23.1 Definitions
The following terms are defined for the purpose of this policy on the Treatment of Alumni Records:
- "Alumni, alumnae, alumnus, alumna." Refers to any person(s) who hold(s) a degree or a certificate from The University of Iowa. Persons who have attended but have not completed a degree or certificate at The University of Iowa are "former students."
- "Alumni records." Refers to information pertaining to one of the alumni, which is obtained and maintained after the individual no longer is enrolled as a student. Alumni records, however, do not include information from the education records of students or former students except information classified as "directory information" under IV-6 Treatment of Student Education Records. Information from alumni records retains its character as an alumni record when it is in the possession of a University academic or administrative office or a University-affiliated organization, provided that it is maintained separately from the confidential education records of the person to whom the alumni record relates. Any alumni who want their addresses and/or telephone numbers to be kept confidential, or who seek to be dropped from all University mailings, specific collegiate or departmental mailings, or specific University-affiliated organization mailings, should notify the Office of the Registrar, Division of Alumni Records, accordingly so that their requests may be coded in accordance with University policies.