29.1 General
The Faculty Dispute Procedures amended by the Faculty Senate and the President of the University were approved as amended by the Board of Regents on April 21, 1993. The Faculty Dispute Procedures were further amended by a Task Force appointed by the University President and approved by the Iowa State Board of Regents on May 22, 1997. The Faculty Dispute Procedures were further amended on July 10, 2013.
These Faculty Dispute Procedures shall govern the following cases: 1) all cases under III-29.5, III-29.6, and III-29.9 in which the Request for an Investigation is dated after the approval of these Faculty Dispute Procedures; 2) all cases under III-29.7 in which the Notice of Charges is dated after the approval of these Faculty Dispute Procedures; 3) all cases under III-29.8 in which the Formal Notice by the Academic Officer is dated after the approval of these Faculty Dispute Procedures; and 4) any other case that is pending at the time of approval of these Faculty Dispute Procedures, where the faculty member or clinical faculty member in such case elects to complete the case under these Faculty Dispute Procedures.
Kinds of Disputes. Sections III-29.1–29.10 describe the institutions, regulations, and procedures for the resolution within the University of certain kinds of problems and disputes involving a member of the faculty or a clinical faculty member. These situations are of the following five kinds:Denial of Tenure, Promotion, or Reappointment: in which a tenure-track faculty member may challenge a decision by the University to deny tenure, promotion, or reappointment to the faculty member;Grievance: in which a faculty member or a clinical faculty member may challenge the legitimacy of some administrative action or non-action (other than denial of tenure, promotion, or reappointment) that affects the faculty member;Ethics: in which the University may charge a faculty member with violation of the University Statement on Professional Ethics and Academic Responsibility (see III-15) and may impose sanctions for violation of certain of the University's policies; andUnacceptable Performance of Duty Warranting Termination: in which the University may seek the dismissal of a faculty member during the faculty member's term of appointment under the terms of III-29.8.Clinical Faculty Member Termination or Denial of Promotion or Reappointment: in which a clinical faculty member may challenge a decision by the University to terminate or to deny promotion or reappointment to the clinical faculty member.
Framework of Relevant Provisions. The involvement of the faculty in the resolution of these kinds of problems and disputes comes through the Faculty Judicial Commission. Accordingly, after the definitions, the composition and procedures of the Commission are described first, followed by the general and specific provisions for dealing with the various kinds of situations. The sections of these procedures are as follows:29.2 Definitions29.3 The Faculty Judicial Commission29.4 General Provisions29.5 Denial of Tenure, Promotion, or Reappointment29.6 Grievance29.7 Ethics29.8 Unacceptable Performance of Duty Warranting Termination29.9 Clinical Faculty Member Termination or Denial of Promotion or Reappointment29.10 Research Ethics Violation