(Amended 4/17; 7/20/22)
Effective July 20, 2022, this poiicy has been revised. For the most current version without redlining, return to III-8.10.
All complaints regarding violations of this policy shall be referred (for faculty) to the Executive Vice President and Provost, or (for staff) to the Chief Human Resources Officer. If the Executive Vice President and Provost or the Chief Human Resources Officer receives a specific and credible complaint from any source that a conflict-of-interest-in-employment relationship exists, they shall investigate the matter immediately in order to determine whether any conflict of interest in employment exists and, if so, whether a management plan is in place. Because of the sensitive nature of this type of complaint, any investigation shall only be undertaken personally by the Executive Vice President and Provost, appropriate vice president, or associate provost or associate vice president and shall not be delegated to another. If the person investigating determines that a conflict exists but that no management plan has been implemented, they shall identify the first neutral supervisor for the purpose of developing an appropriate management plan. If the person investigating determines that no such relationship exists, or that it does exist but that an appropriate management plan is in place, they shall so advise the complainant.