38.2 Use by Eligible Groups
Requests for use of outdoor areas for a purpose beyond the scope of regularly assigned use are submitted as hereafter provided. Only groups eligible to use University facilities as provided in V-35 may apply:
Requests. Eligible groups can request use of a campus area by submitting a written application specifying the exact area desired, properly signed by an authorized representative of the group, to the Vice President for Student Life. Submit applications a week in advance of intended use to provide time for all necessary arrangements. Reasonable effort is made to accommodate requests made at least one working day in advance of the scheduled event. There is no charge for the use of the area unless special expenses or damages are incurred which are charged to the group at actual cost.The Vice President for Student Life (herein after referred to as Vice President) grants timely and reasonable applications in the order received and denies any application which does not conform with University regulations, these rules, or civil law. In determining the reasonableness of an application, the Vice President considers whether the intended use may have a negative impact on the regular University program and other scheduled events or activities in the areas.An applicant may be asked for data regarding the anticipated number of participants and spectators, the adequacy of arrangements for crowd control, parking, sanitary facilities, and provision for protection of the health, safety, and security of persons and property. The effect on normal pedestrian and vehicular traffic, educational operations, the availability of alternative facilities, and any other relevant factors which might adversely affect the legitimate interests of the University may be considered by the Vice President. The Vice President will consult with Facilities Management, the Department of Public Safety, and other departments as deemed necessary in making decisions concerning requests.The Vice President may impose reasonable conditions on the use of the facilities, such as limiting the time or duration of use when necessary for orderly conditions. The Vice President may require an organization to make adequate security arrangements for traffic or crowd control. A deposit may be required from non-University organizations in such reasonable amount as may be determined sufficient by the Vice President, after discussion with interested University-related groups, to insure payment of any special expenses or damages incurred. All federal and state laws and city ordinances must be obeyed, and it is the responsibility of the group to obtain all applicable permits or licenses.Denied Applications. The Vice President states in writing the reason for the denial of any application. A decision denying an application may be appealed to the Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations. The Vice President may not deny an application for any reason that would deny constitutionally protected rights of freedom of speech and assembly.