10.3 Definitions

(Amended 3/07; 7/15; 9/21/18; 1/20; 6/8/22)

Terms used in this policy:

  1. "Academic or administrative officer" includes the following:
    1. Collegiate deans (including associate deans and assistant deans);
    2. Faculty members with administrative responsibilities at the level of departmental executive officer (DEO) or above;
    3. Any staff member whose primary job responsibility is to provide advice regarding a student's academic pursuits or other university-related activities;
    4. Any faculty or staff member serving as departmental (or collegiate) director or  coordinator of undergraduate or graduate studies,  or a director or coordinator of any departmental, collegiate, or university off-campus academic program (including any study abroad program);
    5. The President, the directors in the Office of Institutional Equity, vice presidents (including assistant and associate vice presidents), and Executive Vice President and Provost (including assistant and associate provosts), and those persons' designees;
    6. Directors and supervisors in an employment context, including faculty and staff who supervise student employees, in relation to matters involving the employees they supervise (other than Campus Safety personnel when receiving criminal complaints or reports); and
    7. Human resource representatives (including all central University Human Resources staff).
  2. "Allegations": to the extent possible, allegations of a crime or of policy violations should provide factual details such as, but not limited to, time, place, actions, participants, and witnesses. Allegations do not necessarily have to be based on first-hand observation of events, but direct observation normally results in greater specificity and credibility than indirect knowledge.
  3. "Domestic/dating violence" is coercive, abusive, and/or threatening behavior toward a current or former intimate or romantic partner. These behaviors may include physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, or injure the impacted party/survivor.
  4. "Graduate assistant": a graduate student employed by the university as a research assistant or teaching assistant.
  5. "Human resources representative": the individual designated as departmental authority on human resource policies and procedures, and all central human resources staff.
  6. "Impacted party": a person who allegedly has been harmed in violation of this policy.
  7. "Member of the University community": any university student, faculty, or staff member.
  8. "Protected interests": University employment, education, on-campus living, or participation in a university activity.
  9. "Reporting party": the person who brings a complaint of violation of this policy, who could be an impacted party, a third-party reporter, or an academic or administrative officer of theuUniversity.
  10. "Responding party": a person who has been accused of violence in a formal complaint.
  11. "Stalking": a course of conduct that is directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear.
  12. "Supervisor": a person who has authority to either: 1) undertake or recommend tangible employment decisions (those that significantly change an employee's employment status, such as, but not limited to, hiring, firing, promoting, demoting, reassigning, and compensation decisions) affecting an employee; or 2) direct the employee's daily work activities.
  13. "Third-party reporter": a person who brings a complaint alleging that someone else has been harmed or demeaned in violation of this policy. A third-party reporter does not need to be a member of the university community (i.e., current university faculty, staff, or student).