10.9 Specialized-Track Faculty
Effective July 1, 2024, Clinical-Track, Research-Track, and Instructional-Track Faculty have been reorganized here under the new designation "specialized track." Individual changes are not highlighted.
Specialized-track faculty are faculty with appointments in the clinical, research, or instructional tracks as described below.
10.9(1) Clinical-Track Faculty
Preamble. Consistent with the university's need to retain the flexibility to adjust its programs to meet the changing needs of students and society, non-tenure-track clinical faculty may be appointed and promoted as provided below. This policy sets parameters within which individual colleges can, but are not required to, develop policies and procedures that permit the hiring of clinical faculty. Operationally it is similar to the tenure policy, in that collegiate policy would amplify university policy and would be approved by the Provost.
- Definitions. Clinical faculty hold service positions through which they contribute to the service, teaching, and/or outreach missions of the university, and hold faculty rank at assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. Clinical faculty are not eligible for tenure. They participate in the faculty governance process as described below and as defined by individual colleges and the Faculty Senate.
- Role of clinical faculty. All clinical faculty must devote a significant portion of their time to providing or overseeing the delivery of professional services to individual patients or clients. In addition, teaching students, residents, or fellows of the university at the undergraduate, graduate, professional, or postgraduate level is an essential job function for all faculty (whether tenured, tenure track, or clinical). Thus, clinical faculty are expected to integrate the delivery of their professional services with their teaching. While the use of clinical faculty is most easily conceived in the context of health sciences and law where faculty are involved in the delivery of professional services to patients and clients, there are other disciplines in other colleges where the use of clinical faculty for similar purposes may be entirely appropriate. The services provided by clinical faculty outside of the health science colleges should be the professional equivalent of services provided to patients. The use of clinical faculty largely to perform administrative functions with little or no teaching obligations is inconsistent with this policy. Similarly, it is inappropriate to use clinical-track faculty largely to engage in research, scholarship, or artistic creation.
- Types of appointments. As used herein, "clinical faculty" can hold one of two types of appointment within the university:
- Salaried appointments. Clinical faculty may hold salaried positions as employees of the University of Iowa. These faculty participate in faculty governance as defined by the college and Faculty Senate, receive usual faculty benefits, and undergo periodic reviews of their performance. Each college adopting a clinical-track policy shall fix the percentage of its total salaried faculty that may hold clinical-track appointments without limitation. However, any proposal made at any time to increase the percentage of clinical-track appointments (computed in FTEs) within a college (including an initial proposal to create a clinical track) must obtain both the approval of a majority of the tenured/tenure-track faculty within the college and the approval of a majority of the clinical-track faculty within the college by a referendum supervised by the Associate Provost for Faculty. Any such proposal must also be approved by the Provost.
- Non-salaried appointments. Other clinical faculty may hold non-salaried positions with the university, but they are not considered employees of the university. These clinical faculty contribute in a material way to the university's missions, although their obligations are more limited in scope than salaried faculty. They do not participate in faculty governance and do not receive salary or benefits outside of nominal remunerations. However, recognizing their contributions with a "clinical faculty" designation denotes the importance of their teaching and service functions. There is no limit on the number of such non-salaried clinical faculty who can be appointed within individual colleges.
- Terms of appointments.
- Salaried appointments. Salaried clinical faculty are searched for and appointed through recruitment processes also used to search for tenure-track faculty. (See III-9 Appointments.)
Probationary (initial) appointments for salaried clinical faculty are 1 to 3 years in duration. In the final year of the probationary appointment, a full-scale, departmental-collegiate review will be made. This review should take into account the faculty member's demonstrated effectiveness in fulfilling teaching and service missions. It should also include an evaluation of the departmental, collegiate, and university educational and service goals and the likely role of the faculty member in the future in achieving those goals. To assure unified decision making at this point, full central administration review of the departmental-collegiate recommendation is necessary.
After a positive review, salaried clinical faculty will receive a 1- to 7-year appointment commencing at the beginning of the next academic year. Faculty will be reviewed on a schedule commensurate with their appointments according to written standards of competence and performance defined by their unit. - Non-salaried appointments. Non-salaried clinical faculty are appointed pursuant to procedures adopted by individual colleges and approved by the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.
- Salaried appointments. Salaried clinical faculty are searched for and appointed through recruitment processes also used to search for tenure-track faculty. (See III-9 Appointments.)
- Qualifications for specific ranks. The ranks of clinical faculty shall be assigned as defined below, and in accordance with collegiate policies.
- Assistant Professor.
- Evidence of ability in service, to include but not be limited to clinical service.
- Evidence of ability to contribute to teaching.
- Associate Professor.
- Acknowledged record of service and teaching success.
- Evidence of progress toward a record of professional productivity beyond clinical service, as defined by the college.
- Professor.
- Acknowledged record of service and teaching success.
- An established record of professional productivity beyond clinical service, as defined by the college.
- Unmistakable evidence of recognition by peers, as defined by the college.
- Demonstration of artistic or scholarly achievement shall not be a requirement for reappointment or promotion of clinical-track faculty.
- Assistant Professor.
- Titles. All titles of clinical faculty shall contain the term "clinical" as a modifier. Exact titles must be stipulated in college procedures and approved by the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.
- Promotion.
- Salaried clinical faculty. The question of promotion of clinical faculty may be brought up during any regular promotions cycle. Promotion of salaried clinical faculty will follow university and collegiate Procedures for Clinical-Track Promotion Decision Making at the University of Iowa. All recommendations for promotion of salaried clinical faculty are submitted to the Board of Regents for approval.
- Non-salaried clinical faculty. Procedures and criteria for the promotion of non-salaried clinical faculty shall be adopted by individual colleges and approved by the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost. The provisions of III-10.5 and those regarding salaried clinical faculty described herein do not apply.
- Termination and non-renewal.
- Salaried clinical faculty.
- Termination of salaried clinical faculty during the term of the appointment must be for failure to meet written standards of competence and performance established by the unit and the university or violation of any applicable university policy.
- A decision not to renew an appointment of a salaried clinical faculty member may be for failure to meet written standards of competence and performance established by the unit and the university, or for changed economic circumstances or program needs such that the position itself is terminated. Non-renewal for changed economic circumstances or program needs may only occur at the conclusion of an appointment and with the required notice.
- Notice of non-renewal of appointment, or of intention not to recommend reappointment shall be given by email in accordance with the following standards:
- During the probationary appointment, salaried clinical faculty shall be given notice of non-renewal no later than two months prior to the end of an academic-year appointment and no later than three months prior to the end of a fiscal-year appointment.
- For all other salaried clinical-track faculty appointments, notice of non-renewal shall be given no later than six months prior to the end of the appointment.
- Non-salaried clinical faculty. Grounds and procedures for the termination or non-renewal of non-salaried clinical faculty shall be adopted by individual colleges and approved by the Provost. Decisions to terminate or not renew non-salaried clinical faculty appointments will be reviewed by the dean of the college in which the faculty member was appointed. However, because non-salaried clinical faculty are not considered employees of the university, such decisions are not subject to the provisions of III-29 Faculty Dispute Procedures.
- Salaried clinical faculty.
- Salaried clinical-track faculty disputes. Salaried clinical-track faculty disputes are governed by III-29.8 Specialized-Faculty Grievances.
- Collegiate policies and guidelines.
- Every college that plans to offer salaried, non-tenured clinical faculty appointments must develop its own written policy statement with respect to such appointments, subject to approval by its own faculty and by the Provost.
- The resulting policy statement will provide detailed guidelines for every relevant item in this section on "clinical faculty." In the development of a policy statement, the following elements should be addressed:
- Participation in collegiate faculty governance. Policies for the participation of clinical faculty in collegiate faculty governance, including in the hiring of tenure and clinical-track faculty, will be developed by each college using its usual governance procedures, provided, however, that no such governance policy shall permit clinical-track faculty to vote on the reappointment, tenure, or promotion of any tenured or tenure-track faculty member.
- Procedures for appointment, reappointment, and promotion.
- Criteria for appointment, reappointment, and promotion.
- Participation in peer review for appointment, reappointment, and promotion of other faculty.
- Teaching. If the college defines "teaching" as training or instruction given to individuals or small groups while service is delivered, then that limited definition will apply to the evaluation of teaching for appointment, reappointment, and promotion purposes.
- Professional productivity beyond clinical service.
10.9(2) Research-Track Faculty
Preamble. Consistent with the university's need to retain the flexibility to adjust its programs to meet the changing needs of the modern research university, non-tenured research-track faculty may be appointed and promoted as provided below. This policy sets parameters within which individual colleges can develop policies and procedures that permit the hiring of research-track faculty. Operationally, collegiate policy would amplify this policy.
- Definitions. Research-track faculty hold positions through which they contribute primarily to the research mission of the university and hold faculty rank at assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. Research-track faculty are not eligible for tenure. Research-track faculty members can participate in internal college governance by the approval of the tenured/tenure-track faculty but cannot vote on the hiring of tenured/tenure-track or clinical-track faculty. With regard to Faculty Senate representation, no more than 10 percent of the senators from any college, or one senator, whichever is greater, may be research-track faculty from that college and may be appointed to any committees of the Senate or to university charter committees as a faculty representative. They can qualify for awards and can compete for internal research grants in the same manner as research scientists who are professional and scientific staff.
- Role of research-track faculty. Research-track faculty will devote almost all of their time to performing externally supported research and are expected to submit or assist in the submission of research grant applications. Teaching is an essential function of all faculty, but in the case of the research-track faculty it would occur predominantly in the form of service on doctoral committees (including serving as a co-chair with a tenure-track faculty member) with the approval of the Graduate College. Research-track faculty cannot be assigned to teach courses, but they could provide auxiliary lectures on areas of knowledge relevant to their research or to engage in other teaching as may be required by the terms of their research grant or contract. Research-track faculty cannot be assigned to perform administrative functions with little or no research obligations as that assignment would be inconsistent with this policy.
- Collegiate policies and changes; size of research faculty.
- Every college that plans to offer salaried, non-tenured research-track faculty appointments must develop its own written policy statement with respect to such appointments consistent with all the terms of this policy. Any policy must address each of the following:
- Participation of research-track faculty in collegiate faculty governance, including the appointment, reappointment, promotion, and peer review of other research faculty. Research-track faculty may not participate in any personnel decisions relating to the appointment, reappointment, promotion, and peer review of tenured/tenure-track or clinical-track faculty.
- Procedures for appointment, reappointment, and promotion of research-track faculty.
- Criteria for appointment, reappointment, and promotion for research-track faculty.
- Description of the role of salary support in the decision to renew or terminate appointments, including a statement regarding whether limited bridge funding may be available, but not guaranteed, from the department or college from funds other than general education funds.
- Research-track faculty members may apply for open positions in the tenure track, but they may be appointed to the tenure track only one time during their career at the University of Iowa. Colleges may further define their own policies related to track switching.
- Each college adopting a research-track policy shall fix the size of its total salaried faculty that may hold research-track appointments. The limit on the number of research faculty in any college shall be the greater of eight faculty members or ten percent of the tenured/tenure-track faculty (computed in FTEs) of that college.
- Support for research-track faculty, including all start-up costs, shall be funded exclusively by grants, contracts, clinical income, and private donations, and not with general education funds.
- The initial policy to create a research track in a college and any proposal made at any time to change that policy within a college must obtain both the approval of a majority of the tenured/tenure-track faculty within the college and the approval of a majority of the research-track faculty within the college by a vote supervised by the Associate Provost for Faculty. Any proposal to adopt or to change a college's research track policy must be approved by the University of Iowa Faculty Senate, the Provost, and the President. Any collegiate policy must be wholly consistent with this policy.
- Every college that plans to offer salaried, non-tenured research-track faculty appointments must develop its own written policy statement with respect to such appointments consistent with all the terms of this policy. Any policy must address each of the following:
- Terms of appointments. Research-track faculty are sought and appointed through recruitment processes used to appoint tenure-track faculty.
Probationary (initial) appointments for research-track faculty are 1 to 3 years in duration. After 3 years or prior to that if a promotion is contemplated, a full-scale, departmental-collegiate review will be made. This review should take into account the research-track faculty member's effectiveness in fulfilling the research mission and the ability of the research-track faculty member to obtain and sustain extramural salary support. It also should include an evaluation of the departmental, collegiate, and university research goals and the likely role of the research-track faculty member in the future in achieving those goals. To assure adherence to standard procedures, a full central administration review of the departmental-collegiate recommendation is necessary.
After approval of the departmental-collegiate review, research-track faculty will receive terms of appointment consistent with established procedures for non-tenure-track university employees; however, appointments cannot be for a period longer than current external support for that faculty member.
Research-track faculty will be reviewed on a schedule commensurate with their appointments, according to written standards of competence and performance defined by their college and departments. Reappointments are to be made only if the research faculty member has a demonstrated record of successfully obtaining external support to fund the research-track faculty member's research. - Qualifications for specific ranks. The ranks of research-track faculty shall be assigned as defined below, and in accordance with collegiate policies. Candidates for promotion shall be evaluated primarily upon the quality of their research (see paragraph g).
- Assistant professor.
- Terminal degree (or its equivalent) appropriate to the field.
- Evidence of productive scholarship.
- Evidence of ability to fulfill relevant responsibilities in the research enterprise.
- Associate professor.
- Terminal degree (or its equivalent) appropriate to the field.
- Record of productive scholarship in high-quality venues such as peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, or books appropriate to the discipline.
- Evidence of extramural research funding and sustained salary support from extramural grants and/or contracts on which the faculty member is listed as key personnel.
- Fulfillment of important responsibilities in the research enterprise.
- Clear evidence of regional recognition by peers.
- Professor.
- Terminal degree (or its equivalent) appropriate to the field.
- Established record of productive scholarship in high-quality venues such as peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, or books appropriate to the discipline.
- Established record of sustained research funding with substantial salary support from extramural grants and/or contracts on which the faculty member is listed as key personnel.
- Sustained fulfillment of important responsibilities to the research enterprise.
- Clear evidence of national or international recognition by peers.
- Assistant professor.
- Titles. All titles of research-track faculty shall contain the term "research" as a modifier. Exact titles must be stipulated in college procedures and approved by the Provost.
- Promotion. The question of promotion of research-track faculty may be brought up during any regular promotions cycle. Candidates for promotion shall be evaluated primarily upon the quality of their research. Incidental teaching and service activities may also be given some consideration as permitted by collegiate and department guidelines. Promotion of research-track faculty will follow university and collegiate Procedures for Research-Track Promotion Decision Making at the University of Iowa. All recommendations for promotion of research faculty are submitted to the Board of Regents for approval.
- Termination and non-renewal.
- Termination during the term of the appointment due to end of funding. In cases where a research-track faculty member’s funding ends before the end of the appointment, the faculty member shall receive three months’ written notice prior to termination.
- Termination during the term of the appointment for reasons other than end of funding. Termination of a research-track faculty member during the term of their appointment may also occur for failure to meet written standards of competence and performance established by the university or the unit or violation of any applicable university policy.
- Non-renewal of appointment. Notice of non-renewal or the intention not to renew an appointment shall be given by email according to the following standards:
- During a probationary appointment on the research track, notice of non-renewal shall be given no later than 3 months prior to the end of the appointment.
- During a second or subsequent appointment on the research track, notice of non-renewal shall be given no later than 6 months prior to the end of the appointment.
- A decision for termination or non-renewal of research-track faculty is subject to the provisions of III-29 Faculty Dispute Procedures.
- Research-track faculty disputes. Research-track faculty disputes are governed by III-29.8 Specialized-Faculty Grievances.
10.9(3) Instructional Faculty
Preamble. Consistent with the university's need to fulfill its important public educational mission, instructional-track faculty may be appointed and promoted as provided below. This policy sets parameters within which individual colleges can develop specific policies and procedures that permit the hiring of instructional-track faculty (see paragraph i below). Operationally, any collegiate policy will be consistent with this policy and subject to approval by the Provost.
- Definitions. Instructional faculty contribute predominantly to the teaching mission of the university and may also do some service. Instructional faculty typically occupy full-time positions, but must be 0.5 FTE or greater. They participate in the faculty governance process as described below and as defined by individual colleges and the Faculty Senate. They are not eligible for tenure.
Instructional faculty shall hold rank at Assistant Professor of Instruction, Assistant Professor of Practice, Associate Professor of Instruction, Associate Professor of Practice, Professor of Instruction, or Professor of Practice as defined below in III-10.11d Qualifications for Specific Ranks. - Role of instructional faculty. Instructional faculty may be hired to teach courses or to educate and prepare students for their professional roles. Instructional faculty shall devote a substantial amount of their time to providing or overseeing the delivery of instruction to University of Iowa students in the classroom or in other settings appropriate to the discipline. Instructional faculty may also perform administrative and/or service functions; however, instructional faculty shall not be assigned primarily to perform service or administrative functions with few or no educational obligations. Similarly, research, scholarship, or artistic creation shall not be a requirement for appointment, reappointment, or promotion of instructional faculty, but may be considered as evidence of professional productivity if provided for by collegiate policy.
- Hiring and terms of appointments. Salaried instructional faculty are searched for and appointed through university-wide recruitment processes. (See III-9 Hiring and Appointments.)
- Assistant professors shall receive a probationary (initial) 1- to 3-year appointment. If an applicant is hired as an associate or full professor, the college may choose to provide a probationary 1- to 3-year appointment.
- Terms of appointments subsequent to a probationary period vary, based on rank:
- Assistant Professor of Instruction or Assistant Professor of Practice: Upon meeting the qualifications prescribed below, and upon mutual agreement of an applicant and the department and/or college, an applicant may be appointed as an instructional faculty member at the rank of Assistant Professor. Following the initial probationary appointment, Assistant Professors, if renewed, shall receive one- to three-year appointments.
- Associate Professor of Instruction or Associate Professor of Practice: Upon meeting the qualifications prescribed in III-10.11d, and upon mutual agreement of the faculty member and the department and/or college, an instructional faculty member may be hired or promoted into the Associate Professor of Instruction or Associate Professor of Practice rank. Following the probationary appointment, Associate Professors, if renewed, shall receive 3- to 5-year appointments.
- Professor of Instruction or Professor of Practice: Upon meeting the qualifications prescribed below, and upon mutual agreement of the faculty member and the department and/or college, an instructional faculty member may be hired or promoted into the Professor of Instruction or Professor of Practice rank. Following the probationary appointment, Professors, if renewed, shall receive 3- to 7-year appointments.
- A decision to terminate, not to renew, or not to promote an instructional faculty member may occur only as described below.
- Qualifications for specific ranks. The ranks of instructional faculty shall be assigned according to the qualifications below, and in accordance with collegiate policies.
- Assistant Professor of Instruction:
- Terminal degree or other educational qualifications appropriate to the position;
- Evidence of potential in teaching, which can be demonstrated through experience in classroom teaching (including as a teaching assistant), pedagogically related advising or mentoring, curriculum development, or other means; and
- Evidence of potential to contribute to departmental and collegiate service and/or professional productivity, if the appointment will require service and/or professional productivity.
- Assistant Professor of Practice:
- Terminal degree or other educational qualifications appropriate to the position;
- Experience in a profession relevant to the position;
- Evidence of potential in teaching, which can be demonstrated through experience in classroom teaching (including as a teaching assistant), pedagogically related advising or mentoring, curriculum development, or other means; and
- Evidence of potential to contribute to departmental and collegiate service and/or professional productivity, if the appointment will require service and/or professional productivity.
- Associate Professor of Instruction:
- Terminal degree or other educational qualifications appropriate to the position;
- Established record of excellence in teaching; and
- Established record of excellence beyond teaching in professional productivity and/or service, if required and as defined by the college.
- Associate Professor of Practice:
- Terminal degree or other educational qualifications appropriate to the position;
- Experience and achievement in a profession relevant to the position;
- Established record of excellence in teaching, advising students, developing curricula, or other pedagogical activities related to expertise, or an established record of success in professional endeavors indicating the potential for such excellence; and
- Established record of excellence in professional productivity and/or service, if required and as defined by the college.
- Professor of Instruction:
- Terminal degree or other educational qualifications appropriate to the position;
- Sustained record of excellence across a range of teaching endeavors as recognized by faculty and students within the department, college, and/or university community; and
- Sustained record of excellence beyond teaching in professional productivity and/or service, if required and as defined by the college.
- Professor of Practice:
- Terminal degree or other educational qualifications appropriate to the position;
- Substantial experience and outstanding achievement in a profession relevant to the position;
- Sustained record of excellence in teaching, advising students, developing curricula, or other pedagogical activities related to expertise, or a sustained record of success in professional endeavors indicating the potential for such excellence; and
- Sustained record of excellence in professional productivity and/or service, if required and as defined by the college.
- Assistant Professor of Instruction:
- Titles. Colleges shall use the title Assistant Professor of Instruction or Assistant Professor of Practice for the first rank of instructional faculty. Colleges may choose the Associate Professor/Professor of Instruction titles or Associate Professor/Professor of Practice titles, or both, for subsequent ranks. Colleges may use these titles in conjunction with particular subject matters, if desired (e.g., Professor of Practice in Marketing; Professor of Instruction in Legal Analysis, Writing, and Research). Exact titles shall be stipulated in college procedures and approved by the Provost.
- Review and promotion. All reviews of instructional faculty shall be conducted according to written standards of competence and performance defined by the relevant units and in compliance with applicable university policies. Promotion of instructional faculty shall occur during the regular faculty promotion cycle and shall follow both collegiate procedures and Procedures for Instructional Faculty Promotion Decision Making at the University of Iowa. Given that promotion decisions within instructional faculty ranks do not carry the same “up or out” decision associated with tenure, a negative recommendation on a promotion request need not translate into termination of employment.
- Decisions to terminate or not to renew.
- Termination. Termination of instructional faculty during the term of the appointment shall be for failure to meet written standards of competence and performance established by the unit or violation of any applicable university policy.
- Non-renewal.
- A decision not to renew an appointment during the probationary period is within the discretion of the dean or designee.
- A decision not to renew any other instructional faculty appointment shall be for failure to meet written standards of competence and performance established by the unit, violation of any applicable university policy, changed economic circumstances, or program or curricular needs.
- Notice. Notice of non-renewal of appointment, or of intention to recommend non-renewal shall be given by email in accordance with the following standards.
- Instructional-track faculty in the probationary period shall be given notice of non-renewal no later than 2 months prior to the end of an academic-year appointment and no later than 3 months prior to the end of a fiscal-year appointment.
- For all other instructional-track faculty appointments, notice of non-renewal shall be given no later than 6 months prior to the end of the appointment.
- Instructional faculty disputes. Instructional-track faculty disputes are governed by the III-29.8 Specialized-Faculty Grievances .
- Collegiate policies and guidelines.
- Every college that offers salaried, non-tenure-track instructional faculty appointments shall develop its own written policy statement with respect to such appointments consistent with all the terms of this policy. Each policy shall address all of the following items:
- Justification for hiring instructional faculty. Each college shall provide a statement describing the justification for hiring instructional faculty, rather than tenure-track or tenured faculty, to fulfill the college’s teaching mission.
- Participation of instructional faculty in faculty governance. Colleges are encouraged to integrate instructional faculty into relevant matters of collegiate and departmental governance, as appropriate. Specifically, colleges and departments are encouraged to allow instructional faculty to participate in the review of other instructional faculty. In addition, collegiate or departmental policy shall not permit instructional-track faculty to vote on the reappointment, tenure, or promotion of any tenured or tenure-track faculty member, but colleges and departments have discretion to decide whether instructional faculty may participate in the review of other faculty tracks.
- Evaluation of instructional faculty. Every instructional faculty member shall be evaluated annually, but not every annual evaluation must be equally extensive. Colleges shall define appropriate evaluations, including intervals for extensive and less extensive evaluations. Colleges shall specify the criteria used to evaluate instructional faculty, and those criteria shall be consistent with the instructional faculty member’s workload allocation. See paragraph i(1)(g) below.
- Procedures for appointment, reappointment, and promotion of instructional faculty, including distinction between Instruction and Practice ranks, if appropriate.
- Criteria for appointment, reappointment, and promotion for instructional faculty, including which degree(s) or educational qualifications are required under paragraph d above.
- Service and/or professional productivity. The collegiate policy shall define what type of service and/or professional productivity, if any, is expected of instructional faculty, and this definition shall be applied to the evaluation criteria for appointment, reappointment, and promotion purposes. Research, scholarship, or artistic creation shall not be a requirement for appointment, reappointment, or promotion, but, if present, may be considered as evidence of professional productivity.
- Workload. Colleges shall specify the standard expectation for calculation of teaching and service load for its instructional faculty, including for part-time instructional faculty. Additionally, the colleges’ individual employment contracts shall specify expectations for workload allocation (e.g., the percentage of time the faculty member shall devote to teaching, service, administration, or other functions) for each instructional faculty member.
- Eligibility to apply for tenure-track positions. Instructional faculty members may apply for open positions on the tenure track, but they may be appointed to the tenure track only one time during their career at the University of Iowa. Similarly, tenure-track faculty may apply for open instructional faculty positions, but an instructional faculty appointment shall not be used as an automatic default appointment for accomplished teachers who made an unsuccessful tenure bid. Colleges may further define their own policies related to switching of tracks.
- Each college adopting an instructional faculty policy shall monitor the percentage of its total salaried faculty (computed in FTEs) that hold salaried instructional faculty appointments.
- Each collegiate instructional faculty policy, and any subsequent proposals to change the policy, shall obtain the approval of a majority of the voting faculty within the college by a referendum supervised by the Associate Provost for Faculty. Any proposal to adopt or to change a college’s instructional faculty policy shall also be approved by the Provost or designee.
- Every college that offers salaried, non-tenure-track instructional faculty appointments shall develop its own written policy statement with respect to such appointments consistent with all the terms of this policy. Each policy shall address all of the following items:
- Participation by instructional faculty in the university mission. Consistent with the role of instructional faculty and with institutional needs, instructional faculty shall be full participants in the educational mission and intellectual life of the university. The university, as well as individual colleges and departments, shall strive to integrate instructional faculty into faculty governance, to stimulate innovation and collaboration in their teaching and other endeavors, to promote diversity and inclusion among their ranks, and to protect their academic freedom.
- Representation in Faculty Senate. Instructional faculty are eligible to vote in Faculty Senate elections and to hold Senate positions; however, no more than 20 percent of the senators from any college, or one senator, whichever is greater, may be instructional-track faculty from that college. Instructional faculty may be appointed to any committees of the Senate or to university committees as a faculty representative.