3.1 University Chief Information Officer – Information Technology Services
Information Technology Services (ITS) provides integrated information technology (IT) support for the University of Iowa campus. ITS provides computing facilities; administrative information systems; voice, data, and video communications networks and services; technological resources for teaching and research needs; Instructional Technology Centers (ITCs); and a variety of related services and support.
Information Technology Services is a group of four departments (see VI-3.2 through VI-3.5 below). Each department has its own decision autonomy, budgets, and business plans, which guide its actions and decisions. The Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer (CIO) provides coordination, capital planning and control, policy approval, and other institutional coordination intended to support the successful operation of each ITS department.
The CIO also leads the Campus IT Leaders (CITL), a group of UI collegiate and administrative IT top-level staff. The group's general purpose is to facilitate discussion, strategies, infrastructure/enterprise solutions, and good communication on information technologies.
The CIO office provides further support to the campus IT community through several groups focused on specific IT practices: IT administrators, webmasters, application developers, and help desks. See the CIO website for links to these groups.
The University IT Security Office reports to the CIO and promotes the implementation and use of secure information technology systems, services, and programs. Offering educational materials for campus technology providers and security awareness programs for technology users are key components. In addition, the Security Office consults on issues of regulatory compliance, develops and/or shares industry best practices for security, and facilitates the development of new and updated IT policies for campus. Critical information security services for the campus are managed by the Security Office, as well as the coordination of security incident response and resolution.
The CIO is advised by the Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC), a charter committee appointed by the governing body of the faculty, students, and staff and the Faculty Senate, confirmed by the President of the University. The committee's general charter is to advise and recommend on University IT policies, services, and development.
For more information on any of these services, please see https://cio.uiowa.edu or contact Information Technology Services by phone or email (its-information@uiowa.edu).