5.5 Procedures
(Amended 7/1/17)
- Self-disclosure by instructor.
- The instructor is expected to make timely notification when an instructional context includes both the instructor and a student with whom the instructor has a romantic and/or sexual relationship. Such notification may be made to any of the following recipients:
- the neutral supervisor of the instructor;
- the DEO/director of the department;
- the dean/vice president of the college/division in which the instructor is employed; or
- the Office of Civil Rights Compliance.
- The instructor is expected to make timely notification when an instructional context includes both the instructor and a student with whom the instructor has a romantic and/or sexual relationship. Such notification may be made to any of the following recipients:
- Bringing a complaint.
- A complaint alleging a violation of this policy may be brought by any person, including a third party.
- In addition, any of the following offices may initiate a complaint:
- the Office of the Provost of the university (for relationships involving faculty);
- University Human Resources or (for relationships involving staff); or
- the Office of Civil Rights Compliance.
- Complaints alleging a violation of this policy may be made to any of the following recipients:
- a neutral supervisor of the instructor;
- the DEO/director of the department;
- the dean/vice president of the college/division in which the instructor is employed;
- the Office of the Provost; or
- the Office of Civil Rights Compliance.
- Resolution of a complaint or a self-disclosure by an instructor.
- Once a recipient receives a complaint or a self-disclosure, the recipient determines whether the policy applies. The instructor is given an opportunity to respond to the allegation if there is a complaint.
- If the recipient determines that the policy applies to the particular instructional context, then a neutral supervisor develops a plan for management of the instructional context that ends the evaluative, supervisory and, where possible, the instructional functions causing the conflict.
- Significant or repeated violations of this policy may result in discipline imposed on the instructor in addition to or in lieu of the management plan.
- In those cases where the instructor is a faculty member, discipline shall be imposed only after consultation with the Office of the Provost. Such discipline may involve III-29 Faculty Dispute Procedures and the portion of the procedures dealing with faculty ethics (III-29.7).
- In those cases where the instructor is a staff member, discipline shall be imposed only after consultation with the respective Senior HR Leadership Representative. Such discipline may relate to III-16 Ethics and Responsibilities for University Staff and utilize the applicable grievance procedures, including III-28 Conflict Management Resources for University Staff.
- In those cases where the instructor is a graduate assistant, discipline related to their employment shall be imposed by the dean of the employing college and only after consultation with the Office of the Dean of the Graduate College. Discipline related to student status shall be imposed by the Office of the Dean of Students, after consultation with the Office of the Dean of the Graduate College.
- A statement of the determination of a policy application, a copy of the plan, and a proposal for dissemination is directed to the appropriate office designated below:
- In those cases where the instructor is a faculty member, the plan is forwarded to the DEO, dean, and Office of the Provost.
- In those cases where the instructor is a staff member, the plan is forwarded to the Senior Human Resources Leadership Representative and University Human Resources.
- In those cases where the instructor is a graduate assistant, the plan is forwarded to the dean of the employing college, the Graduate College, the Office of the Dean of Students, and the Office of the Vice President for Student Life.
- Upon approval, a copy of the plan is directed to the instructor.
- The person responsible for development of the plan reviews it annually and reports to the respective office as designated above.
- The instructor may take any of the following actions:
- comply with the plan, in which case the matter is resolved; or
- challenge the determination that a policy violation occurred or any discipline imposed by:
- accessing III-29 Faculty Dispute Procedures and the portion of the procedures dealing with faculty ethics (III-29.7), when the instructor is a faculty member.
- accessing applicable university policies, including III-16 Ethics and Responsibilities for University Staff, and the applicable grievance procedures, including III-28 Conflict Management Resources for University Staff, when the instructor is a staff member.
- accessing the portion of the procedures dealing with graduate assistant employment (III-12.4) for employment related discipline, and the applicable procedures in the Code of Student Life for discipline related to student status, when the instructor is a graduate assistant.
- The recipient notifies the complainant that a management plan is in place or that no policy violation occurred.