34.4 Steps in Planning, Designing, and Constructing Improvement Projects

(Amended 8/7/20)


Capital projects require initiation through Campus Planning and Development into the Campus Development Plan. Once a capital project is approved by Campus Planning and Development, an online requisition system is required to be utilized at https://www.facilities.uiowa.edu/pdc/project-info.asp for the project to continue. After initiation, the process is managed by Facilities Management Design and Construction to assure conformance to Board of Regents and state requirements and to provide design and construction quality assurance.

The following is a description of the major steps in planning, designing, and constructing capital improvement projects as required by the Board of Regents Policy Manual 2.3.

  1. Project scope and funding source. For non-UIHC projects exceeding $1 million, establish the project scope and description and identify the funding source by completing the Capital Project Proposal Application.
  2. Retention of professional design assistance. Facilities Management Design and Construction shall administer the process for retaining architects, engineers and other design professionals as per the Board of Regents policy on all capital improvement projects,  including the retention of professional design assistance required for studies, in support of the campus planning process. 
  3. Construction documents and project budget. Drawings and specifications are prepared by the Design Professional or by the University's Project Manager in consultation with the users of the facility and appropriate administrative personnel. The schematic design is reviewed and approved by appropriate administrative personnel. Alterations to the campus under the review authority of the Campus Planning Committee are referred to that committee for advice and comment. The site selection, schematic design, project budget and source of funds, and other details as appropriate are submitted to either the University Business Manager or the Regents for approval or revision, depending on the established Regents’ policy thresholds.
  4. Construction documents. Upon receipt of administrative and/or Regent approval of the schematic design and budget, the University's Project Manager is authorized to proceed with the further development of the drawings and specifications. The final drawings and specifications become part of the contract between the project contractor and University and describe what the contractor is to build for the University. The review and approval of other agencies, such as the state building code commissioner, are also obtained as required.
  5. Advertisement for bids. The project is advertised by the University on its website, and bids are received from contractors according to Regent policy and state law. Bids are opened and the University or the Board of Regents awards the contract, depending on the established Regents’ policy thresholds.
  6. Construction. Facilities Management Design and Construction of the University, or its representative, oversees the construction of the project. At the completion of construction, the project is accepted by the University, reported to the Board of Regents, and released to the user for occupancy or use.