14.4 Bringing a Complaint
(Amended 7/15; 1/20)
- Individuals who believe they have experienced harassment are encouraged to report it, even if they are not certain whether a violation of this policy has occurred. Reports of protected class harassment (see II-3 Human Rights) should be brought to the Office of Institutional Equity under this policy. Reports also may be directed separately to other offices under applicable policies and procedures as follows:
- Complaints that a student violated the rights of any member of the university community may be investigated under a process initiated by the Dean of Students (such as, but not limited to, the Code of Student Life;
- Complaints that a faculty member violated the rights of any member of the university community may be investigated under a process initiated by the Provost (such as, but not limited to, III-15 Professional Ethics and Academic Responsibility);
- Complaints that a staff member violated the rights of any member of the university community may be investigated under a process initiated by the Senior Human Resources Leadership Representative for the staff member's unit (such as, but not limited to, III-16 Ethics and Responsibilities for University of Iowa Staff). The Senior Human Resources Leadership Representative may appoint a designee to conduct the investigation with the approval of University Human Resources and the Office of Institutional Equity.
- A complaint that this policy has been violated may be brought through informal or formal channels by any member of the university community, including a third-party reporter, or by the university itself. A complaint must clearly state the allegations of harassment to warrant an investigation. There is no time limit for bringing a complaint; however, it may be difficult to substantiate the allegations if they are made after significant time has passed. Therefore, prompt reporting of complaints is strongly encouraged.
- Substantial weight will be given to the wishes of the impacted party when determining how to respond to a complaint. However, the university may investigate the allegations even without the impacted party's consent, if circumstances warrant (such as when there are multiple complaints of harassment involving the same person or allegations are particularly egregious).
- Anyone (impacted parties or others) who wishes to consult with someone about a specific situation without making a complaint, or who wishes simply to learn more about enforcement of this Anti-Harassment Policy may contact any of the following offices or organizations: These offices are exempt from the reporting requirements set forth below in II-14.5e. In addition, staff in these offices and organizations generally have professional or legal obligations to keep communications with their clients confidential. Faculty and staff in other university offices typically do not have confidentiality obligations and may be required to report allegations as described below in II-14.5e.
- Office of the Ombudsperson (for faculty, staff, or students), 308 Jefferson Building;
- Employee Assistance Program (for faculty or staff), 121-50 University Services Building;
- University Counseling Service (for students), 3223 Westlawn;
- Women's Resource and Action Center (for faculty, other instructors, staff, students, or visitors), Bowman House;
- Domestic Violence Intervention Program (certified advocates) (for faculty, other instructors, staff, students, or visitors), 1105 South Gilbert Court, Iowa City.