12.9 Reporting Loss, Theft, or Destruction of Property
(Amended 2/11; 7/18)
- University property: Any University property, including items of equipment, supplies, foodstuffs, etc., stolen or otherwise missing must be reported to the University of Iowa Police Department, https://police.uiowa.edu, at the time it is discovered missing. A police officer will assist the department in filing a police report. Within 24 hours these losses also should be reported to the Department of Risk Management, Insurance, and Loss Prevention, https://uiowa.edu/riskmanagement/. If the equipment was valued over $5,000, an equipment deductions form must be submitted to Capital Assets Management when it is determined the asset will not be found or returned (typically 60 days from date of loss).
- Federal property: If the property was purchased with federal grant funds, then, in addition to the reporting requirements in paragraph a above, written notification must also be made to the Grant Accounting Office so that the incident can be reported to the applicable federal agency.
(See also V-20 Lost or Stolen Property.)