6.5 Amendment of Student Education Records
The University will consider the formal request of a student to amend information in his or her education record which they believe to be inaccurate, misleading or a violation of his or her rights. "Amendment" may include, but is not limited to, deletion or correction of information in the record or the addition of a statement commenting on the information in the record. Formal requests for amendments should be made in writing to the Office of the Registrar, which will forward the request to the University staff or faculty member who is the custodian of the record. A decision by the staff or faculty member to amend or not will be reached within a reasonable time.
If an amendment satisfactory to the student is not granted, the student may file a request for a hearing in writing to the Office of the Registrar. A hearing before a person appointed by the President of the University, or his or her designee, will be held within a reasonable time after the request is received. The student will be informed of the date, place and time of the hearing and may present relevant evidence and be assisted or represented by one or more persons of his or her choice, at his or her own expense, including an attorney. The decision of the hearing officer will be in writing and based solely upon the evidence presented at the hearing. An appeal of the hearing officer's decision may be made in writing to a person designated by the President of the University, who will review the record below only if a significant question of policy or law appears to be raised by the case. Further appeal may be made to the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. After a final disposition by the hearing officer, or on appeal, the student may place in his or her record a statement commenting upon the information in the education record and setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the decision of the University.