Chapter 21 – Printing Services
21.1 General Purpose 21.2 Copy Centers: Copying Copyrighted Materials
21.1 General Purpose
The university provides its departments and related units with services to meet official printing and photocopying needs. This service is provided by the Printing Services division of Printing and Mailing Services, which administers university printing through its own facilities and by securing services off campus as needed.
Printing Services ensures that printing done outside the university be subcontracted on the basis of competitive bids. Thus, all printing and printing-related work, including photocopying, is done on order from Printing Services. Printing Services also provides consultation about departmental needs for copying equipment and oversees the leasing and purchasing of such equipment.
The Copy Centers system, with satellites throughout the campus, is part of Printing and Mailing Services. This service, like other printing-related services, is available to faculty, staff, and students for projects related to university business and course work.
21.2 Copy Centers: Copying Copyrighted Materials
- Anyone wanting to have copies of copyrighted materials made at campus Copy Centers must complete the requisite form identifying the work to be copied and its intended uses. Faculty are free to have unlimited copies of their own copyrighted work. Otherwise, verification of permission is required or limited copies will be made for research and classroom use in accordance with the "Agreement on Guidelines for Classroom Copying in Not-For-Profit Educational Institutions with Respect to Books and Periodicals," per 17 USC 107.
- The Copy Centers will make copies for customers certifying that the work(s) to be copied falls within the "fair use" exception to the 1976 Copyright Act. The relevant forms must be signed by the faculty, staff, or student for whom copies are being made, prior to the Copy Centers making any copies of documents.
- Anthologies (compilations of printed materials from books and articles from periodicals) that may be used as a course text and/or course packets must go through a copyright clearance center process, through an outside vendor chosen by the Iowa Hawk Shop, prior to being reproduced (see also VI-19 Educational Materials [Textbooks] for Classroom Use).