29.2 Definitions
(Amended 8/13)
The following definitions are applicable to III-29–29.10:
"Academic officer" means the chief academic officer of The University of Iowa under the President or any person designated to act on behalf of the Academic Officer for the purposes of these regulations."Clinical faculty member" means a clinical faculty member under III-10.9a of the University's Clinical Track Policy, holding a salaried appointment as described in III-10.9c."Collegiate dean" means the chief academic officer of the college of the faculty member's principal appointment or any person designated to act on behalf of the collegiate dean for the purposes of these regulations."Complainant" in a Title IX case means the person who filed the complaint alleging a Title IX violation. Such person may be the alleged victim, a third-party complainant, or the University. If the University is the complainant, it shall be represented by the Academic Officer."Ethics statement" means the University Statement on Professional Ethics and Academic Responsibility. (See III-15.)"Faculty member" means, unless the context shows differently, the member of the faculty who is challenging the University in a Denial of Tenure, Promotion, or Reappointment case or a Grievance case; or who is being charged by the University in an Ethics case or an Unacceptable Performance case. In general, a faculty member is one who holds an academic appointment with the title of instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor; but anyone else, of whatever title, who is defined as a faculty member by the Faculty Senate with the concurrence of the President of the University is a faculty member for the purpose of these regulations. Except as noted under III-29.9, this definition shall include a clinical faculty member as defined under III-10.9a."Investigating officer" means a University employee, preferably with faculty experience, whose title shall be "Investigating Officer under the Faculty Dispute Procedures" and whose responsibilities include the investigatory functions and hearing management functions specified in III-29.5; III-29.6; III-29.7; III-29.8; and III-29.9 of these regulations. The Investigating Officer will be nominated by the President and approved by two thirds of the members present at a Faculty Council meeting and a Faculty Senate meeting or by two thirds of members voting in a Special Ballot of the Faculty Senate under its procedures. If at any time these regulations are in effect when the position of Investigating Officer is not filled, the responsibilities of that office shall be performed by a faculty panel."Party" means either the faculty member or the University in connection with the proceedings under any of the five kinds of disputes covered by these regulations. In a Title IX case, it also means the complainant. It includes the legal counsel or other persons authorized to act and acting on behalf of a party."President" means the chief executive officer of The University of Iowa. The President shall make whatever decisions these regulations call for the President to make unless the President is absent or incapacitated, in which case a person designated by the President to act on behalf of the President in such circumstances shall make the decisions."Tenure rights" means those rights and privileges arising from tenure conferred on the grieving faculty member prior to the inception of the dispute underlying the grievance in which those rights are at issue."These regulations" means the Faculty Dispute Procedures (III-29–29.10)."University representative" means the individual designated by the Academic Officer as the person responsible to receive and to give notices and information on behalf of the University under III-29.5, except where that responsibility is otherwise specified in these regulations; once the Academic Officer has designated the University Representative, that designation may be changed at any time by written notification from the Academic Officer to the Presiding Officer.