Chapter 8 – Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity Statement of Policy and Purpose; Statement on Diversity

(Amended 6/04)

8.1 Policy

The University of Iowa is committed to the principle of equality of opportunity for all persons. The purpose of the university's affirmative action program is to reaffirm and ensure that this principle is applied to the recruitment, appointment, and promotion of persons in all employment classifications. The University of Iowa will continue to comply with federal and state regulations and to work cooperatively with governmental and community organizations in ensuring equal employment opportunities and affirmative action.

The ultimate responsibility for equal employment opportunity and affirmative action at the University of Iowa lies with the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, and the President of the University. Implementation and day-to-day administration of the policies are responsibilities of the Executive Officer for Access, Opportunity, and Diversity (AOD) and Associate Vice President;  the Chief Human Resources Officer; the Associate Provost for Faculty; and the Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCRC). Goals and objectives are attained, however, through the full cooperation, support, and good faith efforts of all deans, directors, departmental executive officers, supervisors, and others responsible for human resources decisions.

8.2 Statement on Diversity

The University of Iowa values diversity among students, faculty, and staff, and regards equal employment opportunity and affirmative action as tools to achieve diversity. The university believes that a rich diversity of people and the many points of view they bring serve to enhance the quality of the educational experience at the University of Iowa.

See also III-9.6 Affirmative Action Employment Guidelines.