discussion regarding the issues facing UI Health Care staff, and to develop recommendations for a proactive and collaborative approach to problem solving and issue resolution where indicated and with the best interests of staff in mind.
- Scope of Concern:
- Organize and present relevant information to staff council on health care–specific topics.
- Provide feedback to UI Health Care leadership on a quarterly basis or more frequently as needed.
- Attend UI Health Care forums and meetings as appropriate.
- Membership:
- All function and organization representatives currently in positions which fall under UI Health Care organizations will have membership to the committee.
- A chair and pro-tem chair will be appointed yearly by the Executive Committee with no finite restriction on number of members.
- Human Resources Committee:
- Purpose: To review University of Iowa policies and procedures central to human resource needs and concerns of Professional and Scientific and Merit Supervisory Exempt/Confidential staff in order that it may advise Central Administration in these matters.
- Scope of Concern: The Committee will be responsible for annually reviewing, maintaining, and updating the Workplace Support Matrix for presentation to the Council at or before the March meeting and inclusion in the orientation binder for new councilors. The Committee may consider and make recommendations to any human resource policy or practice including but not limited to the following:
- Furlough, temporary status,
- Retraining, professional development, recognition,
- Reallocation of staff due to organizational change,
- Job reclassification and review,
- Workplace safety,
- Compensation,
- Performance appraisals,
- Staff benefits,
- Compliance and regulation issues.
- Membership:
- Members: The number of members is at the discretion of the Council. The chair and vice-chair of the committee will be members of the Council. At least 3 members of the committee will be non-council members and the majority of the committee members will be Council members. Non-council members should have firsthand experience in working with human resource issues of concern to Professional and Scientific and Merit Supervisory Exempt/Confidential staff.
- Open to: Current Council members. Administrative liaisons and/or their representatives with human resource interests are invited to attend as appropriate and with the Committee's approval.
- Term: Committee membership is a 2-year term with a maximum of 3 back-to-back terms.
- Merit Supervisory Exempt/Confidential Committee:
- Purpose: To develop, review, facilitate discussion and make recommendations concerning issues of Merit Supervisory Exempt/Confidential (MSE/C) Staff.
- Scope of Concern: The issues that may be addressed include but are not limited to the following as they apply to MSE/C personnel:
- Review policies and practices relative to MSE/C colleagues.
- Foster inclusion of MSE/C Staff on all recommendations from Council.
- Meet with MSE/C constituents at least twice per year.
- Communicate MSE/C information to constituents as appropriate via listserve.
- Meet with UI administrators and other representatives as appropriate to represent MSE/C staff on issues.
- Represent the University of Iowa MSE/C membership on the Regents Inter-institutional Supervisory and Confidential Advisory Council (RISCAC) which represents non-bargaining Merit Staff of the University of Iowa, Iowa State University, University of Northern Iowa, Iowa School for the Deaf, and Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School.
- Membership:
- Members: Committee consists of all MSE/C staff on Council and at least 1 non-MSE/C Council member.
- Open to: Current Council members.
- Term: Length of Council term for MSE/C members and 1 year for non-MSE/C Council members.
- University Relations Committee:
- Purpose:
- Endeavor to establish and maintain working relationships between university and shared governance bodies.
- Foster good relationships among local, state, and national officials and the university, in collaboration with the Executive Committee and in conjunction with Faculty Senate's Governmental Relations Committee.
- Research and share findings on new methods and improvements to shared governance models.
- Scope of Concern:
- Attendance at organization shared governance meetings.
- Identify shared governance group contacts.
- Keep shared governance portal up to date.
- Investigate and compare shared governance models of peer institutions to our own.
- Membership:
- Members: No restrictions; however at least 1 member of the Executive Committee should be a member of the committee.
- Open to: All Councilors.
- Term: 1 year.
- Purpose:
- Access, Opportunity, and Diversity (AOD) Committee:
- Committee Chair shall:
- Parliamentary Authority [Article XVII]. The parliamentary authority of the Council shall be Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised. This authority shall govern all procedures in the Council except where it conflicts with any special rules of order adopted in these bylaws.
- Policies and Procedures Manual [Article XVIII]. There shall be a Policies and Procedures Manual. Inclusion/revision/deletion of policies and procedures will be brought to the Bylaws Committee which will be submitted to Executive Committee for recommendation.
- Amendments [Article XIX].
- A proposed amendment shall be sent to the Executive Committee, via the Vice President/President Elect, for consideration by the entire committee at its next regular meeting.
- The Executive Committee may approve, modify, send back for revision, or reject the proposed amendment by a two-thirds vote. If the proposal is sent back for revision or rejected, the rationale for the decision shall be provided, and the proposing group shall have an opportunity to submit an updated amendment to the Executive Committee.
- If a proposed amendment is approved, the Vice President/President Elect shall transmit the proposed amendment to the Bylaws Committee to follow its procedures regarding amending the bylaws.
- These bylaws may be amended at the regular monthly meeting of the Council by a two-thirds vote of those present, provided that the amendment has been introduced to the Council at the previous regular meeting.
1. Council representation structure was accepted on March 9, 2011. Between April 1, 2011, and April 1, 2014, there will be a transition period whereby members elected under the previous four-category system will be placed in their Job Function Categories. Membership might exceed 55 during this period, whereby it is possible for the number of councilors in a Job Function to exceed the number of councilors needed to represent the given category. Initiated by the Elections Committee and approved by the Executive Committee, currently elected councilors may temporarily fill an Organizational Unit Category vacancy or may remain as an additional Job Function representative until their elected term expires. Once an Organizational Unit Category elects a councilor, councilor placement by the Elections Committee for that given category will not be an option.
2.8(4) The Graduate Council
- Membership. The Graduate Council consists of the deans of the Graduate College as ex officio nonvoting members, 13 members elected from the graduate faculty, and 4 graduate students chosen by the Graduate Student Senate for 1-year terms.
Faculty representation on the Graduate Council shall consist of 11 collegiate representatives and 2 at-large representatives. One collegiate representative shall be elected by the graduate faculty of each of the colleges of Business Administration, Dentistry, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Public Health. Three collegiate representatives shall be elected by the graduate faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The 2 at-large representatives shall be elected by the graduate faculty as a whole. - Duties of the Council.
- To serve as the executive committee of the graduate faculty.
- To assist and advise the Dean in the conduct of College business, including preparation of agendas, calling of emergency meetings, and determination of the status of staff members where doubt exists as to their eligibility for membership in the graduate faculty.
- To evaluate new graduate programs and revisions in existing programs, including non-departmental and interdisciplinary programs, and to make recommendations to the graduate faculty on new programs and on such aspects of curricula as will maintain uniform and effective educational policy.
- To supervise the codification of current rules and regulations of the graduate faculty.
- To assist the Dean, upon request, in the formulation of administrative decisions or judgments.
- To confer with the Dean on matters of policy regarding the professional welfare of the graduate faculty.
- Term of Office for Faculty Members. Council members are elected to serve for a term of 3 years, and take office at the opening of the fall semester following election.
- Officers. The Dean of the Graduate College and the Associate Dean of the Graduate College act respectively as chair and secretary of the Council.
- Executive Committee. The Graduate Council selects from among its elected membership 3 members for an executive committee whose major function is to consult with the Dean of the Graduate College on procedural issues which do not require the decision of the full Council.
- Election Procedure.
- Eligibility. All members of the graduate faculty are eligible for membership on the Graduate Council, except for the President, vice presidents, and deans. Associate and assistant deans and directors who are substantially engaged in teaching and research are eligible. Members who has served for 2 or more years may not succeed themselves.
- Elections of Collegiate Representatives. In the spring of a year in which the term of a collegiate representative is to expire, an election will be held by the graduate faculty within that college to elect a successor. Such elections must occur at least 6 weeks prior to the election of at-large representatives as described below.
- Elections of At-Large Representatives. To elect at-large representatives, the Graduate Council shall appoint from the graduate faculty an ad hoc nominating committee of 5 members which shall nominate 3 candidates for any at-large vacancy. Results of elections for collegiate representatives will be taken into consideration by the nominating committee.
Ballots bearing the names of the at-large nominees shall be distributed by the registrar to members of the graduate faculty. Each faculty member shall return their marked ballot to the registrar. The envelope, but not the ballot, shall be signed by the voter.
The nominees receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected to regular terms. The nominees receiving the next highest votes shall, in order, fill any irregular terms resulting, for example, from leaves or resignations of an at-large representative.
In case of a tie, a Board of Tellers composed of 3 members of the council appointed by the dean shall determine the choice by lot. - Vacancies. Procedures for filling vacancies of collegiate representatives for the remainder of the term shall be established by each of the colleges. In the case of a vacancy of an at-large council representative, the Graduate Dean shall appoint the faculty member receiving the next highest vote in the last at-large election to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
- Election Date. The date for the election of at-large members of the Graduate Council corresponds to the date for elections to the University Faculty Council.
2.8(5) Student Governments at the University of Iowa
Two co-equal student governments exist and derive authority from students at the University of Iowa. The University of Iowa Student Government (UISG) represents and derives authority from the undergraduate student body. The Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) represents and derives its authority from the graduate and professional student body.
Both UISG and GPSG shall participate in shared governance at the University of Iowa. UISG and GPSG shall collaborate with the other shared governance organizations on campus, notably the Faculty Senate and the Staff Council.
Each government is established, structured, and governed by separate procedures. The University of Iowa Student Government is governed by its constitution and the Graduate and Professional Student Government is governed by its charter. Both the UISG Constitution and the
GPSG Charter explain an amendment process.
GPSG and UISG share jurisdiction over several areas of joint interest. These areas include: the University of Iowa Student Judicial Court,
Joint Finance Committee,
Nominations Committee, and
Lecture Committee Selection Committee. GPSG and UISG recognize that each of the joint committees must be governed by separate bylaws that identify the scope of work and processes of those committees. GPSG and UISG may amend said bylaws by passing concurrent legislation.
Provisions describing the committees over which UISG and GPSG share jurisdiction must be placed in the primary governing document of each respective student government.
GPSG and UISG shall appoint 3 undergraduate and 2 graduate/professional student representatives to the Student Activity Fee Committee. The Student Activity Fee Committee, in accordance with Iowa Code 262.34B and Board of Regents policy (BRPM 1.6I), makes Student Activity Fee allocation recommendations to the university President.
2.8(6) General Charter for University Committees
- General Purpose and Method of Operation. University charter committees are established, modified, and disestablished by the collective action of the following 3 organizations, namely, the University of Iowa Student Government, the Staff Council, and the Faculty Senate (herein called "assemblies"), and by the President of the University of Iowa or designee.
The organization, purpose, and charge of university charter committees are subject to the authority of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, and the President of the University of Iowa.
Charter committees are established in an effort to assure that university-wide services and activities will be carried out in the best interests of education and society. The membership of university charter committees is generally composed of faculty, staff members, and students in varying proportions according to the committee's primary interest. Charter committees are designed to be small working groups. Unless special circumstances dictate, they shall not exceed 11 appointed, voting members. Their general responsibility is twofold: 1) to recommend and to advise on the formulation of university policy, and 2) to assist in the interpretation of university policies to their respective constituencies.
The composition of each charter committee, the activities of concern to it, and the specific charges to it are set forth in specific charters which follow this General Charter. - Scope of Concern. Within the area to which it is assigned by its specific charter, each university charter committee may recommend university policy and advises on the following matters: 1) formulation of basic policy and objectives; 2) development of plans and programs including financing; 3) development of operations, procedures, rules, and regulations; 4) response to suggestions and inquiries from all persons interested in the university; 5) solicitation of expert opinion and information from any sector of the university when it appears that such opinion and information will help the committee in its advisory capacity; and 6) other matters of mutual interest and concern as they arise. University charter committees are privileged, as are the assemblies and constituencies which the committees represent, to take a position on any question concerning the relation between the area of their immediate concern and the overall welfare of the university. The position taken will be deemed that of the charter committee and not necessarily that of the three assemblies or their constituencies. Upon its request, the charter committee will have access to all relevant public information as defined in Chapter 22 of the Iowa Code.
- Authority. Each university charter committee acts only in an advisory capacity within the area assigned to it. Committee recommendations are not binding on the administration. On the other hand, it is expected that the views of the committees will have an important influence on policies and procedures in their areas of concern. Administrators remain responsible to and accountable to the President of the university. Members of the charter committees, on the other hand, should report to and seek the views of the assemblies which have nominated them. Furthermore, it is expected that when administrative officers of the university seek the opinion of students, faculty, or staff, they will use, among other sources of information and advice, the services of the appropriate charter committee. Each assembly, of course, may maintain its own internal committee system. Similarly, the President of the university shall be able to establish committees as deemed necessary by the President.
- Appointment Procedures.
- Qualifications for Members.
- Appointments of committee members by each assembly are to be made in accordance with the procedures adopted by that assembly. Appointments must meet the committee membership requirements of the general charter and of the specific charter for the committee concerned. Appointments must be consistent with the university's affirmative action policy. All such appointments shall be confirmed by the President of the university or designee, who will also make committee appointments if specifically mandated by the charter of a specific committee.
- Appointees of the University of Iowa Student Government shall be persons who are currently registered as full-time students at the university in an undergraduate, graduate, or professional program on campus.
- Appointees of the Faculty Senate shall be persons who are eligible to be members of the Faculty Senate (I-2.8(1)).
- For purposes of membership on charter committees, appointees of the Staff Council shall be permanent employees of the university, either full or part time, who are covered by the Board of Regents Merit system, or who are classified primarily as Professional and Scientific Staff.
- Annual Term of Charter Committees. Each charter committee shall have an annual term running from September 1 of each year to the following August 31.
- Term of Members. The term of appointment for each member of a charter committee shall be fixed by the assembly appointing that member except that no appointment shall be for a term longer than 3 years. Reappointments are possible. However, no person may serve more than 6 consecutive years on a charter committee, except as specified by specific committee charters. Terms of newly appointed and reappointed committee members will begin on September 1 and terms of retiring committee members will expire on August 31. When appointments are made for more than 1 year to a new charter committee, initial appointments from each assembly are to be staggered terms, that is, for 1, 2, or 3 years.
- Time of Appointment. To the extent possible, appointments and reappointments are to be made on or before May 15 of each year so that all new and continuing members of the charter committee will be appointed before the committee's first meeting of its next term, commencing on the following September 1.
- Selection of Chairperson(s). On or before August 31 of each year, the chairperson and, where applicable, the co-chair of each charter committee will be appointed from among those members of the committee for the next annual term by the President of the university or designee after consultation with the presidents of the 3 assemblies.
- Qualifications for Members.
- Resignation and Replacement. In the event a duly appointed member wishes to resign, the member should notify the president of the appropriate assembly and the President of the University of Iowa or designee. The president of the relevant assembly shall forward the name of any new appointee to the President of the university or designee, who will confirm the appointment if it is consistent with (d)(1) above. If qualified, the person so designated will be appointed to complete the full term of the person who resigned. The President of the university or designee shall send written notice of the appointment to the chairperson(s) of the charter committee to which the person has been appointed, to the presidents of all three assemblies, and, in the case of staff, to the appointee's immediate supervisor.
- Removal. A committee member appointed from an assembly may be removed by the president of the assembly if they are absent from at least three consecutive committee meetings or for other good cause. If the committee chair believes that there are grounds for removal, they shall notify the affected committee member and the president of the relevant assembly. If the president of the assembly believes removal would be appropriate, the member will be notified that the committee seat has been declared vacant, and a new member will be appointed to the committee by the appropriate assembly in accordance with its procedures.
- Notification Procedures for Appointees and Reappointees; Designation of Administrative Officer to Serve as Liaison with Charter Committees. After charter committee members are appointed and confirmed, the President of the university or designee shall give written notice of full committee membership to the presidents of the 3 assemblies, who will then be responsible for notifying new appointees and reappointees from that constituency of their appointment. The President of the university or designee shall also distribute a consolidated membership list of all charter committees under their oversight to the presidents of the 3 assemblies, to the current chairperson of each charter committee, to each administrator who is a liaison to a charter committee, to the Office of Strategic Communication, and to other centers of communication as appropriate.
In addition, it is expected that on or before September 1 of each year the President of the university or designee will designate one or more administrators, consistent with the terms of any specific charter, who will work with the charter committees during the following year. The list of administrators who are the liaisons to the charter committees will be sent to the committee in time to permit each committee to hold its first meeting of its annual term with the administrators in attendance. - First Meeting of Annual Term.
- Time of meeting. The first regular meeting of the annual term for each charter committee shall be held on or before October 1 in each annual term.
- Election of Secretary. At this meeting, the general and specific charges to the committee will be explained to the new members, current committee activities will be reviewed, and a secretary for the annual term will be nominated and elected by the committee.
- Regular and Special Meetings.
- Frequency: Each charter committee is to hold a minimum of 2 regular meetings during each fall and spring semester falling within the annual term.
- Call: Meetings may be called from time to time by the chairperson(s) as business arises. The chairperson(s) shall call a meeting upon petition by one-third of the committee members or upon the request of the administrators assigned to work with the committee.
- Notice: Notice of each meeting shall be provided to all committee members, to the administrators designated as liaisons to the committee, to others having business with the committee, to the presidents of the three assemblies and, at the discretion of the committee, to the IMU Campus Information Center for inclusion in the master calendar.
- Floor Privilege: Meetings of the charter committees shall be opened to the public and media except when the committee deems it appropriate to meet in executive session. Committee members and the designated administrators (or their representatives) have the right and privilege of the floor at all times; this right may be extended to other persons by majority vote of the committee.
- Voting Privilege: Voting privileges are limited to members of the committee. A roll-call record of split votes is to be kept in the minutes when requested by a member of the committee.
- Quorum Requirements: A quorum consists of at least one-half of the committee's members. If proceedings are under way to replace a committee member (see paragraph f above) and neither the member facing removal nor an officially appointed successor is able to attend a committee meeting, the seat shall be considered vacant for quorum purposes.
- Conduct of Business: Committee deliberations generally should be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, which makes due allowance for the informality appropriate to small working groups. The committee shall follow a prepared agenda. The procedures outlined in this section do not interfere with the prerogative and responsibility of members of the committee to communicate with their several assemblies frequently and informally or to refer a disputed issue to the assembly for broader debate.
- Minutes: Minutes from each committee meeting are to be sent to all members of the committee, to the designated administrators who are liaisons to the committee, to the presidents of the 3 assemblies, to the President of the university or designee, and to other persons in the university or to such campus and community media as may be appropriate. At minimum, the minutes should reflect any resolutions or other recommendations or motions of the committee and be fairly reflective of the committee's discussion.
- Files. All files and copies of the minutes of the committee shall be kept by the administrator who is the liaison to the committee. The chairperson(s) and secretary may maintain such files as they deem appropriate. Files of the chairperson(s) and the secretary should be sent to their immediate successors in office, or to the administrator who is liaison to the committee.
At convenient times, as files relating to any charter committee accumulate in the Office of the President of the university or designee or in the files of any of the assemblies, administrators, chairpersons, or secretaries and are no longer needed by others for current reference, they shall be transferred to University Archives. At that time, the presidents of the 3 assemblies may deal with their copies of committee records in accordance with any university records retention policy then in effect. - General Charge to Charter Committees.
- Each committee shall concern itself with the matters listed in I-2.8(6)b as these matters apply to the area assigned to the committee.
- In terms consonant with I-2.8(6)a and I-2.8(6)c, the committee should at all times seek to advise the administration and to inform the three assemblies of matters of concern. Except as may be provided in the specific charters, there are no ex officio members of charter committees.
- When requested by the President of the university or designee, and without prejudicing the role played by the Faculty Senate Committee on the Selection of Central Academic Officials, each charter committee shall be available to advise the President of the university or designee: 1) on the methods of reviewing the functions which come within the scope of the committee's advisory role, 2) concerning the criteria for appointment of new university-wide administrators, some of whose functions come within the scope of the committee's advisory role, and 3) on the selection of such administrators.
- Each outgoing committee shall prepare in time for the first regular meeting of the incoming committee in the next annual term a brief report summarizing committee activities for the past year and identifying current issues and future questions to the extent such information is not available from the committee's minutes. Any annual report is to be distributed in the same manner as the committee's minutes.
- Committee members shall neither expect nor accept by reason of their service on any committee any gratuities, rewards, or perquisites, including tickets. Preferential treatment shall not be given to any committee member by virtue of service on the committee.
- Establishment and Modification of Charter Committees. At least once every 3 years the presidents of the 3 assemblies and the President of the university or designee shall review the committee structure to determine whether charter committees should be established or modified. Before making a final decision, they shall seek the advice of the appropriate constituencies in this review process. To establish or modify a charter committee requires the approval of the 3 assemblies and the President of the university or designee.
- Duration of the General Charter. The General charter shall be formally reviewed by the President of the university or designee and by the presidents of the 3 assemblies at least once every 6 years and continued if agreed to by them. It can also be amended at any time by unanimous agreement of these officers.
2.8(7) Information Technology Advisory Committee Charter
- Membership. Confirmed by the Executive Vice President and Provost:
- Seven members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Two members appointed by the governing body of the students, currently for the purposes of this committee, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- Two members appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council.
- Committee is chaired by a faculty member; chair selection is made by the president of the Faculty Senate.
- Charge to the Committee.
- The Committee shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter.
- In addition, the Committee shall:
- Advise on the present and future needs of faculty, staff, and students for computing services and formulate recommendations for meeting these needs and for maintaining a proper balance among all academic computer needs and services in the university;
- Provide a forum to which faculty, staff, and students may refer questions and recommendations concerning university computer policies, services, and development;
- Advise in the development of general policies concerning the university's acceptance of computer funds from sources external to the university and the university's provision of computer services to users external to the university;
- Advise on procedures for proposals by faculty, staff, and students for funds to support computing of an extraordinary and innovative nature;
- Review from time to time the activities and recommendations made by working committees established by the designated administrative officer. (These working committees may be established for the purpose of advising the officer on specific administrative questions concerning the operation, development, and utilization of computer resources for teaching and research.)
- Guideline. In selecting and appointing members, it is advisable to choose those who have demonstrated computer competence appropriate to their academic computer involvements.
(See also the Information Technology Advisory Committee website.)
2.8(8) Campus Planning Committee Charter
- Membership. Confirmed by the President of the university (with administrative responsibility for membership and chair appointments handled by the Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations):
- Five members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the students, currently for the purposes of this committee, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council.
- Committee is chaired by a faculty member; chair selection is made by the president of the Faculty Senate.
- Charge to the Committee.
- The Committee shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter.
- In addition, the Committee shall:
- Advise on the establishment of general policies for the orderly, efficient, and attractive development of the university's physical campus and facilities, giving particular attention to aesthetic and ecological considerations;
- Advise on proposals for major development or building projects and proposals for major revisions in ongoing projects, giving consideration to compatibility with existing standards and policies and site selection;
- Advise on policies of space allocation and utilization, major modification or reallocations of existing facilities, and the responses to development proposals of all affected elements of the university.
(See also the Campus Planning Committee website.)
2.8(9) Council on Teaching Charter
- Membership. Confirmed by the Executive Vice President and Provost:
- Nine members, which must include one lecturer, appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Four members appointed by the governing body of the students, currently for the purposes of this committee, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- One member appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council.
- Director of the Center for Teaching (ex-officio).
- Committee is chaired by a faculty member; chair selection is made by the president of the Faculty Senate.
- Charge to the Council.
- The Council shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter.
- In addition, the Council shall:
- Provide a forum for discussion of present and future needs in the area of teaching and recommend programs for meeting these needs;
- Seek, evaluate, select candidates, and establish guidelines for university-wide teaching awards, including but not limited to: Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards, the President and Provost Award for Teaching Excellence, Instructional Improvement Awards. Similarly, seek, evaluate, and select candidates for extra-university teaching awards, including U.S. Professor of the Year.
- Advise on development of proposals for outside funding to support curricular development, equipment for teaching, and any other proposals related to the teaching and learning effort of the university;
- Advise with respect to the policies, priorities, and procedures on:
- evaluation of teaching and learning, including codes of teaching responsibilities;
- university-wide experimental or nontraditional education programs;
- the method, time, and efficiency of registration;
- the conduct of convocations and commencements; and
- the university calendar.
- Serve in an advisory and oversight capacity for the Center for Teaching.
- Guidelines. In selecting and appointing members, it is advisable to choose those who have demonstrated an interest and proficiency in the teaching function of the university. Faculty members should be appointed in such a manner that at all times 4 shall be from the various professional colleges of the university, and 4 shall be from Liberal Arts and Sciences. The one from Liberal Arts and Sciences shall be appointed in such a manner that at all times one shall be related to the disciplines in Group I, one in Group II, one in Group III, and one at-large. These are the groupings used for voting purposes in the College.
(See also the Council on Teaching website.)
2.8(10) Hancher Auditorium Committee Charter
- Membership. Confirmed by the Vice President for External Relations:
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Six members appointed by the governing body of the students, currently for the purposes of this committee, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council.
- Committee is co-chaired by a staff member and a student; chair selections are made by the president of Staff Council and the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG, respectively.
- Charge to the Committee.
- The Committee shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter.
- In addition, the Committee shall:
- Advise the Directors in formulating and reviewing general policies for events presented to the university community and others;
- Provide feedback as requested on annual schedule of music, theater, dance, and the other performing arts; provide suggestions as requested on methods to increase revenue and audience;
- Advise on the public reaction to the cultural and entertainment programs offered at Hancher Auditorium, the educational aspect of these programs, the promotional techniques supporting them, and the financial success of the various series and individual programs;
- Promote and advocate for support of Hancher's programming and contributions to the university and Iowa communities.
- Guideline. Persons recommended for appointment to the Hancher Auditorium Committee should be members of the university community who have demonstrated an awareness of and interest in the performing arts.
2.8(11) Committee on Funded Retirement and Insurance Charter
Effective July 18, 2023, this charter has been revised. For individual changes, see the redlined version.
- Membership. Confirmed by the President of the university (with administrative responsibility for membership and chair appointments handled by the Chief Human Resources Officer):
- Seven members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Seven members appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council.
- Committee is co-chaired by a faculty member and a staff member; chair selections are made by the president of the Faculty Senate and president of Staff Council respectively.
- Term of Membership. Members may be appointed for terms of up to 3 years. The general guideline against reappointment for more than 2 terms of 3 years each (see I-2.8(6)d(3)) shall not apply to this committee.
- Charge to the Committee.
- The Committee shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter.
- In addition, the Committee shall:
- Suggest and review faculty and staff retirement programs, insurance programs, medical and health programs, and voluntary benefits for university employees;
- Represent the faculty and staff in discussion and negotiation with vendors of insurance as these are carried forward by responsible officers of the administration.
(See also the Committee on Funded Retirement and Insurance website.)
2.8(12) University of Iowa Retirees Association Charter
Effective February 12, 2025, this policy has been revised. For individual changes, see the redlined version.
- Name. The name of this organization is University of Iowa Retirees Association, hereafter known as UIRA.
- Membership. UIRA represents staff and faculty who are at least 55 years old and either have retired from the University of Iowa or have had significant employment-related ties to the university. All UI retirees shall receive an introductory membership upon retirement, provided at no cost. After the introductory membership period expires, the retiree may elect to continue membership by paying dues. Spouses or partners also are eligible to be members of UIRA.
- Government. UIRA is governed by a Board of Directors and its officers, consisting of the president, president-elect, past president, secretary, and treasurer, all of whom are elected by the UIRA membership. The Board of Directors is led by a president who serves only one year, the immediate past president, and a vice president/president-elect elected by the UIRA membership. The UIRA is organized with a committee structure to accomplish the work of the association.
- Mission and goals.
- Mission. The mission of UIRA is to facilitate support of the University of Iowa by retired faculty and staff members and to promote the interests and welfare of those retirees. UIRA strives to help members keep in touch with each other and with the social and intellectual life of the university.
- Goals. The goals of UIRA are to:
- Offer programs on topics of interest to retirees.
- Provide opportunities for social engagement and interaction of retirees.
- Provide advice and assistance to current and prospective members on matters of mutual concern.
- Support the university’s commitment to student success through initiatives mutually agreed upon by the UIRA Board of Directors and the Office of the President.
- Meetings. The annual meeting of the association shall be held in June of each year, on a date and at a time specified by the Board of Directors. The membership may attend in person or virtually. Special meetings of the membership may be called by the president or the Board of Directors as deemed desirable for the good of the organization.
- Duties of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall:
- Promote the purposes of the association and act for the membership between the association's annual meetings. The Board shall administer the property and funds of the association.
- Report on its activities to UIRA members at the annual meeting of the association and, to the extent feasible, by correspondence between annual meetings.
- Maintain and make public the records of its own proceedings, including monthly Board meeting agendas and minutes. Records may be accessed on the UIRA website.
- Maintain a relationship with the University of Iowa President’s office and with the University of Iowa Human Resources office, facilitated by regularly scheduled meetings.
- Revision of the UIRA bylaws. The UIRA bylaws may be modified or adopted at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present. The Board of Directors must receive written notice of proposed changes to the bylaws at least 10 days prior to the vote. The motion must pass by a two-thirds majority. Notice of approved revisions shall be published in the next issue of The Gray Hawk newsletter.
2.8(13) Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Charter
- Charge. The Charter Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter with membership confirmed by the Associate Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. In addition, the Committee shall:
- Advise on the formulation, review, and application of policies and guidelines that promote and support the full contributions of all of the university's diverse faculty, staff, and students.
- Consider and recommend actions that will help support and fulfill diversity-, equity-, and inclusion-related commitments made by the university under the University of Iowa Strategic Plan and other university programs, plans, and policies.
- Provide a forum to which faculty, staff, and students may refer questions and recommendations concerning university diversity-, equity-, and inclusion-related policies and procedures.
- Membership.
- Four members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Four members appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council;
- Four members (2 undergraduates, 1 graduate student, and 1 student from the professional colleges) appointed by the governing body of the students, currently for purposes of this committee, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- Administrative liaisons: one representative each from the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost; Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Office of the General Counsel; Office of the Vice President for Student Life; and Human Resources.
- Committee is co-chaired by a faculty member and a staff member; chair selections are made by the president of the Faculty Senate and the president of Staff Council respectively.
2.8(14) Committee on Lectures Charter
- Membership. Confirmed by the Vice President for Student Life:
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Ten members appointed by the governing body of the students, currently for the purposes of this committee, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- One member appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council.
- Committee is chaired by a student; chair selection is made by the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG.
- Charge to the Committee.
- The Committee shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter.
- In addition, the Committee shall be responsible for:
- Selecting speakers for the University Lecture Series with the goal of presenting a balanced slate of speakers who will deal with topics of wide interest. Before making the selection, the Committee shall solicit and consider suggestions from all interested parties;
- Advising on and assisting in arrangements for lectures;
- Coordinating its activities with other appropriate programming groups on campus;
- Ensuring that the Regents Speakers Policy (BRPM 4.2) is adhered to in events under its jurisdiction.
(See also the Committee on Lectures website.)
2.8(15) Committee on University Libraries Charter
- Membership. Confirmed by the Executive Vice President and Provost:
- Five members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Four members (2 undergraduates and 2 graduate students) appointed by the governing body of the students, currently for the purposes of this committee, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- Two members appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council.
- Committee is chaired by a faculty member; chair selection is made by the president of the Faculty Senate.
- Charge to the Committee.
- The Committee shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter.
- In addition, the Committee shall:
- Advise the University Librarian on policies and strategic issues related to the resources and services the University Libraries provide;
- Advise the University Librarian on the needs of library stakeholders, including faculty, students, and staff;
- Advise the University Librarian on issues related to library collections in light of new and changing campus programs, changing patterns of faculty and student use, and specialized needs of the different disciplines; and
- Advise the University Librarian on the use, development, and assignment of space in library facilities, including the Main Library, the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, the branch libraries, and the high-density archival facility.
- Guidelines. Faculty members recommended for membership to the University Libraries Committee should be selected and appointed in such a way that at any one time one member of the faculty shall come from the biological sciences, 1 from the humanities, 1 from the physical sciences, 1 from the social sciences, and 1 shall be "at large" from any area or department of the university.
Student members recommended for membership should be selected and appointed in such a way that at any one time 2 members shall be undergraduate students and 2 shall be post-baccalaureate students.
The staff member should be a person who can speak for the staff's interest in and use of the university library facilities.
(See also the Committee on University Libraries website.)
2.8(16) Committee on Parking and Transportation Charter
- Membership. Confirmed by the Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations:
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Four members appointed by the governing body of the students, currently for purposes of this committee, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council.
- Committee is chaired by a staff member; chair selection is made by the president of Staff Council.
- Charge to the Committee.
- The Committee shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter.
- In addition, the Committee shall:
- Advise on both short-term and long-term plans for handling on-campus automobile and motorcycle traffic, including flow, control, parking, and storage. Committee members shall consult the appropriate administrative officers and the Campus Planning Committee to inform themselves regarding land use, parking lot design, and landscaping as these considerations bear on campus parking and transportation policies;
- Advise on plans for campus bicycle traffic;
- Advise on plans for other modes of transportation, including Cambus;
- Advise on rules and regulations and fee schedules pertaining to all modes of campus parking and transportation, including priorities, registrations, and penalties for violations;
- Advise on procedure for handling appeals of fines arising from alleged violations of traffic or parking regulations;
- Advise in developing and reviewing plans for coordinating university transportation and facilities with those of city, county, state, and federal agencies.
(See also the Committee on Parking and Transportation website.)
2.8(17) Committee on Family Issues Charter
- Membership. Confirmed by the Chief Human Resources Officer:
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the students, currently for the purposes of this committee, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- Four members appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council.
- Membership Considerations. Care should be taken to represent the views of the many university constituencies that have parenting concerns and family issues through the life span, including staff (both merit and professional and scientific), students (both graduate and undergraduate), and faculty (both tenured and non-tenured).
- Committee is chaired by a staff member; chair selection is made by the president of Staff Council.
- Charge to the Committee.
- The Committee shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter.
- In addition, the Committee shall:
- Review and make recommendations about the development and implementation of programs, plans, and policies that promote a positive climate for families of faculty, staff, and students through the life span.
- Review and make recommendations about the implementation of university child or dependent care programs and plans.
- Guidelines.
- In selecting and appointing members, it is advisable to choose those who have demonstrated an awareness of and interest in child care and family issues.
- Staff members should be appointed in such a manner that there shall be merit staff and professional and scientific staff.
- The Manager of the Family Services Office shall be a non-voting, ex officio member.
- Administrative Liaisons who are non-voting members represent the Offices of the Provost and Human Resources.
(View the Family Issues Charter Committee website at https://uiowa.edu/ficc/.)
2.8(18) Committee on Recreational Services Charter
- Membership. Confirmed by the Vice President for Student Life:
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Five members appointed by the governing body of the students, currently for purposes of this committee, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council.
- Committee is chaired by a student; chair selection is made by the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG.
- Charge to the Committee.
- The Committee shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter.
- In addition, the Committee shall:
- Advise on rules, regulations, schedules, and fees related to the use of university recreational facilities;
- Advise on plans for the modification or expansion of university recreational facilities;
- Advise along with other appropriate committees on policies governing recreational use of facilities shared with intercollegiate athletics and physical education programs;
- Advise on programs designed to ensure that recreational facilities are available to all elements of the university community.
(See also the Committee on Recreational Services website.)
2.8(19) Research Council Charter
- Membership. Confirmed by the President of the university (with administrative responsibility for membership and chair appointments handled by the Vice President for Research):
- Ten members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Four members appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council;
- Two members appointed by the governing body of the students (at least 1 of whom must be a graduate or professional student), currently for purposes of this Council, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- One postdoctoral researcher member appointed by the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG in consultation with the Graduate College and the University of Iowa Postdoctoral Association (UIPDA);
- One non-voting member appointed by the Emeritus Faculty Council, the executive committee of the Association of Emeritus Faculty;
- The Director of the Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates (ICRU), a non-voting ex officio member;
- Committee is chaired by a faculty member; chair selection is made by the president of the Faculty Senate.
- Charge to the Council.
- The Council shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter.
- In addition, the Council shall:
- Advise in the formulation, review, and application of policy and guidelines for university research and economic development and its funding both from within and without the university;
- Advise on questions concerning the compliance of research with university policies;
- Advise in developing methods for informing university members about research opportunities and for stimulating, evaluating, and rewarding good research;
- Provide a forum to which faculty and students may refer questions and recommendations concerning university research policies and procedures.
- Guidelines.
- Only persons who have demonstrated an involvement and proficiency (appropriate to their varying stages of professional development) in research or other types of creative activities and who affirm a broad interest in questions concerning the research function of the university should be nominated and appointed.
- Care should be taken to achieve balanced representation across the university’s varied research interests, spanning disciplines, funding sources, research, scholarship, creative works, and economic development. The Faculty Senate shall appoint members who represent a range of research disciplines including but not limited to the arts, biological sciences, engineering, health sciences, humanities, physical sciences, and social sciences, including faculty members from disciplines where research is not customarily funded by external entities. No more than 2 faculty from one department shall serve on Research Council at the same time.
(See also the Research Council website.)
2.8(21) Committee on Financial Aid Advisory Charter
- Membership. Confirmed by the Executive Vice President and Provost:
- Six members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate, to be composed of at least 1 faculty from the Graduate College and 1 from the professional colleges;
- Six members (3 undergraduates, 2 graduate students, and 1 student from the professional colleges) appointed by the governing body of the students, currently for the purposes of this committee, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- Two members appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council.
- Committee is co-chaired by a faculty member and a student; chair selections are made by the president of the Faculty Senate and the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG, respectively.
- Definition. The phrase "financial aid" as used in this rule means all forms of scholarships and other student financial aid (including loans) administered by or through the Office of Student Financial Aid or other university office, other than financial aid under the direct control of a college or department.
- Charge to the Committee. The committee shall:
- Review and make recommendations to the President regarding all forms of student financial aid.
- Assist the Office of Student Financial Aid or other university office administering financial aid in communicating all financial aid policies to the university community.
(See also the Financial Aid Advisory Committee website.)
2.8(22) Committee on University Safety and Security Charter
- Membership. Confirmed by the Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations:
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the students, currently for purposes of this committee, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council.
- Committee is chaired by a staff member; chair selection is made by the president of Staff Council.
- Charge to the Committee.
- The charge to the Committee is to enhance Campus Safety's contribution to the education, research, and leadership missions of the University of Iowa.
- The Committee shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter.
- In addition, the Committee shall:
- Review the responsibilities of Campus Safety and advise on how those responsibilities are successfully discharged;
- Advise on educational programs regarding safety and security issues that affect faculty, staff, students, visitors, and the general public;
- Advise on policies and procedures concerning university interests with respect to safety and security;
- Advise on processes for minimizing the likelihood of emergencies, and enhancing response to emergencies;
- Review agreements and collaborations with non-university law enforcement agencies and advise on if those various associations are being maintained.
(See also the Committee on University Safety and Security website.)
2.8(23) Presidential Committee on Athletics Charter
- General. The Presidential Committee on Athletics (PCA) is the advisory committee for the university President and the Director of Athletics on policies governing the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics consistent with the rules of the Big Ten Conference and the National Collegiate Athletics Association and consistent with the policies of the university, the Board of Regents, and the State of Iowa. In addition to its duty to advise and recommend policies to the university President and Athletics Director, the Committee periodically apprises the faculty, staff, and student constituency organizations of the status of athletics at the university and nationally.
- Membership. Seventeen voting members appointed by the university President. Additional liaisons with Presidential approval.
- Two-thirds of the PCA consists of faculty members who are eligible for election to or are currently serving in the university Faculty Senate (11 members). Seven faculty members shall have a demonstrated record of undergraduate teaching and their primary appointment in one of the undergraduate colleges (Business, Education, Engineering, Liberal Arts and Sciences, or Nursing). Four faculty members shall have their primary appointment in the Graduate College or professional schools. Nominations for faculty appointments are submitted to the university President by a committee of the Faculty Senate.
- Two members are alumni, not members of the university faculty or staff. Alumni nominations are submitted to the President via the President of the UI Center for Advancement in consultation with collegiate deans and other units on campus.
- Two members are staff via nominees generated by Staff Council.
- Two members are students. One student nominated from the Iowa Student Athletic Advisory Committee (ISAAC) and the second one nominated by the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG.
- Liaisons to the committee typically include designated representatives from the Office of the President, including the Office of Civil Rights Compliance, the Office of the Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations, the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, the Office of the Vice President for Student Life, and the Athletics Department. These representatives are appointed by the President to facilitate and participate in the work of the committee.
- Committee is chaired by a faculty member; chair selection is made by the university President.
- Faculty Athletics Representative. The Faculty Athletics Representative must hold the tenured rank of professor or associate professor in the university. They are selected by the President after consultation with the President of the Faculty Senate. The Representative serves at the pleasure of the President. They need not be a member of the PCA at the time of their appointment, but the appointment makes them a member with full voting power even though this action increases the membership of the PCA beyond the usual maximum until the next vacancy. The selection of a new Faculty Athletics Representative does not of itself diminish the term of their predecessor as a member of the PCA.
- Officers. The officers of the PCA are a Chair (faculty, appointed by the President after consultation with the President of the Faculty Senate; the Chair serves at the pleasure of the President of the university) and a Vice Chair. The Vice Chair is elected by vote of PCA members either at the last PCA meeting of the spring semester or the first PCA meeting of the fall semester. A recording secretary will be provided by the Department of Athletics.
- Terms of Members. Members of the PCA are appointed for a 5-year term except for student members whose terms shall be 1 year. No person who has served for 5 years is eligible, upon completion of their term, for further service until they have been off the PCA for at least 6 months. The President of the university may waive the provisions of the foregoing sentence in the case of the Chair of the PCA, or of the Faculty Athletics Representative. The term of any person selected to fill a vacancy expires on the date which would have been applicable to the person whom they succeeded. For continuity and depth of experience within the committee, efforts should be made to stagger terms of appointments.
- Removal. Because intercollegiate athletics is a subject in which there is great public interest and calls for members of unusual ability, discretion, and judgment, the President, upon request of one-fifth of the members (3) of the PCA and for reasons which seem adequate, may remove a member from the PCA and cause the vacancy thus created to be filled. The PCA, by three-fourths vote of its members (13), may remove a member and declare the seat vacant.
2.8(24) Sustainability Committee Charter
- Membership. Confirmed by the President of the university (with administrative responsibility for membership and chair appointments handled by the Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations):
- Four members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Four members appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council;
- Four members (2 undergraduates, 1 graduate student, and 1 student from the professional colleges) appointed by the governing body of the students, currently for purposes of this committee, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- Administrative liaisons: Director of the Office of Sustainability and Director of Facilities Management; Ex Officio Members: Director of Parking and Transportation; 1 representative from UI Hospitals & Clinics; 1 representative from Residence Halls Housing and Dining; 1 representative each from the Office of the Vice President for Student Life, the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, the Office of the Vice President for Research, and the Senior Associate to the President.
- Committee will be co-chaired by a faculty member and a staff member; chair selection candidates are submitted to the President of the university by the President of the Faculty Senate and President of the Staff Council.
- Student candidates will have 1-year appointments according to their policies and procedures.
- Faculty and staff members will have 2- to 3-year appointments according to their policies and procedures.
- Charge to the Committee.
- The Committee shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter.
- In addition, the Committee shall:
- Recommend and advise on matters pertaining to sustainability practices and formulation of university policies;
- Advise on the integration of sustainability with existing campus programs in education, research, operations, and community outreach;
- Assist in engaging the campus in an ongoing dialogue about sustainability and instilling a culture of sustainable long-range planning and forward-thinking design through their respective constituencies;
- Advise on the development and implementation of campus sustainability action plans.
(See also the Sustainability Committee website.)