15.6 Reporting Property or Liability Losses
(Amended 2/11; 7/18)
- Property losses. All property losses should be reported to the Department of Risk Management, Insurance, and Loss Prevention, 202 Plaza Centre One, https://uiowa.edu/riskmanagement/, as soon as possible; however, property losses in excess of $5,000 must be reported to Risk Management within twenty-four hours, in accordance with loss procedures detailed in the Board of Regents Policy Manual 2.2.7.
- Property losses involving criminal activity. Property losses involving criminal activity should be reported immediately to the University of Iowa Police, 808 University Capitol Centre, https://police.uiowa.edu, or appropriate police authorities.
- Motor vehicle accidents/losses. See V-15.3 Auto Insurance.
- Liability losses. Incidents involving personal injury or property damage to students or members of the general public (non-employees) should be reported immediately to the University of Iowa Police Department.