17.14 Penalties for Delinquent Reporting of Final Grades
(Board of Deans and President 1/49; 3/72; 12/05)
- The deadline for submitting final grades is 72 hours (excluding weekends and University holidays) after the end of final examination week (fall and spring semesters) or after the last day of the session (summer and winter sessions). For courses that end "off-cycle," final grade submission is subject to deadlines established by the University Registrar in compliance with University policy.
- At the end of each academic period, the University Registrar shall prepare a list of faculty members who failed to submit one or more final grades by the established deadline.
- A copy of the list of faculty members delinquent in reporting of grades shall be forwarded by the Registrar to the appropriate collegiate dean and to the Payroll Unit of Human Resources.
- A faculty member whose final grades are delinquent shall be notified of their delinquency by the dean, and the issue of the next paycheck shall be delayed ten days. If the delinquent final grades have not been reported after ten days, no paycheck will be issued until the delinquent grades are reported.
- The Registrar shall retain a session-by-session record of faculty members whose grades are delinquent. In case of repetition in successive sessions, the initial penalty for the faculty member will be increased to fifteen days, and the Provost will be notified.
- In the case of a faculty member whose University employment is terminated, the entire last paycheck may be withheld until the faculty member has submitted all final grades.