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- Delivery. U.S. mail is delivered to campus mail addresses by Campus Mail Services, as well as the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). USPS standard campus addresses, found in the University directory and on the Mailing Services website, will expedite delivery of incoming USPS mail and should be utilized only for official University business correspondence. Campus Mail Service will make every effort possible to deliver USPS mail containing incomplete delivery addresses. Incomplete campus addresses may cause delivery delays.
- Outgoing U.S. mail.
- Campus Mail Service processes outgoing official University business USPS mail from University departments. Material to be mailed through USPS may be placed in designated pickup locations and must contain information on desired mailing class and must have attached the appropriate departmental mail card utilized for recording postage costs. The use of University postage for personal mail is prohibited.
- Packages to be mailed through USPS must be securely and properly wrapped and address-labeled. All outgoing packages must contain information on desired mailing class and have attached the appropriate department mail card utilized for recording postage costs.
- All postcards, letters, flats, large envelopes, packages, international items, and special services items must contain information on the desired mailing class and must have attached the appropriate departmental mail card utilized for recording postage costs. Postage costs for USPS mail processed through the Central Mail Service Center will be charged to the appropriate departmental account. All mail must be prepared in a proper manner for mailing.