29.6 Tenure-Track Ethics and Conduct Violation

  1. Scope. The procedures described in this section constitute the exclusive process for termination of a faculty member for violation of III-15 Professional Ethics and Academic Responsibility, except for any finding of violation of II-27.6 Ethics in Research, which shall proceed to III-29.9 for resolution. Procedures applicable to complaints that a faculty member violated any other university policy are stated under paragraph b below.
    1. Complaint. Such a complaint may be filed with the provost by any person, or a complaint may be initiated by the Provost.
    2. Preliminary actions by the Provost. The Provost shall make a brief investigation as may be appropriate to determine whether there is a reasonable basis for believing that a violation of the Professional Ethics and Academic Responsibility policy by a faculty member has occurred. This investigation, to be conducted in such a manner as to avoid injury to the faculty member's reputation, ordinarily shall be completed within 20 business days following receipt of the complaint.
      1. If, at this time or at any later time, the Provost concludes that a reasonable basis does not exist, the Provost shall promptly notify the complainant. Despite a finding of no reasonable basis, the Provost may, in their discretion, propose measures for reconciliation between the faculty member and the complainant. If the faculty member and the complainant do not agree to participate in such reconciliatory measures, the case will be closed, and no further investigation or review will be undertaken.
      2. If the Provost concludes that there is a reasonable basis for believing that a violation of the Professional Ethics and Academic Responsibility policy has occurred, the Provost, on behalf of the university, may forward a petition to the presiding officer, send a copy to the faculty member, and the matter shall proceed under the Judicial Procedures described in III-29.7 below.
  2. Policy violation and corrective measures. If a faculty member is found to have violated university policy governing conduct of faculty members (including those also governing conduct of staff and/or students), then the Provost on behalf of the university shall notify the faculty member of the violation and the corrective measures to be imposed, which may include sanctions up to and including termination. Examples of such policies include the Community Policies in Part II of this Policy Manual but shall not include II-27.6 Ethics in Research, from which a finding of violation shall proceed to III-29.9 Research Ethics Violation for resolution.
  3. Hearing process. If the faculty member refuses the imposed corrective measures and there is no alternate resolution acceptable to both parties, the provost may initiate proceedings under the Judicial Procedures as described in III-29.7.