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- An administrative committee will be formed to monitor the application of this policy to new and existing uses of video surveillance; to create operational procedures related to the approval of requests, retention of and access to video surveillance footage, use of signage; and to provide for timely reviews of this policy.
- Process for approval. Prior to design, purchase, installation, and/or any use, all video surveillance equipment and systems must be approved in writing as consistent with this policy.
- For all University organizations other than University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics:
- Requests for design, purchase, installation, and/or use must be made to one of the following University officials:
- The vice president, or a designee, for the requesting unit;
- Assistant Vice President for Campus Safety, or a designee; or
- Chief Human Resources Officer, or a designee.
- Upon receiving a request, the University official will consult with the other University officials listed above and the Information Security and Policy Officer or a designee, prior to approval. Upon approval, these same individuals shall be notified of the written response by the approving University official.
- For University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics (and the operations of other health care units under the authority of the hospital):
- The Vice President for Medical Affairs or a designee will be responsible for all requests for the design, purchase, installation, or use of video surveillance equipment and systems within the hospital. This person will also be responsible to assure appropriate consultation with other hospital and/or University officials, such as the Associate Vice President for Human Resources for UI Health Care, regarding the application of this policy.
- UIHC's Department of Safety and Security is responsible for notifying Campus Safety of the locations of surveillance cameras and for the retention of recordings.
- Confidentiality statements. All University faculty, staff, and students with access to video surveillance systems are required to sign a confidentiality statement approved by the Office of the General Counsel.
- External releases of footage.
- Public records requests. All public records requests, including requests for the release of video surveillance footage, should be submitted to the UI Transparency Officer, 101 Jessup Hall, according to normal University practice.
- Other external release. Prior written authorization from the Office of the General Counsel, or a designee, is required for any other release of video surveillance footage to any party external to the University.
- If video surveillance is installed where identification of individuals is possible, signage should be used when appropriate for the context. The following language is suggested: "This area is subject to video surveillance and may or may not be actively monitored."