16.8 Damage Assessment and Recovery
(Amended 9/20/24)
- Departmental notification. Campus Safety shall be responsible for securing the incident site and notifying the appropriate designated representatives (or alternate in designees' absence) to initiate the assessment and recovery process, when applicable.
To the extent that hazardous materials or chemicals are involved, Campus Safety shall notify the appropriate department. All emergency clean-up and recovery activities shall be subject to instructions of Environmental Compliance and/or Environmental Health and Safety in accordance with the requirements of public authorities. - Facilities Management responsibilities. To the extent that damage is minimal and relocation of activities is not required, Facilities Management shall be responsible for all site clean-up, debris removal, and emergency or minor repairs. In the event that major remodeling or rebuilding is necessary, Facilities Management shall be responsible for preparation of plans, specifications, or cost estimates for building remodeling, and equipment repair/replacement.
- Property loss reporting requirements. Preliminary reports regarding the cause of the loss, the extent of damage, and the plans for recovery and relocation shall be provided to the University Business Manager by the Chief Risk Officer within 24 hours, in accordance with V-15 Risk Management, Insurance, and Loss Prevention.
All losses shall be reported by the Department of Risk Management, Insurance, and Loss Prevention to the Office of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa.