32.3 Team Members

(12/18/19; 7/1/23)

The Threat Assessment Team is led by the Director of Threat Assessment, who also serves on the Campus Threat Awareness Roundtable.

  1. The Threat Assessment Team includes dedicated staff members who are the primary contact for members of the university community who have concerns about behaviors that may cause harm to others or themselves. The Director of Threat Assessment is located in Campus Safety; dedicated Threat Managers are located in the University of Iowa Police Department, the Office of the Dean of Students, University Human Resources, and at University of Iowa Health Care.
  2. The Campus Threat Awareness Roundtable is a multidisciplinary team that meets weekly and as needed during the calendar year for case review and advice. Leadership is provided by the Assistant Vice President for Campus Safety, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students, and Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer. Members are senior leaders from departments across the university which include, but are not limited to:
    1. Human Resources,
    2. University of Iowa Police Department,
    3. Threat Assessment Team,
    4. Office of the Dean of Students,
    5. University of Iowa Health Care,
    6. Office of the General Counsel,
    7. Office of Civil Rights Compliance–Equity Investigations,
    8. Office of Civil Rights Compliance–Title IX and Gender Equity, and
    9. Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.