5.6 Gifts and Grants
(Amended 3/10; 10/10; 4/13)
- Proposals for grants or other awards to support UI faculty, staff, and student research must be processed through the appropriate University administrative offices and forwarded to the University's Division of Sponsored Programs. If the proposal is directed to a corporate and foundation sponsor that has designated the University of Iowa Center for Advancement to officially request/accept the funds, DSP will forward the proposal to the UI Center for Advancement for submission to the sponsor after required University approvals have been obtained. In general, proposals that would be funded by a contract or any form of agreement having specific conditions for performance, such as pharmaceutical clinical trials, should not be forwarded by the UI Center for Advancement or designate that the UI Center for Advancement receive the funding.
- The University of Iowa Center for Advancement, the preferred channel for private gifts to The University of Iowa, may accept grants and grant agreements on behalf of The University of Iowa. The funds that the UI Center for Advancement receives for sponsored research will be transferred to University accounts on a timely basis as they are needed for use by the University faculty, staff, and students conducting the sponsored activities. Such funds are not to be expended directly from UI Center for Advancement accounts, but rather must pass through University accounts. The University, and not the UI Center for Advancement, will be responsible for accounting for and reporting on the expenditure of these funds, providing technical and other required reports to the sponsor, and adhering to all other terms and conditions of the award. Prior to their acceptance by the UI Center for Advancement, all such awards including copies of letters of transmittal or agreement shall be reviewed by the Division of Sponsored Programs to determine their acceptability by the University.
- Gifts and grants not requested through an application process. The checks for gifts and grants received directly by University units, together with the correspondence or copies of correspondence relating to the specific purposes or conditions of usage for the gift or grant, are forwarded to the Grant Accounting Office (gifts) or the Division of Sponsored Programs (grants). This provides information for establishing grant account numbers and administering the gift or grant according to the wishes of the donor. Checks that are not considered true gifts should not be deposited in gift accounts. Examples may include income received from miscellaneous sales and services that are more appropriately associated with other organized activities being conducted in University departments.
For additional information on external funding procedures, please see the Guidelines for Defining, Requesting, and Receiving Gifts and Sponsored Project Funding available through the Division of Sponsored Programs website at https://dsp.research.uiowa.edu/new-guidelines-distinguishing-gifts-and-sponsored-project-funding.