Chapter 43 – Safety, Health, and Environment Policy
(Amended 3/01; 3/05; 3/09; 9/14)
43.1 General 43.2 Guiding Principles 43.3 Commitments
43.1 General
The University of Iowa is committed to excellence and leadership in protecting the environment and the safety and health of its students, faculty, staff, patients, and visitors. Towards that end, the University shall exercise responsible stewardship over the resources entrusted to it.
43.2 Guiding Principles
In support of this commitment, the University adopts the following guiding principles. The University will:
- Comply with applicable safety, health, and environmental laws and regulations.
- Recognize appropriate safety and environmental management as among its highest priorities and establish policies, programs, and practices for conducting operations in a healthy, safe, and environmentally sound manner.
- Strive to increase awareness of environmental issues and the impact of the University's activities on the environment, and to educate, train, and motivate members of the University community to conduct their activities in an environmentally responsible manner.
- Strive to increase the University community's understanding of how to work safely, reduce injuries, and minimize events that could adversely affect the safety and health of individuals and the environment.
- Foster openness and dialogue, including the involvement of and communication with the University community, thereby anticipating and responding to their concerns about potential hazards and impacts of operations, services, or wastes.
- Develop, design, and operate our facilities and conduct our activities taking into consideration the safe and efficient use of energy and materials, the sustainable use of renewable resources, the minimization of adverse environmental impact and waste generation, and the safe and responsible reuse, recycling, or disposal of wastes or by-products.
- Promote the adoption of these guiding principles by agents or contractors acting on behalf of the University, encouraging and, where appropriate, requiring improvements in their practices to make them consistent with those of the University, and encourage the wider adoption of these principles by suppliers.
- Encourage pollution prevention and waste abatement through institutional changes, such as purchasing policies and specifications.
- Require University students, employees, tenants, and others using University property or engaging in University activities to comply with applicable safety, health, and environmental laws, and regulations.
- Contribute to the development of public policy and to business, governmental programs, and educational initiatives that enhance environmental awareness and protection.
43.3 Commitments
- Compliance with regulations and requirements. The University is committed to comply with applicable safety, health, and environmental laws and regulations that govern our work. More specifically:
- Any discharges into the University-operated storm sewer system that are not comprised solely of storm water, properly permitted storm water discharges associated with industrial activity, or allowable non-storm water are prohibited. Contractors that violate this prohibition are subject to being debarred from future contracts with the University.
- University employees who knowingly or negligently violate this prohibition are subject to progressive discipline up to and including dismissal under the University employee disciplinary procedures.
- Accident prevention. The University is committed to:
- Working to prevent or mitigate human or economic losses arising from accidents and adverse occupational exposures;
- Encouraging employees to take an active role in their own safety and health and the safety and health of those around them;
- Fostering openness and dialogue between employees, supervisors, administrators, and other members of the University community as a whole to facilitate a cooperative effort in the prevention of workplace injuries; and encouraging employees to timely report incidents and accidents.
- Pollution prevention. The University is committed to:
- Identifying and implementing the best pollution prevention opportunities;
- Reducing waste and the consumption of resources (materials, fuel, and energy);
- Pursuing opportunities for reuse, recovery, and recycling, as opposed to disposal; and
- Minimizing significant adverse environmental impacts in its operations, through the use of integrated environmental management procedures and planning, and through encouragement and involvement of the University community.
- Continual improvement. The University is committed to continue to improve its policies, programs, and environmental and safety performance, taking into account regulatory changes, technical developments and scientific understanding, the University's needs, and community expectations.