3.4 Process for Sanctions
(Amended 5/12/22)
- In the case of formal complaints, the following administrators will review the findings of the Office of Civil Rights Compliance investigation:
- the Office of the Provost, if the responding party is a faculty member or other instructional personnel (except graduate assistants);
- the office of the vice president or dean responsible for the unit employing the person charged, if the responding party is a staff member (including a graduate assistant, in which case the Dean of the Graduate College also must be notified in order to determine whether ramifications apply for the student's academic progress);
- the Dean of Students, if the responding party is a student (including a graduate student, in which case the Dean of the Graduate College also must be notified in order to determine whether ramifications apply for the student's academic progress).
- the appropriate administrator above, if the responding party is a unit.
- The administrator who receives the report shall:
- discuss it with OCRC in order to determine, based on OCRC's findings and input, appropriate corrective measures and/or sanctions. If the responding party is a staff member, the administrator will also consult with the Senior Human Resources Leadership Representative in the unit. If the responding party is a faculty member, graduate assistant, or unit, the administrator will also consult with the appropriate dean and departmental executive officer. When a responding-party staff member, faculty member, or graduate assistant is also a student, the administrator and the Dean of Students will also consult with one another in determining what corrective measures or sanctions should be pursued.
- implement appropriate corrective measures and/or sanctions consistent with university procedures. The administrator must inform OCRC in writing of the actions that are taken in response to OCRC's findings.
- ensure that the impacted party is informed when action is taken.
- Violations of the Human Rights Policy may lead to sanctions up to and including termination or separation from the university. If the responding party is a unit, sanctions may include changes to unit policies or processes, or other appropriate actions. Sanctions for violations of this policy should be commensurate with the nature of the violation and the responding party's disciplinary history. It is the responsibility of the appropriate administrator to follow up with the parties at a reasonable interval(s) to assess their compliance with the sanctions imposed. More serious sanctions up to and including termination of employment or separation from the university may be imposed in the event that the individual fails to comply with the sanctions initially imposed.