1.1 Student Rules and Regulations
As expressed in the IOWA Challenge, University of Iowa students are called to excel academically, stretch to embrace diversity, engage in positive student life and leadership, choose a healthy lifestyle, and serve the community.
In order to maintain a safe campus where students can meet the IOWA Challenge, The University of Iowa has adopted the Code of Student Life. The Code of Student Life sets forth standards of student behavior and conduct necessary for the maintenance of a campus where ideas are freely exchanged, University property and processes are safeguarded, and conflicts are peacefully resolved. Each University of Iowa student has an obligation to know and adhere to the Code of Student Life, and each University of Iowa student shall be conclusively presumed to have knowledge of the contents of the Code of Student Life from the date of the student's initial registration at the University.
Pursuant to Iowa Administrative Code [681]12.2(262), the President is the Chief Administrative Officer for The University of Iowa. The President has nominated, and the Board of Regents has appointed, a Vice President for Student Life with overall responsibility for student-related matters, including but not limited to student conduct and discipline. The Vice President for Student Life has, in turn, delegated considerable authority for the establishment of rules and handling of violations to the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students has also granted some discretion for establishing rules and handling certain rule violations to the professional staff of University Housing and Dining.
University of Iowa students are responsible for knowing and abiding by the rules and regulations set forth in the current version of the Policies and Regulations Affecting Students available from the Office of the Dean of Students. Students should be particularly aware of the Code of Student Life and the Student Misconduct Procedure, both of which are frequently referenced in this Operations Manual.
Students should also be aware of the Board of Regents Uniform Rules of Personal Conduct in the Iowa Administrative Code [681]9.1(262).