5.8 Other Policies Governing Externally Sponsored Activities
For additional internal and external policies and procedures governing externally sponsored activities, see the following websites:
Division of Sponsored Programs policies and procedures: https://dsp.research.uiowa.edu/policies-and-procedures
Grant Accounting Office policies and procedures: https://gao.fo.uiowa.edu/policies-procedures
Office of the Vice President for Research policies and compliance: https://research.uiowa.edu/researchers/policies-and-compliance
Research Administration Handbook: https://dsp.research.uiowa.edu/rah/research-administration-handbook
Researcher Handbook: https://researcherhandbook.research.uiowa.edu
University of Iowa Research Foundation: https://uirf.research.uiowa.edu
Additional information may be obtained through the Division of Sponsored Programs (100 Gilmore Hall) and the Grant Accounting Office (118 South Clinton Street).
(See also V-1.2.)