III-9.8 Diversity in Employment Guidelines
(4/05; 3/12; 8/12; 7/1/17; 3/1/24)
Effective March 1, 2024, this policy has been revised. For the most current version without redlining, return III-9.
The guidelines below are followed in the filling of all positions for executive/administrative/managerial staff at pay level 6 or higher in the professional and scientific classification system and for faculty appointments with significant administrative responsibilities:
As a requisite job qualification, a statement must be included in the position announcement The position announcement must include a required job qualification indicating that candidates and/or applicants be able to demonstrate job-related experience with and/or commitment to diversity in the fostering a welcoming and respectful work environment and/or otherwise demonstrate their ability to foster a welcoming and respectful work/academic environment for people from all types of backgrounds.
Examples of language that may be used in advertisements to satisfy this requirement are listed on in the Office of Institutional Equity's website Faculty/Staff Recruitment Manual at https://diversity.uiowa.edu/resources/facultystaff-recruitment-manual#creating-the-requisition-recruitment-plan.
For further information, contact the Office of Institutional Equity, 202 Jessup Hall or oie-ui@uiowa.edu.
(See also III-9.6 Affirmative Action Employment Guidelines.)