35.4 Reassignment of Space for Primary Use
(Presidet 3/15/21)
- Reductions in personnel, teaching, research, or service loads may result in the reassignment of space assigned to the unit. The following conditions will prompt a space assignment analysis, which may direct the reversion of space to University administration for reassignment:
- the absence of authorization to replace vacated personnel lines, to include faculty, graduate assistants, and staff;
- the relocation of a unit to different space;
- the loss of sponsored research support that results in a reduction of personnel supported by the research grant (the space which would continue to be assigned will be determined using an appropriate level of facility support per faculty member by discipline);
- the loss of students enrolled in courses for which space is assigned to the unit, such as teaching laboratories or special classrooms; and
- the phasing out of educational, research, or support programs, or adjustments made as the result of strategic planning.
- Space which reverts for reassignment will be used to meet the emerging needs of the institution, including those of the unit initially losing the space, consistent with University strategic planning priorities. Under some circumstances, space which would normally revert may remain under the temporary use of the occupying unit pending subsequent reassignment to other units.