10.1 General
(Amended 3/07; 7/15)
- In an emergency: If a member of the university community believes that they, or others, are in immediate physical danger, they should call 911 or contact the University of Iowa Police Department, 319-335-5022.
- In other situations: Appropriate university officials are available to coordinate a response to concerns of violence or verbal threats, whether current or potential, as indicated below.
- For student concerns, assistance is available through:
- the Office of the Dean of Students, 135 Iowa Memorial Union, 319-335-1162, or
- the University of Iowa Police Department, 808 University Capitol Centre, 319-335-5022, or
- the Threat Assessment Team, 808 University Capitol Centre, 319-384-2955.
- For faculty and staff concerns, assistance is available through:
- Employee Assistance Program, 121-50 University Services Building, 319-335-2085, or
- the University of Iowa Police Department, 808 University Capitol Centre, 319-335-5022, or
- the Threat Assessment Team, 808 University Capitol Centre, 319-384-2955.
- For any complaint believed to be related to sexual harassment or discrimination, assistance is available through the Office of Institutional Equity, 202 Jessup Hall, 319-335-0705.
- For student concerns, assistance is available through: