27.9 General Policy and Procedures for Review of Research and Instruction Projects Involving Use of Animal Subjects
(1/02; 1/08)
- It is the policy of the University that all activities involving the use of live vertebrate animals be conducted in accordance with federal law and regulatory guidelines regarding the humane care and use of animals. The University has provided the federal government with a formal commitment to humane and appropriate review and conduct of animal research in a document entitled "University of Iowa Assurance of Compliance with Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals."
- All research and instruction performed by University of Iowa faculty, staff, and students involving the use of live vertebrate animals must be submitted for prior review and approval to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to ensure that the above conditions are met. This requirement applies irrespective of the funding source or location on or off campus of the research or instruction. In the absence of an IACUC-approved, valid Animal Protocol Form, an investigator may not perform procedures with live vertebrate animals or acquire animal data under the project in question.
- The Office of Animal Resources is responsible for the procurement and husbandry of all live vertebrate animals at The University of Iowa.
- It is the responsibility of the principal investigator to assure that all individuals involved in the use of animals in research and instruction be appropriately trained in the procedures to be used in their approved activities. All individuals named in research protocols involving the use of live vertebrate animals must also have completed the University of Iowa training requirement prior to performing animal procedures.
- Details of the University policy and procedures are available at https://animal.research.uiowa.edu.