35.6 Use of Campus Outdoor Areas and Prohibitions in Use of Outdoor Areas
(President 3/15/21)
- Use(s) by the campus community. For purposes of this section, the campus community is defined as students, administrators, faculty, staff, and guests invited to the University by students, administrators, faculty, or staff.
- Applications for use of outdoor areas for a purpose beyond the scope of regularly assigned use are submitted as provided below. Only the campus community is permitted to use University facilities for these scheduled uses. The Vice President for Student Life (or designee) reviews, schedules, approves, and denies outdoor space requests and applications.
- Reservation applications. Members or invited guests of the campus community may seek to reserve an outdoor campus area for use by submitting to IMU Event Services a written application specifying the area desired, properly signed by a campus community member or an authorized representative of the group.
- Applications must be submitted at least one week in advance of intended use to provide time for all necessary arrangements.
- There is no charge for the use of the area unless special expenses or damages are incurred which are charged to the group at actual cost.
- IMU Event Services grants timely and reasonable applications in the order received and denies any application that does not conform with University regulations, these rules, or the law.
- In reviewing an application, IMU Event Services considers whether the intended use may disturb or disrupt the University’s primary use of the facilities or regularly scheduled University programs, events, or activities in the areas.
- No application may be denied for any reason that would deny constitutionally protected rights of freedom of speech, expression, or assembly.
- An application may be resubmitted for reconsideration after revision based on feedback from the University Event Committee and/or to better align with University policies and procedures regarding use of outdoor space.
- Approval process. Members of the campus community may tentatively reserve space for a potential event prior to the event’s approval by the University Events Committee. The approval process is outlined in the University Events Committee Policies and Processes. In addition to submitting a request form, the applicant may be required to appear before the University Events Committee. The University Events Committee will communicate with other campus partners (e.g., building coordinators) about the potential use of certain spaces based on the type of event prior to approval being granted. Final approval will be communicated to applicants electronically.
- Casual use. Any person may use outdoor areas for any casual and reasonable use at reasonable times. "Casual use" means any spontaneous and unorganized use for which there is no prior promotion, solicitation, or purposeful attempt to attract or solicit the public in the course of such use. Casual users shall not:
- Interfere with the use of outdoor spaces by authorized members of the campus community;
- Unreasonably disturb or disrupt persons in adjacent buildings;
- Damage or destroy any property, including the grass or shrubbery, nor cause any litter or other nuisance; and
- Use any electronic sound amplification systems or equipment.
- Prohibited and limited outdoor activities. The following activities are prohibited or limited within outdoor campus areas.
- Camping. Camping is prohibited in all outdoor locations, unless supported and approved through a University-wide initiative or specifically related to the academic mission of the institution and approved by the University Events Committee. Camping is only allowed, if approved, in Hubbard Park and no other outdoor space location(s).
- Structures. No tent, hut, platform, vehicle, or similar object or structure shall be placed or erected in reserved outdoor space locations unless supported and approved through a University-wide initiative or specifically related to the academic mission of the institution. Tables (with chairs) are the only allowed equipment or structures to be used in outdoor space locations, with the exception of Hubbard Park as described below, as approved by the University Events Committee in connection with an authorized group event or activity. Hubbard Park allows for structures and equipment, such as tents, tables, huts, kiosks, booths, vehicles, or similar structures, to be used only as approved by the University Events Committee in connection with an authorized group event or activity.
- Signs and banners. Registered student organizations and UI departments may use A-frame signs (sandwich boards) in the following locations, provided that accessibility is maintained between any affected sidewalk and/or street:
- The T. Anne Cleary Walkway;
- The southeast corner of the sidewalk adjacent to the IMU, near the intersection of West Jefferson and North Madison Streets; and
- The sidewalk entrance to North Library Plaza, north of the Main Library and south of Becker Communication Studies Building, near the intersection of West Washington and South Madison Streets.
No other sign (including yard sign), banner, balloon, slogan, symbol, display, or other similar device may be painted, affixed, erected, or installed on the campus except as expressly approved by the University Events Committee or in conjunction with a University-wide initiative or if specifically related to the academic mission of the institution. This prohibition does not apply to the distribution of leaflets to individuals or to the carrying of picket signs or placards by individuals, provided such activities are conducted in a legal manner. Outdoor campus signage must comply with the campus brand manual. See II-20 University Brand Policy.
- Balloon and/or lantern release. Because of shared airspace with UIHC Life Flight, the release of balloons, lanterns, or similar objects is not allowed on the University of Iowa campus.
- Use of drones or uncrewed aerial systems. The use of drones or “uncrewed aerial systems” is strictly prohibited on campus property, except as expressly approved by the Campus Drone Committee pursuant to the University Drone Policy. on the Risk Management web page.
- Food trucks and carts. Food trucks operate on the University of Iowa campus only at the invitation of a department or registered student organization. Food trucks will operate on campus only after signing a standard contract managed by University Purchasing. For information, visit the Food Trucks web page via Purchasing, Accounts Payable, and Travel.
- Exterior illumination and facility lighting. All illumination and facility lighting shall be determined by the University Events Committee.
- Chalking. Chalking of sidewalks is a means of expression. It may be used in many ways, including to announce programs, promote events, exchange opinions, share messages, and otherwise express ideas. This policy is designed to permit sidewalk chalking while also advancing important university interests, including but not limited to ensuring campus safety, safeguarding entrances and exits to and from university facilities, protecting University property and facilities, and maintaining the aesthetic appeal of campus. Policy related to chalking applies to all University students, staff, faculty, affiliates, invited guests, and visitors. Chalking on campus sidewalks is permitted subject to the viewpoint-neutral time, place, and manner restrictions detailed below.
- Chalking is limited to: the use of water-soluble chalk (sidewalk chalk). The use of markers, paints, oil-based products, nonsoluble products, and spray chalks is prohibited.
- Chalking is permitted only on: horizontal (flat) sidewalks that are open to the elements (i.e., sidewalk that is not covered by a roof or overhang).
- Chalking is prohibited on all vertical surfaces and all non-sidewalk surfaces, both inside and outside, including benches, buildings, bus stops, bridges, columns, fountains, monuments, newsstands, overhangs, planters, poles, roads, rocks, signs, statues, stairs/steps, trash receptacles, trees, walls, and windows.
- Chalking is not allowed in any of the following areas (see Iowa Code Chapter 261H.1(4)), as depicted in this
campus chalking map:
- areas outside health care facilities, including stand-alone facilities and mixed-use facilities that are embedded within another facility;
- veterinary medicine facilities;
- any facility or outdoor area used by the University’s athletics program or teams, including the following: all athletic and multi-use facilities (Duane Banks Field [baseball], Ashton Cross Country Course, Grant Field [field hockey], Pearl Field [softball], Kenyon Football Practice Facility, Kretzmeyer Track, Carver-Hawkeye Arena, Finkbine Golf Course, Recreation Building, Indoor Practice Facility, Field House, Campus Recreation and Wellness Center, Hawkeye Tennis and Recreation Center, and other outdoor and indoor practice facilities and playing fields); and
- any other outdoor areas where access is restricted to a majority of the campus community.
- Overwriting, erasing, defacing, or altering existing chalking is prohibited by anyone other than the person or organization who did the chalking, except that University facility and grounds personnel will clean and wash sidewalks, plazas, and other outdoor areas in the course of their usual and ordinary campus maintenance activities.
- Chalking that violates any federal or state law or any other University of Iowa policy is prohibited.
- Commercial solicitation, advertising and sales, including through chalking, are not permitted on campus except as explicitly permitted by IAC (681)13.15.
- Outdoor locations. The use of specific outdoor campus locations listed below is subject to all the application and use requirements and restrictions stated above, as well as the additional viewpoint-neutral restrictions described within the polices and guidelines of the University Events Committee.
- Pentacrest. Area of the campus bounded by Clinton Street on the east, Washington Street on the south, Madison Street on the west, and Jefferson Street on the north, and on which are located the Old Capitol, Macbride Hall, Schaeffer Hall, MacLean Hall, and Jessup Hall. The Pentacrest forms the core of the central campus, and the buildings thereon contain classrooms, laboratories, and faculty and administrative offices. The Old Capitol is a state historical monument.
- Kautz Plaza. Elevated concrete area north of Jefferson Street and south of Market Street, bounded by Calvin Hall to the South, Iowa Memorial Union Parking Ramp to the west, Trowbridge Hall to the north, with T. Anne Cleary Walkway (formerly North Capitol Street), Pappajohn Business Administration Building, and Gilmore Hall to the east. The T. Anne Cleary Walkway is not deemed a part of the plaza, for purposes of this policy.
- T. Anne Cleary Walkway. The walkway is located to the east of Calvin Hall, Kautz Plaza, Trowbridge Hall, and the Chemistry Building and to the west of Gilmore Hall, Pappajohn Business Building, Pomerantz Center, and Belin-Blank Center. The T. Anne Cleary Walkway is intersected by Market Street.
- Gibson Square Park. Gibson Square Park is the green space located on the northeast corner of Burlington and Madison Streets, south of the Main Library and to the north of the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center.
- North Library Plaza: North Library Plaza is the space located to the west of Madison Street bounded by the Main Library to the south, Becker Communication Studies Building and Adler Journalism and Mass Communication Building to the north, and the CRANDIC bridge to the west.
- Hubbard Park. Hubbard Park is the green space west of Madison Street and north of Iowa Avenue. The space is bounded by the railroad tracks and the Iowa River on the west, the Iowa Memorial Union driveway to the north, Madison Street to the east, and Iowa Avenue to the south. Danforth Chapel is not deemed a part of the park.
- End of event. Events must end at the agreed time approved by the University Events Committee. If the event does not end at the specified time, the group will receive a written warning for the first infraction. This reprimand will state that further infractions may result in prohibition of outdoor space reservation privileges for increasing durations according to the frequency and severity of the infractions.
- Appeals. University Event Committee decisions may be appealed to the Associate Dean of Students and Executive Director of the Iowa Memorial Union by filing a written notice of appeal within 10 University business days following the receipt of the decision.
- Grounds for appeal. Appeals may be submitted by addressing one or more of the following grounds:
- The decision was unsupported by current University policies and procedures pertaining to outdoor space reservations.
- The decision denies constitutionally protected rights of freedom of speech and/or assembly.
- Decision on appeal. On appeal, the decision may be denied or granted by the Associate Dean of Students and Executive Director of the Iowa Memorial Union. The Associate Dean of Students and Executive Director of the Iowa Memorial Union will respond in writing (or by email) to the appealing parties within 10 business days. The notice of appeal and response will be kept on file in the Office of the Dean of Students. The decision constitutes the final institutional action on the matter.
- Grounds for appeal. Appeals may be submitted by addressing one or more of the following grounds: