13.1 General
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the causative agent of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), a chronic and progressive disease which affects the human immune system. HIV disease is an issue of importance to the University of Iowa community.
The University's paramount concern is to protect individual rights and safety, to respect personal privacy and the confidentiality of medical information, and to provide opportunities for the fullest possible participation in all educational, cultural, and social activities of the University, including employment. In compliance with applicable federal and state law, the University endeavors to make reasonable accommodation for people with HIV involved in University programs and employment. For information on accommodation, please refer to the Disability Protection Policy (II-7).
The University periodically publishes and distributes a document entitled "Questions and Answers Concerning University of Iowa Policies on HIV Infection and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)." This document is designed to provide an up-to-date knowledge base regarding HIV infection risks and prevention practices, to establish the underlying principles upon which University policy is based, to foster well-reasoned and specific responses to individual cases, and to provide exemplary guidelines for responding to the complex social, medical, and ethical issues related to HIV disease. Copies of the document are available from Student Health and Wellness.
Individual units of the University may create specific policies that are relevant to their particular circumstances provided they are consistent with this policy, current medical and scientific knowledge, and applicable federal, state, and local law.