Chapter 42 – The Naming of Facilities and Programs

(President 5/83; amended 9/93; 1/08; 2/09; 5/17)

42.1 Naming Proposals

Proposals for the naming of Academic Units (colleges, schools, centers, institutes, departments, laboratories, and major academic or program units), and Major Facility Units (entire buildings, wings of buildings, colleges, programs, and large sections of the campus) should be forwarded through the appropriate collegiate deans'/directors' offices to the appropriate vice president for recommendation of approval. Once the naming is conceptually approved, the dean/director or  vice president will then submit a written proposal to the Joint Development Committee (JDC) (see V-42.3 below), for review and recommendation to the President. Time is of the essence in many major-gift negotiations, and these guidelines are not intended to impede that process. When the necessary approvals must be expedited, a conference call among University and UI Center for Advancement leadership can achieve the intended purpose, as long as that conversation and resulting decisions are documented and filed with the JDC. 

Proposals for the naming of Minor Facility Units (e.g., rooms, classrooms, faculty offices, self-enclosed laboratories, small conference rooms, study carrels, open spaces, structures, physical features, etc.) should be forwarded through the appropriate collegiate deans'/directors' offices to the appropriate vice president and then to the Executive Vice President and Provost and to the Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations for their review and approval. No review by the JDC is required for the naming of Minor Facility Units unless the naming proposal is a controversial naming, involves a corporate naming, or involves a potential conflict of interest.

42.2 Review by Campus Planning Committee

In the case of the naming of Major Facility Units, after Joint Development Committee review of the opportunity for naming and the appropriate gift minimum required for any such naming, the President forwards the proposed name to the Campus Planning Committee (CPC) for review of the name selection, including whether the proposed name will cause confusion and whether the name is consistent with the building's function. Subsequent to the review by the CPC, the President forwards the proposed Major Facility Unit name to the Board of Regents for approval.

As a charter committee, the CPC includes faculty and staff members. It is important that those constituencies have the opportunity to weigh the implications of any recommendation before advising the President.

42.3 Joint Development Committee (JDC)

The Joint Development Committee (JDC) consists of the Executive Vice President and Provost, the Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations, the Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel, and the University of Iowa Center for Advancement president and ther leadership team. The JDC advises the President regarding fundraising activities and strategic development priorities, including potential named gift recognition opportunities. See the JDC charter at

(See also V-42.4a below.)

42.4 Additional Resources

The following should be consulted in the naming of Academic Units, Major Facility Units, and Minor Facility Units:

  1. Office of the President, "Joint Development Committee Guidelines on Naming Opportunities and Gift Minimums"
  2. Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, "Guidelines for Named Faculty Positions at the University of Iowa" and  "Recognizing Donors and Faculty for Named, Endowed Chairs or Professorships"
  3. Board of Regents Policy Manual 2.3.16: "Naming"
  4. University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, "Naming UIHC Facilities" (Policy and Procedure Manual, LD-GI-04.25)