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- Complaints. A complaint that a person has violated the Rules may be filed with the Academic Officer by any person, or a complaint may be initiated by the Academic Officer.
- Preliminary Actions. If a complaint has been filed with the Academic Officer, the Academic Officer shall make such brief investigations as may be necessary to decide whether probable cause exists to believe that the person about whom a complaint has been made has violated the Rules. The Academic Officer's investigation ordinarily shall be completed within thirty days following receipt of the complaint. During the period of investigation, the Academic Officer may discuss the matter with the person about whom allegations have been made and reach a mutually acceptable settlement of the matter.
- If, at this time or any later time, the Academic Officer decides that probable cause does not exist, they shall notify the complainant and the matter will be deemed closed.
- If the Academic Officer decides that probable cause does exist, they shall formulate a Notice of Charges as provided in paragraph (c) of this section.
- Notice of Charges. The Notice of Charges shall quote the rule or rules asserted to have been violated, shall set forth in reasonable detail the reported circumstances of the alleged misconduct, shall set forth the sanction the Academic Officer plans to recommend to the hearing officer, and shall describe the options available to the person charged under these procedures. A copy of the Notice shall be sent to the person charged, the presiding officer of the faculty, student, or staff Judicial Commission, depending upon the group from which the person charged comes, and to the complainant if other than the Academic Officer. The Notice of Charges shall include a copy of these regulations and of the Rules.