Chapter 25 – Environmental Health and Safety Office
25.1 General Purpose
The Environmental Health & Safety Office is maintained by the University for the protection of the health and safety of students and staff. The office reports to the Office of the Vice President for Research.
25.2 Administration of Workplace Safety Programs
The Environmental Health & Safety Office (EHS) is responsible for the administration of biological, chemical, general safety, radiological, select environmental programs, and other programs deemed necessary for the health and safety of the University community. The standards by which workplace environments are judged are federal, state, and local regulations.
25.3 Enforcement of Health and Safety Standards
The Environmental Health & Safety Office will recommend, administer, and implement University policy, enforce standards for health and safety within its jurisdiction, exercise surveillance over appropriate issues of health and safety, review plans for new construction and remodeling of University buildings and facilities as directed, and advise the Vice President for Research on the status of the various safety programs.