Chapter 4 – Affiliated Organizations
The following are a number of organizations that are legally distinct from the University of Iowa, but have purposes that benefit or are otherwise related to the university's mission.
4.1 The University of Iowa Center for Advancement 4.2 The University of Iowa Facilities Corporation 4.3 Iowa Law School Foundation 4.4 Iowa Measurement Research Foundation 4.5 Student Publications, Incorporated 4.6 (Reserved for future use) 4.7 The University of Iowa Health System 4.8 The University of Iowa Research Foundation 4.9 The University of Iowa Research Park Corporation
4.1 The University of Iowa Center for Advancement
The University of Iowa Center for Advancement (“UI Center for Advancement”) is an operational name for the State University of Iowa Foundation. The UI Center for Advancement is an independent, Iowa nonprofit corporation organized as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, publicly supported charitable entity that works with The University of Iowa to advance the University’s missions. The UI Center for Advancement is legally, organizationally, and operationally separate from the University and is governed by an independent board of directors. The UI Center for Advancement’s purpose is to advance The University of Iowa through engagement and philanthropy by 1) soliciting, receiving, and managing charitable gifts for the benefit of and use by the University; and 2) strengthening ties with the University by engaging alumni, fans, friends, students, parents, donors, and patients through programming, events, and opportunities to give back.
The UI Center for Advancement’s expenditures from gifts it receives are in most instances directed by donors’ gift designations for specific uses benefiting the University. The University recognizes the UI Center for Advancement as an appropriate and preferred channel for the receipt of gifts intended to benefit the University.
4.2 The University of Iowa Facilities Corporation
The University of Iowa Facilities Corporation was incorporated in 1967 as a supporting organization of The State University of Iowa Foundation, aka the University of Iowa Center for Advancement, to assist in maintaining, developing, increasing, and extending the facilities and services available to the University. The corporation acquires and holds property for the benefit and use of the University.
4.3 Iowa Law School Foundation
The Iowa Law School Foundation is an Iowa nonprofit corporation "organized to promote and develop the ability of the College of Law of The University of Iowa to train students for the legal profession, by promoting a close, mutual relationship between the College of Law and its alumni and by soliciting and receiving funds and other gifts to be used for such purposes as the purchase of books, equipment, and supplies for the College of Law, the endowment of scholarships to the College of Law for worthy students, the establishment of special facilities, including such things as special groups and lectures, of any and all types for the benefit of the College of Law, its faculty and students, and for such other purposes as will better enable the College of Law to perform its fundamental educational functions" (Article III, Articles of Incorporation of Iowa Law School Foundation).
4.4 Iowa Measurement Research Foundation
The purposes of the Iowa Measurement Research Foundation are to advance knowledge in the field of educational testing, to enrich the training of research workers in this field, and to support the development of measuring instruments of potential value to school personnel. The Foundation achieves these purposes through: 1) research grants to faculty of The University of Iowa College of Education; 2) support of test development and research projects of the Iowa Testing Programs; 3) subsidies for activities leading to enrichment of the graduate program in measurement of The University of Iowa; 4) maintenance of a library of standardized tests and other reference materials in the area of testing; and 5) support for activities which lead to the dissemination of research findings.
4.5 Student Publications, Incorporated
Student Publications, Inc. (SPI), is an educational nonprofit corporation that runs and manages The Daily Iowan. Its Board of Trustees consists of three alumni of the University and the Daily Iowan newsroom, three University faculty members, two staff members, and six University students. The goals of SPI are to train journalists and to provide a newspaper for the University of Iowa community.
4.7 The University of Iowa Health System
The University of Iowa Health System (UIHS) is a nonprofit corporation organized and operated to support the clinical, academic, and research programs of the Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa Physicians, and University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics by establishing a continuum of relationships with health care providers and payors. UIHS is legally and organizationally separate from the The University of Iowa and governed by a board of directors. UIHS conducts its functions primarily through subsidiary organizations in which it owns an interest.
4.8 The University of Iowa Research Foundation
The University of Iowa Research Foundation is tax exempt from federal income taxes under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. It was organized for the purpose of encouraging and assisting investigation, research, and education at The University of Iowa. This is accomplished by obtaining and managing proprietary right in copyrights, patents, and licenses and by assisting in the commercial development of these technologies.
4.9 The University of Iowa Research Park Corporation
The University of Iowa Research Park Corporation is a not-for-profit organization incorporated in the State of Iowa on April 24, 1989. It was established to build a nucleus of businesses in Iowa that are drawn by the strengths of the University and the private sector. The Oakdale Research Park is part of the Corporation. The organization subleases portions of the Oakdale Research Park to tenants under operating lease agreements. The Corporation is exempt from payment of income taxes under Section 501(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code and similar section of the state income tax law. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 501(c)(2), the organization's net income is vested with The University of Iowa.