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3.1 Deposit of Gift and Non-Gift Funds
- Funds in the form of checks made out to The University of Iowa or any of its colleges or departments, or made payable for University activities or to University employees for work undertaken in the course of their employment shall be deposited in University accounts, and may only be transferred to an allied organization where 1) documentation evidences an intent on the part of the signer of the check to make a payment to the allied organization; and 2) where such transfer is in accordance with the policies and practices of the allied organization. Gifts to the allied organization in the form of checks should be made payable directly to that organization or to its specific gift accounts (e.g., Hawkeye Horizons Fund). Creation of an allied organization non-gift fund account requires the approval of a dean's or vice president's office.
- Faculty members and staff receiving honorariums for speaking or other academic activities may donate honorariums to a University allied organization, or to The University of Iowa subject to the understanding that the honorarium is income to the employee and its transfer to the University or allied organization is a charitable donation.
- Funds from external sources which are intended to support sponsored research at The University of Iowa, and for which data, reports, or conclusions will be made available to the entity providing the funds or where reporting is required by the entity providing the funds, or where reporting is required by federal regulations, shall be forwarded to the Division of Sponsored Programs for its review and deposit determination.