Revisions made between July 1, 2015, and June 30, 2016:
I. Governance
I-2.6 The Chief Executive Officer of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (10/30/15)
I-2.8(12) Committee on Human Rights Charter (deleted 2/16)
I-3 University of Iowa Health Care (10/30/15)
I-4.7 The University of Iowa Health System (8/15)
II. Community Policies
II-4 Sexual Harassment (7/15)
II-10 Violence (7/15)
II-14 Anti-Harassment (7/15)
II-15 Physical and Sexual Abuse of Children (4/16)
II-37 Filming on Campus (8/15; replaces the former IV-1.3 Photographs for Publication)
III. Human Resources
III-3.2 Performance Review for University Staff (10/15)
III-5 Postdoctoral Scholars (10/15)
III-7 Access to Personnel Files (9/15)
III-9.3 Criminal Background Check at Point of Hire (7/15; 8/15)
III-9.6 Affirmative Action Employment Guidelines (2/16)
III-10.10 Research Track Policy (7/15; 12/15)
III-10.11 Instructional Faculty Policy (6/16)
III-11.4 University Funded Retirement Plan (10/15)
III-17.3 Direct Deposit of Payroll Checks (10/15)
III-17.5 Salary Advances (10/15)
III-18 Insurance (10/15)
III-26 Educational Opportunities (10/15)
III-28.1 Policy on Conflict Management Resources (6/16)
III-28.4 Grievance Procedures for Professional and Scientific Personnel (2/16)
IV. Students
IV-1.3 Photographs for Publication (8/15; deleted and replaced by II-37 Filming on Campus)
IV-2 Sexual Misconduct, Dating/Domestic Violence, or Stalking Involving Students (7/15)
(formerly Sexual Misconduct Involving Students, Including Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment)
V. Administrative, Financial, and Facilities Policies
V-11.10 Purchases Requiring Regent Approval or Special Handling (4/16)
V-17.4 Records Management Program and Retention Schedule (2/16)
V-19 Fleet Services (10/15)
V-35.5a Tobacco-Free Campus (formerly Smoke-Free Campus) (8/24/15)
VI. Services
VI-23 UI Employee Assistance Program (formerly Office of Faculty and Staff Services) (10/15)