24.1 General

(Amended 7/1/17; 7/1/21)


  1. The University supports the general concept of flexibility in work arrangements for both merit and professional and scientific (P&S) staff when compatible with business needs. 

    Flexibility in work arrangements allows for a  productive work environment that is responsive to the changing professional and personal needs of today's workforce. Work arrangements may include flexible schedules, compressed work week, remote work, reduced work week/part-time, and job sharing. All of these work arrangements require advance approval by the employing unit as outlined below.

    Formal work arrangements as described below do not replace incidental temporary adjustments of an employee's schedule that, on occasion, arise in the workplace. Neither this policy nor any formalized work arrangement can supersede or contradict the terms and conditions of any union contracts and/or the appropriate administration and use of vacation and sick leave credits as defined by University of Iowa policy.
  2. Certain types of  work arrangements are not appropriate for all positions or in all campus settings. The university is an organization with diverse work environments, many of which require specific staffing patterns to function effectively, including patient care settings and other essential services that operate 24/7. Additionally, health and safety considerations may preclude a specific work arrangement.
  3. Having a specific type of work arrangement is not a right of employment. Work arrangements are established at the discretion of the employing unit and may be subject to change at the discretion of the unit.

    Once established, a specific work arrangement does not serve as a precedent for a future arrangement within a department. The success of a specific work arrangement lies in it being mutually beneficial for the unit and the employee established on a case-by-case basis. The university recognizes many valid reasons why an employee may request a specific work arrangement, including, but not limited to: professional development, community activities, family responsibilities, individual work habits and style, health and well-being. However, business needs must be met and will take priority over employee preference in establishing work arrangements.

(See https://hr.uiowa.edu/well-being/family-services/workplace-flexibility/types-flexible-work-arrangements.)