12.4 Equipment Screening and Purchase
In order to maximize University resources, departments are asked to avoid the purchase of items of scientific equipment that are currently accessible, available, and suitable for sharing. An item of scientific equipment would not be considered suitable for sharing if the nature of the scientific problems being addressed and/or the time schedules indicated in the scope of work under a sponsored project require the dedicated use of the equipment item throughout the life of the project. The University's equipment inventory system contains information on the make, model number, location, and custodian of scientific equipment that may be searched for a needed item of scientific equipment deemed suitable for sharing.
Departments and colleges submitting applications for external project funding that contain equipment requests are asked to certify that, to the best of their knowledge, no comparable piece of equipment is available for use in conducting the proposed project activities. A similar statement appears on equipment requisitions that are forwarded to Purchasing for approval and processing. Departmental and/or collegiate approval of an equipment requisition is deemed evidence that appropriate measures have been taken to assure the purchase is necessary and that the funds for the purchase are appropriate. (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Department of Defense agencies may require that equipment costing in excess of $5,000 go through an agency screening process prior to purchase. Departments acquiring equipment under agreements with these agencies should contact the Grant Accounting Office for instructions.)
All equipment purchased by the University for the conduct of activities related to its mission must follow the procurement policies and procedures outlined in the Purchasing Policy and Procedure Guide.