2.8(8) Campus Planning Committee Charter
(Amended 5/07; 6/09; 7/13)
- Membership. Confirmed by the President of the university (with administrative responsibility for membership and chair appointments handled by the Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations):
- Five members appointed by the governing body of the faculty, currently the Faculty Senate;
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the students, currently for the purposes of this committee, the joint nominations committee of the UISG and GPSG;
- Three members appointed by the governing body of the staff, currently the Staff Council.
- Committee is chaired by a faculty member; chair selection is made by the president of the Faculty Senate.
- Charge to the Committee.
- The Committee shall be governed by the terms of the General Charter.
- In addition, the Committee shall:
- Advise on the establishment of general policies for the orderly, efficient, and attractive development of the university's physical campus and facilities, giving particular attention to aesthetic and ecological considerations;
- Advise on proposals for major development or building projects and proposals for major revisions in ongoing projects, giving consideration to compatibility with existing standards and policies and site selection;
- Advise on policies of space allocation and utilization, major modification or reallocations of existing facilities, and the responses to development proposals of all affected elements of the university.
(See also the Campus Planning Committee website.)