12.6 Resources Available to University Faculty and Staff
The UI Employee Assistance Program (UI EAP) is a University-sponsored resource for those experiencing a variety of health and well-being-related concerns, including concerns relative to drug and alcohol use and abuse. UI EAP provides faculty, staff, and their immediate family members an opportunity to seek professional, confidential assistance at no cost to the employee. "Immediate family" includes the employee's spouse or domestic partner and dependent children. UI EAP provides assessment and referrals to community, regional, or national providers of substance abuse treatment. UI EAP also provides brief counseling services (typically up to four sessions within a year). Consultation services are provided to supervisors, University Human Resources professionals, colleagues, and coworkers. UI EAP provides educational programming and training in how to seek assistance, make referrals, or better understand the challenges of drinking and addictions. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact the UI Employee Assistance Program, 121-50 University Services Building, (319) 335-2085, or eaphelp@uiowa.edu; or visit their website at https://hr.uiowa.edu/well-being/employee-assistance-program.
(See also Drug Free Environment and Campus Security Policy Notification at https://hr.uiowa.edu/policies/annual-notifications.)