(President and Faculty Senate 4/13; amended 5/18; 1/1/24)
Effective January 1, 2024, this policy has been revised. For the most current version without redlining, return to III-10.
While the primary teaching responsibilities at The University of Iowa are fulfilled by tenure-track and tenured faculty, There are occasions when it is appropriate and necessary, in a limited context, to hire fixed-term faculty to teach courses provide instruction and, in some cases, to participate in research and service. Fixed-term faculty appointments include visitors, adjuncts, and instructors. Fixed-term faculty appointments are made for a specific term length designated at the time of hire and subject to nonrenewal at the end of that term. Reappointment is possible for many all fixed-term positions, subject to positive performance evaluations and educational need. Visitor positions are only allowed for a maximum of three years. Fixed-term faculty appointments include: adjunct, visiting, lecturer (fixed term), instructor, associate, and assistant in instruction. The percentage of time, length of appointment, assigned duties, and benefits eligibility vary (see III-9.6 Affirmative Action Employment Guidelines for hiring requirements and University Benefits for benefits eligibility guidelines). The requirements for the recruitment, hiring, and promotion of fixed-term faculty are detailed on the Office of the Provost's website under Fixed-Term Appointments (https://provost.uiowa.edu/fixed-term-appointments).